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Thread: DNP Sides

  1. #1
    Angelis's Avatar
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    Exclamation DNP Sides

    Hey bros I think I finally figured out the DNP thing... its not the sweating that wakes you up in the middle of the night (although that might a contributing factor) its your heart rate that wakes your up (I think). I know heart rate is supposed to increase and ive gotten used to a higher HR and the whole heavier breathing... but when ur sleeping and you wake up sh*t its freeky, I was outta my mind couldnt think straight... thought I was about to become another DNP statistic (DEAD) my heart was going like a 100miles and hour for some reason. It happened the last 2 nights now and its only dose 13 (2x200mg/day), still 19 days left...well with some breaks in it of course. The good news is the weight is lookin better and I hardly ever feel hot (its -35c outside ) although there are those heat spikes when I feel like a stove!

    So anyone else feel this, never heard of it in other journals... well not the ones I read. Dont feel like stopping im seeing good results (mirror wise anyway, my scale is non-existant (long Story))

  2. #2
    Jackman's Avatar
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    just got off my cycle and that never happened to me. heart rate was always the same when not moving but when i would be walking up stairs i could barley breat towards the end. i could never fall asleep and still having trouble! hell its 6am and i got a final in 5 hours

  3. #3
    GetinBig's Avatar
    GetinBig is offline Anabolic Member
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    My heart don't beat fast. I really don't even get night sweats. But during the day I sweat like a bastard. My forehead will bead up for no reason.

    But like jackman says I can hardly breath when trying to do cardio.
    Last edited by getinbig; 12-22-2004 at 04:55 PM.

  4. #4
    Scooby1 is offline Member
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    Yeah- this are my sides:

    increased HR
    sweeting all day and night!
    heavy breathing
    Mild flu syptoms
    easily aggrivated(due to dieting I think)
    some acne(due to sweating and waering a hat all day)

    *hope this helps anyone that is wondering about sides.

  5. #5
    Angelis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scooby122884
    Yeah- this are my sides:

    increased HR
    sweeting all day and night!
    heavy breathing
    Mild flu syptoms
    easily aggrivated(due to dieting I think)
    some acne(due to sweating and waering a hat all day)

    *hope this helps anyone that is wondering about sides.
    Same here:

    -I got a hell of allot of bloating I cant fit in 32 right now I usually have quite a bit of room in them.
    -I got the increased HR during the day, but the freeky thing is when I wake up at night my heart is going crazy and I dont mean normal DNP crazy.
    -Sweating is kinda expected but its -35c outside so im good.
    -Hell of allot of heavy breating especially when doing stairs or strenuous work.
    -No flu symptoms... well some nausiousness (?Spelling) and some indegestion when I dont eat after a dose.
    -easily aggrevated in morning when waking up (im not that way usually) otherwise cheerful.
    -Well Acne no telling there I had a quite a bit of Acne before.


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