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  1. #1
    PRAMANIS's Avatar
    PRAMANIS is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation high liver value from methyl 1-test xtreme

    I had a blood test done by my doctor on Friday 10/22/04 for colesterol and liver values and he called me today on Sunday to tell me my liver enzymes are at 284 and he said 61 is the high point. Good news is my colesterol is only 132. I took IDS Methly 1-Testosterone Xtreme for 3 weeks from 9/24/04 to 10/15/04 taking 2 10mg pills ED. I also was taking creatine and NP2 (nitric oxide). I have not taken any type of tylenol or ibprofren. I don't really drink alcohol that much and have not in at least a month or two. My doctor wants me to come back for more test and to get an MRI of my liver. I know Methl 1-Test is liver toxic, but should my enzyme values be so high and what can I do to get them back down asap?

  2. #2
    Tahq is offline Junior Member
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    Yes, M1T will jack up your liver values. Try taking some milk thistle to help and no drinking for a bit. Liver values should improve as the M1T clears your system and I believe will take a few weeks to work back towards normal, although everyone is different.

    Do you mind posting your cholesterol break down between your HDL and LDL as I think M1T is also pretty harsh on good cholesteral figures.

  3. #3
    Peanut Butter's Avatar
    Peanut Butter is offline Associate Member
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    Well have you ever had your liver values checked before? Can you say for sure they weren't elevated before? Maybe not that high, but there may be a pre-existing condition because I was on Dbol , Test, and Winstrol and had my liver values done and they weren't close to that high.

  4. #4
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    i had run m1t for eight wks striaght w/o no elevated liver enzymes. didnt bother at the time to get the breakdown of hdl/ldl, but my levels have usually been alright. i could only handle 10mg though

  5. #5
    wiz is offline Junior Member
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    I just got mine check on 10-15 and everything turned out pretty normal. Im taking 10mg ED. But holy sh*t is that high or what.

  6. #6
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    super hi... dangerous bro

  7. #7
    PRAMANIS's Avatar
    PRAMANIS is offline Junior Member
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    He said my bad cholesterol is 132 and my good colesterol was low, but he didn't give me the number. I'm going to follow through with more test to make sure i'm ok. He wanted to test me for Hepatitis but i'm sure I don't have it since I never got a tatoo or even given blood before. I know someone with Hepatitis and his enzyme values are in the millions! When I get all the numbers I'll post them.

  8. #8
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    suma root will regenerate your liver. you can find it at GNC 2 grams a day

  9. #9
    PRAMANIS's Avatar
    PRAMANIS is offline Junior Member
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    AST = 76 SHOULD BE 2-50
    ALT = 248 SHOULD BE 2-60
    HDL = 26 SHOULD BE > OR = TO 40
    LDL = 132 SHOULD BE < 130

    I had another test today and I will post the results when I get them.

  10. #10
    cb25's Avatar
    cb25 is offline Banned
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    yea, i'd say it's the m1t...did you mention to your doctor that you're on it?

    would probably help him.

  11. #11
    Peanut Butter's Avatar
    Peanut Butter is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRAMANIS
    AST = 76 SHOULD BE 2-50
    ALT = 248 SHOULD BE 2-60
    HDL = 26 SHOULD BE > OR = TO 40
    LDL = 132 SHOULD BE < 130

    I had another test today and I will post the results when I get them.
    The AST isn't bad until its double the max.
    The ALT looks bad, very high, might go down after M1T cycle.
    HDL is horrible, you need more fats in your diet, good ones like Olive Oil, Peanut Butter, Flax Oil, along with more Niacin and if you smoke you need to quit. Thise 3 things will raise your HDL levels.
    LDL is a little high, raising your HDL will lower your LDL because HDL takes LDL out of your system.

  12. #12
    PRAMANIS's Avatar
    PRAMANIS is offline Junior Member
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    Thumbs up

    I had an MRI and everything was normal. I had another blood test on 12/23/04 and all my values are back to normal. It is obvious that it takes @ 2 months for liver enzyme values to go back to normal after 20mg ED for 4 weeks. I hope this experiance helps answer any questions that someone might have if they are going through similar trouble. If you have any questions about what I went through....PM me!!

  13. #13
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRAMANIS
    I had a blood test done by my doctor on Friday 10/22/04 for colesterol and liver values and he called me today on Sunday to tell me my liver enzymes are at 284 and he said 61 is the high point. Good news is my colesterol is only 132. I took IDS Methly 1-Testosterone Xtreme for 3 weeks from 9/24/04 to 10/15/04 taking 2 10mg pills ED. I also was taking creatine and NP2 (nitric oxide). I have not taken any type of tylenol or ibprofren. I don't really drink alcohol that much and have not in at least a month or two. My doctor wants me to come back for more test and to get an MRI of my liver. I know Methl 1-Test is liver toxic, but should my enzyme values be so high and what can I do to get them back down asap?
    to get ur liver values down asap hmmm u might wanna stop using m1t since thts what caused it

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