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  1. #1
    Cuttup's Avatar
    Cuttup is offline Senior Member
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    Dbol Now or Later with TEST E??????????

    Just started my Test E 500 mgs per week. Ive heard several say it doesnt matter when you take the dbol , beginning, middle or end of you cycle. Im going on it for 4 weeks. My question is since it takes the Test E 4 weeks to kick in is it best to take the dbol (30 mgs per day) in the begging of the cycle or should i begin the dbol lets say the 3rd week of the cycle, so the it will kick in exactly when the Test E begins to, thus giving me better results. If this is th ecase, my 2nd question is: Most cycles suggest doing the dbol the first 4weeks of a cycle. Is this to prevent lets stress on the liver since Test normally is just kicking end between 3-5 weeks.

  2. #2
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup
    Just started my Test E 500 mgs per week. Ive heard several say it doesnt matter when you take the dbol, beginning, middle or end of you cycle. Im going on it for 4 weeks. My question is since it takes the Test E 4 weeks to kick in is it best to take the dbol (30 mgs per day) in the begging of the cycle or should i begin the dbol lets say the 3rd week of the cycle, so the it will kick in exactly when the Test E begins to, thus giving me better results. If this is th ecase, my 2nd question is: Most cycles suggest doing the dbol the first 4weeks of a cycle. Is this to prevent lets stress on the liver since Test normally is just kicking end between 3-5 weeks.
    its to jump a longer esterd test.....instead of 4 weeks of dead air, you have the dbol

  3. #3
    BenC is offline Banned
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    You can take dbol all throughout the cycle. I would not recommend doing it for more than 8-10 weeks at 25mg/day stacked with Test E. Depending on the kind of dbol milk thistle would be a good idea.

  4. #4
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada Ehh...
    Quote Originally Posted by BenC
    You can take dbol all throughout the cycle. I would not recommend doing it for more than 8-10 weeks at 25mg/day stacked with Test E. Depending on the kind of dbol milk thistle would be a good idea.
    I think up to 10 weeks is way to long.
    use it for the firt 4 weeks while ya wait for the test
    when the test kick in it will help keep the gains from
    the d-bol

  5. #5
    BenC is offline Banned
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    If you use something like thai dbol than it's too long. Not if you use Naposim. I admit 10 weeks pushes it. I certainly can't go that long but 8 is ok with Naposim.

  6. #6
    odrorir's Avatar
    odrorir is offline Associate Member
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    Are you saying Dianabol by one company doesn't hurt your liver, but the other does? It is the same chemical! Liver damage is dose and physolgically determined, do not use it over 6 weeks unless you don't care about your liver. Or get bloodwork done every once in a while and see how long you go before your liver values get too high!

    Quote Originally Posted by BenC
    If you use something like thai dbol than it's too long. Not if you use Naposim. I admit 10 weeks pushes it. I certainly can't go that long but 8 is ok with Naposim.

  7. #7
    BenC is offline Banned
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    No I'm saying thai dbol is **** and Naposim is the cleanest you can buy. What good is making a chemical if it's not purified?

  8. #8
    BenC is offline Banned
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    I did am not implying that Naposim isn't toxic. I certainly don't take it however it is the cleanest of all dbols hands down.

  9. #9
    Cuttup's Avatar
    Cuttup is offline Senior Member
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    im taking British question is would weeks 4-8 be bette than 1-4 as far as gains and gains to keep or would weks 1-4 be better as its less stressful on your level since the TEST hasnt kicke din?

  10. #10
    Duckhombre is offline Associate Member
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    D-bol gians arn't very solid, so it's best to take early so you can solidify them. Test E causes suppression long before you get the full effect, so you don't want to waste that time, so fill it with D-bol. I feel if you take them at the end, you'll just lose all your gains.

  11. #11
    Cuttup's Avatar
    Cuttup is offline Senior Member
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    [QUOTE=Duckhombre]D-bol gians arn't very solid, so it's best to take early so you can solidify them. Test E causes suppression long before you get the full effect, so you don't want to waste that time, so fill it with D-bol. I feel if you take them at the end, you'll just lose all your gains.[/QUOT


  12. #12
    millionmillionaires's Avatar
    millionmillionaires is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BenC
    You can take dbol all throughout the cycle. I would not recommend doing it for more than 8-10 weeks at 25mg/day stacked with Test E. Depending on the kind of dbol milk thistle would be a good idea.
    Buddy do yourself a favor and take care of your liver. IMO time<4wks is the best plan of attack. I also personally feel that the beg. of your cycle is the best choice for d-bol. Some ppl already backed up my decision w/ legitimate reasons.

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