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  1. #1
    NOC2006 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    St. Paul, Minnesota

    Question Mike, Mugs, The Iron Game, Original Jason... what do you think?

    i have posted before about using HGH and i was curious as to what you guys thought about the gear. I have researched it and I am being monitored by a physican and i was curious as to what the moderators thought of it. thanks guys.


  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    I am curious to know what your PHYSICIAN thinks of it....I am sorry but this is a personal pet peeve of mine - wester medicine practicers that tend to highly over diagnose with GH - personally I HATE the stuff - I dont recommend it to anyone - especially not those without experience on juice first - and have an intense understanding of the science of bodybuilding and chemical and hormonal supplementation - it's very dangerous and I disagree with it being used as much as I do with synthol etc etc - for myself anyway - I dont care what others do but seriously - I think it would be a dangerous mistake to consider GH at this point - you wouldnt believe how satisfied you would be with your gains off of a regular cycle bro

  3. #3
    The Iron Game Guest
    Test is Best and others just try and follow

    I would take insulin over gh any day, fewer sides, and no im not recommending you shoot slin

  4. #4
    CYCLEON Guest
    it really is some awesome stuff and im looking into using it more (since I can get it cheap). but it is not a newbie drug at all and its also better to be over 30yo to use it IMO

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