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  1. #1
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    Last couple of questions...??? Finasteride, HCG, VAR, etc....

    Here are my last couple of questions.


    What dose are you guys running Finasteride at for someone that is not prone to baldness but doesn't want to loose any hair? I was thinking 1mg a day.


    Also, I say swales recommendation about 500 IUs on Saturday and Sunday during a long cycle to prevent testicular atrophy. No HCG during PCT.


    Any benefit to run VAR at the end of cycle to harden up gains. I will be coming off with prop already.

    L-Dex (ANASTROZOLE) vs. Femara (LETROZOLE)

    What do you guys like better as an anti-aromatase...?

  2. #2
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    Any toxicity precautions with Finasteride...?

  3. #3
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hatchblack
    Here are my last couple of questions.


    What dose are you guys running Finasteride at for someone that is not prone to baldness but doesn't want to loose any hair? I was thinking 1mg a day.


    Also, I say swales recommendation about 500 IUs on Saturday and Sunday during a long cycle to prevent testicular atrophy. No HCG during PCT.


    Any benefit to run VAR at the end of cycle to harden up gains. I will be coming off with prop already.

    L-Dex (ANASTROZOLE) vs. Femara (LETROZOLE)

    What do you guys like better as an anti-aromatase...?
    nizaral shampoo is good for preventing hairloss
    no hcg for pct correct its used during cycle
    sure var will harden u up run it at least 8 weeks though @ 40mg or higher ed
    i like femara better i think it works better

  4. #4
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'd say 1 mg fin will prevent hairloss but will hamper gains....
    you know whats going on with the hcg
    when PPL say var hardens them they mean more like when your at 6% bodyfat and you get that hard look...Run var at least 8 weeks and I like 50-75mg myself it's very tame..
    I'd go l-dex femera does work better but is quite harsh on the body...

  5. #5
    Zennie is offline Junior Member
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    I just finished a deca only cycle with winny in the beginning and threw in vars @ 30mg ED one week before the last shot of deca. I did this for about 5-6 weeks, meaning 5 weeks past the last shot of deca. My strength went up by quite a bit. I am about 2 weeks off the vars now and my strength is still there.

    Basically, I think it is the best thing I have used at the end of the cycle. Doesn't suppress the HPTA as much as others but yet able to give huge increases in strength and hardness/vascularity. I will use it to end all my cycles, as long as I can afford it!

  6. #6
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zennie
    I just finished a deca only cycle with winny in the beginning and threw in vars @ 30mg ED one week before the last shot of deca. I did this for about 5-6 weeks, meaning 5 weeks past the last shot of deca. My strength went up by quite a bit. I am about 2 weeks off the vars now and my strength is still there.

    Basically, I think it is the best thing I have used at the end of the cycle. Doesn't suppress the HPTA as much as others but yet able to give huge increases in strength and hardness/vascularity. I will use it to end all my cycles, as long as I can afford it!
    ur cycle needs work

  7. #7
    Zennie is offline Junior Member
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    Needs work?

    Quote Originally Posted by juiceinthehood
    ur cycle needs work
    What do you mean by my cycle needs work? What if I told you that I gained more nett size and strength with this deca /winny and var cycle as compared to previous cycles with Sus as the base, stacked with tren , and another cycle was with Eq and dbols. (Yes, they were legit gear).

    Well, I wouldn't say I gained more but at least I kept more of my gains, without a lot of the sides. It is up to an individual how he or she responds. I managed to put an inch to my arms from this light cycle, bench increased by 50 lbs, so I am quite happy with the results.

    Bro, it is really up to how your body responds and up to you to experiment. You should know yourself best. If everything is carved in stone, ie. must use test in every cycle, then where's the fun in it?

  8. #8
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the advice. Var is not cheap from my source. Anybody got any bulk recommendations on VAR?

  9. #9
    eport is offline Associate Member
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    i would go with var i have just too many good things to say about it and is prob the most mildest on side you cant go wrong with var

  10. #10
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zennie
    What do you mean by my cycle needs work? What if I told you that I gained more nett size and strength with this deca /winny and var cycle as compared to previous cycles with Sus as the base, stacked with tren , and another cycle was with Eq and dbols. (Yes, they were legit gear).

    Well, I wouldn't say I gained more but at least I kept more of my gains, without a lot of the sides. It is up to an individual how he or she responds. I managed to put an inch to my arms from this light cycle, bench increased by 50 lbs, so I am quite happy with the results.

    Bro, it is really up to how your body responds and up to you to experiment. You should know yourself best. If everything is carved in stone, ie. must use test in every cycle, then where's the fun in it?
    thats great ur cycle still needs a test base so ur cycle needs work
    knowing what to take and how take it is what keeps u safe u need test bcuz while on cycle ur not producing any due to hpta shutdown so you need to make up for that with a test base

  11. #11
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    Anybody got any idea about how much the finasteride effects gains while on AAS....?

    Should I even bother with it if I don't really have MPD....?

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