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Thread: Ganabol EQ?

  1. #1
    D00fy's Avatar
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    Ganabol EQ?

    is ganabol EQ 50mg or 500mg? also has anyone used it?
    pretty cheap
    Last edited by D00fy; 03-26-2002 at 10:53 AM.

  2. #2
    bex's Avatar
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    Thats all i have found on it

    Ganabolantm may very well be the closest Pro-Hormone to resemble an Anabolic Steroid . By looking at the molecular structure of this Pro-Hormone, you would say this is no different than the Anabolic Steroid Equipoise . Ganabolantm is also the base for the potent Anabolic Steroid known as Dianabol . Dianabol is in fact just a methylated form of boldenone altered with a C-17 methyl group to allow for oral dosing. 1,4-Androstadiendione is a steroid precursor to the Anabolic Steroid boldenone, a drug famous in bodybuilding for increasing high quality muscle mass. Being that Ganabolantm is so close in molecular structure to Boldenone (Injectable Equipoise) the anabolic effects should be very similar. Stacks well with Halo-Test.

    Ganabolantm (1,4-androstadienedione) is a steroidal precursor of the potent anabolic steroid Boldenone. Androstadienedione is very similar in structure to the popular supplement androstenedione, and when administered will convert to active form via the same widely distributed body enzyme (17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase). Unlike other steroidal precursors however, Ganabolantm is highly active when taken orally. In fact, it is without question the most potent oral anabolic steroidal precursor ever to be developed!

    If you are not familiar with boldenone, it is the same anabolic steroid found in the injectable veterinary preparations Equipoise®, Ganabol, Ultragan and Equi-gan. The activity of boldenone is highly anabolic, with only low to moderate androgenic potency. It is likewise an efficient builder of muscle tissue, although is much less apt to produce androgenic side effects (oily skin, acne, hair loss, body/facial hair growth) compared to an androgen such as testosterone . Lowered androgenic activity is largely due to an inability of this hormone to interact with the 5alpha-reductase enzyme, which is responsible for reducing testosterone to its more androgenic form dihydrotestosterone. Although a 5-alpha reduced version of this steroid (dihydroboldenone) is a more potent form, it cannot be produced in the human body in any appreciable amount.

    Also contributing to its mild nature is the fact that estrogenic activity is very slight with boldenone. This is because its structure allows it to be notably resistant to aromatization, the natural body process in which androgens such as testosterone are converted to estrogens. If estrogen levels build too high in the male body, strong side effects may result including gynecomastia (female breast tissue development), increased body fat gain and water retention. This is often a significant worry with the use of testosterone or testosterone precursor hormones. Its extremely low affinity for estrogen conversion however makes boldenone and its precursor androstadienedione extremely unlikely to produce such side effects. Likewise we can expect the muscle gained with the use of Ganabolantm to be of higher quality, accompanied by a much greater level of hardness and definition in the absence of excess fat and water retention.

    Orally Active:

    All natural steroid hormones are subject to rapid and extensive metabolism to inactive form when taken orally. This is a considerable problem when wishing to take such substances in a tablet or capsule, and the reason behind the development of a number of the synthetic alterations we see on pharmaceutical steroid hormones. The compound in Ganabolantm however contains a natural alteration (a double bond between carbons 1 and 2) that acts to slow a major path of oral steroid metabolism. Although still actively metabolized, much more steroid (as much as 10% or more of the given dose) makes it through to the blood steam in active form. This figure is notably higher than that expected with testosterone, nandrolone or its precursor hormones, which are more poorly absorbed orally. For this reason an effective dosage for Ganabolantm begins in the range of only two or three 50mg capsules daily.

  3. #3
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    ganabol is 50 mg/ml,its shit,frequent inj or fat shots to get to 400-600 mg wk.

  4. #4
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    ganabol is boldenone . it's not a prohormone, but just a different brand.

    it's 50mg/ml and is bullshit.

  5. #5
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    ganabol is boldenone . it's not a prohormone, but just a different brand.

    it's 50mg/ml and is bullshit.
    Yep, no need to buy that crap unless you want to shoot 8cc's a week...

  6. #6
    D00fy's Avatar
    D00fy is offline Anabolic Member
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    hehe thanks for the info

  7. #7
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    Originally posted by D00fy
    hehe thanks for the info
    Damn Doofy, you're on your way to becoming a vet or even a MOD! Just a few more post should do it.


  8. #8
    D00fy's Avatar
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    hmm whaeva

  9. #9
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    sorry doofy, meant no harm...all in fun

  10. #10
    D00fy's Avatar
    D00fy is offline Anabolic Member
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    no harm takin

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