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  1. #1
    beefman35 is offline New Member
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    Cycle for gains without too much water

    weeks 1-6 ..sustanon 250
    weeks 3-8 ..equipoise (ganabol 50), 2ml/week
    weeks 6-10 ..deca 200, 2ml/week

    week 10 ..hcg 5000 eod
    nolva ed weeks 1-10
    clomid ed weeks 10-14

    Opinions please

    I have been on and off the gear for 10 years with mega cycles in the past but clean for the past 2.5 years

  2. #2
    Nickster#1's Avatar
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    Need to know basis.
    Quote Originally Posted by beefman35
    weeks 1-6 ..sustanon 250
    weeks 3-8 ..equipoise (ganabol 50), 2ml/week
    weeks 6-10 ..deca 200, 2ml/week

    week 10 ..hcg 5000 eod
    nolva ed weeks 1-10
    clomid ed weeks 10-14

    Opinions please

    I have been on and off the gear for 10 years with mega cycles in the past but clean for the past 2.5 years
    In my honest opinion, it looks to me like you dont have enough knowledge about using ASS. First of all, running sust for only 6 weeks is not going to do much at all for you. it takes 3 weeks for sust to really start doing its magic, same with equipose and deca. Im noy even going to try to tell you how to do a cycle because it is painfully obvious that you need to do a ton of research about every compound your thinking about doing. Sorry bro, but everything your thinking about doing is wrong............
    Last edited by Nickster#1; 01-27-2005 at 09:30 AM.

  3. #3
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by beefman35
    weeks 1-6 ..sustanon 250
    weeks 3-8 ..equipoise (ganabol 50), 2ml/week
    weeks 6-10 ..deca 200, 2ml/week

    week 10 ..hcg 5000 eod
    nolva ed weeks 1-10
    clomid ed weeks 10-14

    Opinions please

    I have been on and off the gear for 10 years with mega cycles in the past but clean for the past 2.5 years
    You need to read a lot more............ This cycle is a waste of time and your money.

    EQ should be ran no less then 12 weeks (the longer you run it the better the results)...... 10 weeks would be the shortest if needed to be. Also, 100mg of EQ is useless

    Deca isn't being ran long enough and you would want to keep the deca at a lower dose then the SUS that you're only running at 250mg /wk

    SUS should be injected EOD minimum and 250mg is very low 500mg is the minimum I would suggest.

    You are running way too much HCG for one week........... and on that cycle proposed it would not be needed. Also, you want to leave a week before PCT to HCG. HCG will hamper clomids ability to restore HPTA functions.

    The big problem also is that you are not runing test through the cycle either........

  4. #4
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    try this instead
    500 mg test cyp or enanthate per week 1-10
    10 mg nolvadex ed 1-16
    clomid 300/100/50 12-16

    if you want another compound i suggest deca at 400 mg/week from week 1-9. if you want you can frontload with a double dose the first week.. that will help it to kick in faster.

    also, if you run arimidex at .25 mg each day or femara at .75 mg each day, you should be able to keep the water off.
    Last edited by chrisAdams; 01-27-2005 at 10:20 AM.

  5. #5
    beefman35 is offline New Member
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    Right first of all thanks for your *kind* comments reference my AAS knowledge. You guys basically think very much the old fashioned ways of hardcore steroid taking. SUS every other day! Are we serious? Way too much dudes! Have you heard of the point of diminishing returns? I have done the hardcore stuff, got the t-shirt. I have done the enanthates, the dianabols and anapolons. Ended up putting on 50lbs of water, fat and yes a good deal of muscle.

    Secondly my post subject says 'without water' meaning I am trying to gain a reasonable amount of size without turning into a water balloon. I am 6'2", 252 lbs with 18% BF. I am going to diet down over the course of 9 months i.e. two stacks. Hence the first one is to make me gain muscle before I knuckle down to the hardcore dieting. I am susceptible to water retention and gain muscle easily too.

    I take on board the PCT suggestions but telling me that 1ml SUS a week is not enough is not what I was asking. I agree that EQ and Deca might be similar compounds in terms of muscle gains but the incur less water retention than Sus. more later go to go..
    Last edited by beefman35; 01-27-2005 at 02:19 PM.

  6. #6
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beefman35
    Right first of all thanks for your *kind* comments reference my AAS knowledge. You guys basically think very much the old fashioned ways of hardcore steroid taking. SUS every other day. Are we serious? Way too much dudes! Have you heard of the point of diminishing returns? I have the hardcore stuff got the t-shirt. I have done the enanthates, the dianabols and anapolons, Ended up putting on 50lbs of water, fat and yes a good deal of muscle.

    Secondly as my post says 'without water' meaning I am trying to gain a reasonable amount of size without turning into a water balloon. I am 6'2", 252 lbs with 18% BF. I am going to diet down over the course of 9 months i.e. two stacks. Hence the first one is to make me gain muscle before I knuckle down to the hardcore dieting. I am susceptible to water retention and gain muscle easily too.

    I take on board the PCT suggestions but telling me that 1ml SUS a week is not enough is not what I was asking. I agree that EQ and Deca might be similar compounds in terms of muscle gains but the incur less water retention than Sus. more later go to go..
    You have alot of research to do bro, these guys gave you solid advice all around, the cycle you suggested is just a plain and simple waste of time and money. If you want to run EQ and Deca then you'd also want to run Test E instead of sust to avoid EOD injections. If you don't inject EOD its like throwing away a huge % of that test because the shorter esters be gone by the next inject making for unstable hormone levels and increased sides.

    1-16: Test E 600mg /week (shot 2x a week)
    1-14: EQ 400mg /week (shot 2x a week)
    1-14: Deca 400mg /week (shot 2x a week)

    Or replace the Test E with sust and shoot EOD.

  7. #7
    beefman35 is offline New Member
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    'A dosage of 500 mg/week is completely sufficient for most, and can often be reduced to 250-mg/ week by combining Sustanon with an oral steroid . Sustanon is well tolerated as a basic steroid during treatment which stimulates the regeneration, gives the athlete a sufficient "kick" for intense train-ing units, and next to the already mentioned advantage-rapid strength increase and solid muscle gain distinguishes itself also by its compatibility. In order to gain mass fast Sustanon is often com-bined with Deca -Durabolin '

    ..from this website

    I appreciate your input very much gents don't get me wrong. As I have said I respond to AAS very well esp testosterones almost too weel in some cases which includes the water. Quality is more important at this juncture. Also some of the products you mention are not available in my country. Some items for consideration are: propionate 100, trenbolone 75, winstrol depot and masteron all of which really are for the cutting stack.

  8. #8
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    If you want quality just do Test and EQ, not much of what you've said really adds up. Ok you don't need much AAS to grow point taken, but that doesn't mean you should run a sloppy cycle. You are running EQ for 6 weeks, 100mg of EQ isn't even a woman's dose, let alone a man looking to gain some mass and the ester used in EQ won't even begin to release the hormone at an effective rate for 5 weeks - meaning you will have less than 1 week on 100mg of EQ in which no growth will take place as a result.

    Again 5 weeks of Deca , same thing, the ester used in Deca won't begin to release the hormone at an effective rate for 4 weeks, slightly sooner than EQ, so lets see 1 week of Deca and 1 week of EQ, 6 weeks of sust 250 and you aren't shooting EOD so more like 190mg...

    Its your money man...

  9. #9
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beefman35
    Right first of all thanks for your *kind* comments reference my AAS knowledge. You guys basically think very much the old fashioned ways of hardcore steroid taking. SUS every other day! Are we serious? Way too much dudes! Have you heard of the point of diminishing returns? I have done the hardcore stuff, got the t-shirt. I have done the enanthates, the dianabols and anapolons. Ended up putting on 50lbs of water, fat and yes a good deal of muscle.

    Secondly my post subject says 'without water' meaning I am trying to gain a reasonable amount of size without turning into a water balloon. I am 6'2", 252 lbs with 18% BF. I am going to diet down over the course of 9 months i.e. two stacks. Hence the first one is to make me gain muscle before I knuckle down to the hardcore dieting. I am susceptible to water retention and gain muscle easily too.

    I take on board the PCT suggestions but telling me that 1ml SUS a week is not enough is not what I was asking. I agree that EQ and Deca might be similar compounds in terms of muscle gains but the incur less water retention than Sus. more later go to go..
    People like you get on my last nerve........... You come on here asking for help and when you get it you act like the know it all god of AAS.

    That cycle you planned out sucked.............. If you want less bloat from AAS then you need to run drugs that will do this for you like prop, fina, EQ, winny.......... list goes on.............. Not SUS, Deca , and whatever else you might come up with to throw in there for a few short weeks.

    INstead of wasting everyone elses time just do the research yourself because it seems like you know it all.

  10. #10
    beefman35 is offline New Member
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    People like YOU get on my nerve Madman. I came here to discuss my stack OK? Does that mean that I can't offer any critisism in your answer? Aren't we meant to discuss anything? We are supposed to take the answer from whoever and say 'thank you' sorry for bothering you? Who is acting like god of AAS here? If you bother reading what I want from my stack is gains with minimum water. You 're gobbing off about prop, fina, winny that is for cutting or go take the high road with masses of sus, deca and EQ and such bollocks.

    Now I got that off my chest, I take on board as I said the PCT suggestiongs you have and Thank you for them. Now the sus has a long acting life and really kicks in on week 6 i know. but by then you have 1500mg going around your body. more later got to go....[]

    PS I work for a living and don't have loads of time to post on forums or do extensive scientific research I admit. But from 10 years of reading and taking gear, I have gained enough knowledge to question and enter a discussion. Isn't that what forums are for?
    Last edited by beefman35; 01-28-2005 at 02:41 AM.

  11. #11
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by beefman35
    PS I work for a living and don't have loads of time to post on forums or do extensive scientific research I admit. But from 10 years of reading and taking gear, I have gained enough knowledge to question and enter a discussion. Isn't that what forums are for?
    10 years of knowledge............ from what I have read from you it sure looks like you have none............. also, you know nothing about me and my working conditions........... I most likely make more money then most on this board and that's bs either................... so I will just not repond to anymore of your uneducated questions you have from this point on.

    Pleas do this cycle and post before and after pictures.

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