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  1. #1
    1luv's Avatar
    1luv is offline Associate Member
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    clen question...lethargy?

    hey bros...after my last cycle i ran clen to cut a lil and harden up...but i had a problem with being tired and lethargic all the time. I was lured by clens ability in some cases to add lean muscle mass and harden muscles, not only cutting fat. Is there another compound similar to this that would not make me so tired...possibly even increase energy and stamina. thanks bros.

  2. #2
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    clens ability in some cases to add lean muscle mass
    Doesn't happen in humans (the reasearch I've seen on this was done on chickens)

    I get really bad lethargy from clen too - never gonna use it again - I've started using T3 instead & it's great (especially with a spot of Var & Prop)

    ECA / ECY wont give you lethargy - gives me a pretty good buzz actually.

  3. #3
    UrbanLegend's Avatar
    UrbanLegend is offline Senior Member
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    Clen didn't make me feel lethargic; rather it made me feel as though everything was normal, and I had the amount of energy I always did despite being on a diet. Ephedrine stacks made me jittery, which I didn't always appreciate unless it was right before a workout.

    As was already suggested, ephedrine stacks will give you energy - whether you want it or not. But no beta agonists add muscle in humans in dosses that we coudl tolderate.

  4. #4
    Soldier of Misfortune's Avatar
    Soldier of Misfortune is offline Senior Member
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    I had the shakes like mad. I mixed clomid, nolva, clen all in one with soda to make it slightly ingestible. I felt super stoned all of a sudden several times throughout the day. My hands looked like tom hanks's from saving private ryan.

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