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  1. #1
    Testo^ is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004

    Clomid and alcohol

    Is it ok to drink alcohol when you use Clomid ?

  2. #2
    Testo^ is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004

  3. #3
    ace ventura is offline Member
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    Dec 2004
    I don't know about the combination clomid - alcohol but I would definitely not drink alcohol during PCT as it can supress natural test level. If you choose to drink at least don't get very drunk. It will elevate catabolic stress hormones in your body and make the PCT even harder. That's not what you want!

    Also alcohol increase the chance of getting sick, I'm sure you know that. But think about it, you don't want to risk spending time in bed instead of working out after a cycle, do you? I think the imune system is weaker after cycle too. You want to keep as much gains as you can while your hormones get in balance as fast as possible. This is what post cycle therapy is all about.

    Actually I often get depressed and I often get acne if I drink alcohol. I feel like alcohol makes big water/hormone imbalance in my body. So I quit almost two years ago even though I did enjoy it. I believe you're better off drinking bro. I'm sure there are plenty of guys that drink anyway and don't agree to my opinion. Besides alcohol affects us differently.
    Last edited by ace ventura; 01-22-2005 at 01:13 PM.

  4. #4
    Testo^ is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004
    Ahh, kk, but it wont ruin the cycle would it ? I was out drinking last night u see

  5. #5
    odrorir's Avatar
    odrorir is offline Associate Member
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    Once in a while will not kill you...
    Try not to drink though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Testo^
    Ahh, kk, but it wont ruin the cycle would it ? I was out drinking last night u see

  6. #6
    Testo^ is offline Associate Member
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  7. #7
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    One night wont hurt ya

  8. #8
    ace ventura is offline Member
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    Dec 2004
    One tip though.. Drink alot of water before and while you drink alcohol. Be sure you have eaten lots of food (less catabolic). I read somewhere that alcohol and tobacco (nicotine?) can reduce the effectiveness of clomid and nolva but I don't know if that's true or noticeable.

    I will say don't workout the day before, at least not the same day or the day after you have consumed a great amount of alcohol. I know that many guys pump up before the evening to feel better or to compensate the unhealthy **** but I think it can probably make it worse.

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