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  1. #1
    d17447 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2004

    sorry, but another powermedica question

    anyone ever had a bad experience with them? I know prices are high but hows the stuff? there winny looks like it and acts like it ( separation) but you never know. i find it hard to believe that its that easy to get gear. if it were that easy, there would be no need for UG labs.

  2. #2
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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    free crack giveaway
    You are just asking to get scammed..

  3. #3
    superchump is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    expensive but powermedica is a legit compounding pharmacy. you may get underdosed with some of their compounded stuff but they sell brand name test id go with that if you have no other source

  4. #4
    bonsey's Avatar
    bonsey is offline Junior Member
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    Los Angeles
    The rep told me I could get a 6 month supply of test even though I'm 24 with normal test levels. She said, "our doctor has no problem with this". The drawback is paying for the blood test and the cost. Anadrol 50 costs about $6 dollars a pill!

  5. #5
    powerlifter's Avatar
    powerlifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dieseL atC
    You are just asking to get scammed..
    Amen Bro

  6. #6
    gya321's Avatar
    gya321 is offline Member
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    I dont think theres anything bad about them except the prices. Its legit and Ive got their winstrol b4.

  7. #7
    superchump is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    yep the test requires a blood test. i would stay away from their compouded stuff and go with what they sell brand name. i got the deca once, some bottles had 8cc some 10 and was loaded with ba. i always was second guessing if it was good because they couldnt even measure out ccs correctly. even an idiot could measure that out

  8. #8
    Jeff01 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2004
    What the ok this is freaky I just got home from work about 1 hour before we closed up shop.
    There's this Dude that walks up to me and he starts asking me qestions about the area and
    telling me he's down here on a bussiness trip anyway. The Man is freaking Huge 20 inch arms
    Huge chest I mean Big Iam just slightly shorter but I can hold my own anyway we start talking
    about diet and Training routines and he told me his age I am surprised he looked like he was in his early
    40s but the man is 58 he also told me about all his shoulder injurys from benching and how he had all these different doctors appointment's and he was actually reffered to some kind of specialist he was given a DVD he was to return to the DR's office in I forget in x amount of days. The DVD was on HRT and all the benifits of test and what not. To make a long story short He went back to the specialist and was put on a cycle of Deca and test for 8 weeks. Then he tells me he later found out about a company that deals in this sort of thing witch was powermedica He repeted the URL to me like 3 or 4 times and before shaking my hand wrote it down for me and said try it try it youll love it..

    All I can say Crazy huh bro's =) taking what this guy has said to heart I think Iam going to call up the board sponser and see what's up.

  9. #9
    superchump is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    his shoulders were messed up and they said deca and test would fix t huh?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff01
    What the ok this is freaky I just got home from work about 1 hour before we closed up shop.
    There's this Dude that walks up to me and he starts asking me qestions about the area and
    telling me he's down here on a bussiness trip anyway. The Man is freaking Huge 20 inch arms
    Huge chest I mean Big Iam just slightly shorter but I can hold my own anyway we start talking
    about diet and Training routines and he told me his age I am surprised he looked like he was in his early
    40s but the man is 58 he also told me about all his shoulder injurys from benching and how he had all these different doctors appointment's and he was actually reffered to some kind of specialist he was given a DVD he was to return to the DR's office in I forget in x amount of days. The DVD was on HRT and all the benifits of test and what not. To make a long story short He went back to the specialist and was put on a cycle of Deca and test for 8 weeks. Then he tells me he later found out about a company that deals in this sort of thing witch was powermedica He repeted the URL to me like 3 or 4 times and before shaking my hand wrote it down for me and said try it try it youll love it..

    All I can say Crazy huh bro's =) taking what this guy has said to heart I think Iam going to call up the board sponser and see what's up.

  10. #10
    Jeff01 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    yo superchump send all your under filled vials to me ASAP for proper disposal and Storage.

  11. #11
    superchump is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    haha. underfilled or not was shot up long ago. you want real gear?

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