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  1. #1
    bannerboy is offline New Member
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    Jan 2005

    Smile Revising my cycle as advised - Finishing touches reqd

    Firstly can I start by saying how shocked I am by the extent of the debate that was created by my last thread. Mixed responses as expected but on the whole I was pleasantly surprised. Just hope that some of the more sceptical members may be able to view differently after reading the following and that the remainder will still provide some solid advice for me.. - ..

    I am 33 training 2 years, weigh 13.5 stone give or take a few pounds (185-190lbs total) with 18-20% body fat. Body fat percentage higher than I would like but I have been bulking the last 6 months and have gained 18lbs of mostly lbm as I was 16-18%bf before this. Gained by training hard (but nowhere near my max), eating well and also used a weightgain supp & creatine.

    First cycle proposal
    I have bought some deca and d-bol and was going to cycle like this;
    wk 1-8 25g d-bol/ed & 400mg deca/week with nothing else. When I first asked for cycle I limited my source to a certain spend so I guess this is the best I could get for my money. Since this I feel I should spend a little more and do it properly

    Revised cycle proposal
    As I already have the d-bol and deca I am now thinking the following
    wk1-4 25mg d-bol e/d
    wk1-8 200 mg deca e/w
    wk1-10 sust or test -e
    Nolva throughout 10mg/day and Vit B6 or proviron
    Unsure of best pct between clomid or hcg

    1) I have enough d-bol for 8 weeks at the above dosage, shall I keep the other half for another time or do 50mg/ed to use it all....
    2) What dosage of sust or test e shall I take (I want as low as poss). Please advise both as I am unsure which one I can get....
    3) Vit B6 or proviron? If pro how much?
    3) Yours thoughts on the best PCT from clomid or HCG would be welcome and dosage

    Hope this question is more clear and concise than some of my previous ones and look forward to receiving some constructive data....

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    i would cycle the d-bol as 4,6,8,10,10.10,10,8,6,4, (5mg tabs), take sus every other day, and deca 400mg a week into 2 shots a week,vit b6 throughout and 20mg nolvadex daily, and pct id take 3 shots hcg 1500ius every 4-5 days, eat every 3 hours plenty of protien, loads of water,train heavy and intense and watch the gains come, ive done that cycle and had excellent gains, am sure you will have plenty more advice of different ways, it was very good for me, remember everyone responds differently to gear so experiment yourself.....

  3. #3
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    up an ass
    sorry but i would advise against all that, there is no need to pyramid dbol while on cycle, its pointless, i would up the dosages though say 30-40mg day. Deca I would up to 400mg and i wouldnt bother with sust, i would run test e at 500mg week for 10 weeks same as deca, no need to stop 1 at 8 weeks.

    for pct, you wont need hcg and i advise unless your nuts shrivel to size of peanuts to stay away, use clomid for post cycle therapy , starting around 2 1/2 weeks after your last injections 6 tabs 50mg day 1, then 10 days 2 tabs 50mg per day, then 10 days 1 tab 50mg per day, keep taking nolva throughout your pct.

    if it was me, i would run proviron also, right through start to finish 50mg every day 25mg morn and 25mg evening


  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    reason why i would cycle d-bol is if i go straight into 30-40mg i just blow up with water and i rather cycle up and down cause it doesnt give me as much water, thats what works best for me, like i said everyone is different and responds different there are no set RULES you have to try it for yourself and find out, like i said there are alot of opinions.
    i love sus it i really respond to it, test e is fine but if i had to choose id pick sus, i cant see how someone can advice against it, i was only giving my experince ive tried both ways and what i said works beat for me, and thats what you have to do try all ways and find what works best for you.. EVERYONE RESPONDS IN DIFFERENT WAYS..

  5. #5
    bannerboy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bannerboy
    Firstly can I start by saying how shocked I am by the extent of the debate that was created by my last thread. Mixed responses as expected but on the whole I was pleasantly surprised. Just hope that some of the more sceptical members may be able to view differently after reading the following and that the remainder will still provide some solid advice for me.. - ..

    I am 33 training 2 years, weigh 13.5 stone give or take a few pounds (185-190lbs total) with 18-20% body fat. Body fat percentage higher than I would like but I have been bulking the last 6 months and have gained 18lbs of mostly lbm as I was 16-18%bf before this. Gained by training hard (but nowhere near my max), eating well and also used a weightgain supp & creatine.

    First cycle proposal
    I have bought some deca and d-bol and was going to cycle like this;
    wk 1-8 25g d-bol/ed & 400mg deca/week with nothing else. When I first asked for cycle I limited my source to a certain spend so I guess this is the best I could get for my money. Since this I feel I should spend a little more and do it properly

    Revised cycle proposal
    As I already have the d-bol and deca I am now thinking the following
    wk1-4 25mg d-bol e/d
    wk1-8 200 mg deca e/w
    wk1-10 sust or test -e
    Nolva throughout 10mg/day and Vit B6 or proviron
    Unsure of best pct between clomid or hcg

    1) I have enough d-bol for 8 weeks at the above dosage, shall I keep the other half for another time or do 50mg/ed to use it all....
    2) What dosage of sust or test e shall I take (I want as low as poss). Please advise both as I am unsure which one I can get....
    3) Vit B6 or proviron? If pro how much?
    3) Yours thoughts on the best PCT from clomid or HCG would be welcome and dosage

    Hope this question is more clear and concise than some of my previous ones and look forward to receiving some constructive data....

    Wanted to bump to get a few nore views befor taking the plunge in the morn ing. Cheers all.

  6. #6
    dirtdawg's Avatar
    dirtdawg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bannerboy
    Firstly can I start by saying how shocked I am by the extent of the debate that was created by my last thread. Mixed responses as expected but on the whole I was pleasantly surprised. Just hope that some of the more sceptical members may be able to view differently after reading the following and that the remainder will still provide some solid advice for me.. - ..

    I am 33 training 2 years, weigh 13.5 stone give or take a few pounds (185-190lbs total) with 18-20% body fat. Body fat percentage higher than I would like but I have been bulking the last 6 months and have gained 18lbs of mostly lbm as I was 16-18%bf before this. Gained by training hard (but nowhere near my max), eating well and also used a weightgain supp & creatine.

    First cycle proposal
    I have bought some deca and d-bol and was going to cycle like this;
    wk 1-8 25g d-bol/ed & 400mg deca/week with nothing else. When I first asked for cycle I limited my source to a certain spend so I guess this is the best I could get for my money. Since this I feel I should spend a little more and do it properly

    Revised cycle proposal
    As I already have the d-bol and deca I am now thinking the following
    wk1-4 25mg d-bol e/d
    wk1-8 200 mg deca e/w
    wk1-10 sust or test -e
    Nolva throughout 10mg/day and Vit B6 or proviron
    Unsure of best pct between clomid or hcg

    1) I have enough d-bol for 8 weeks at the above dosage, shall I keep the other half for another time or do 50mg/ed to use it all....
    2) What dosage of sust or test e shall I take (I want as low as poss). Please advise both as I am unsure which one I can get....
    3) Vit B6 or proviron? If pro how much?
    3) Yours thoughts on the best PCT from clomid or HCG would be welcome and dosage

    Hope this question is more clear and concise than some of my previous ones and look forward to receiving some constructive data....
    this what i would do
    1-4 d bol 40 mgs ed
    1-8 deca 400 mgs ew
    1-10 enth 600 mgs ew
    1-10 nolva 10 mgs ed
    1-10 trib 4 g's ed
    either b6 or dostinex for deca gyno
    11-16 nolva 20 mgs ed
    for a short cycle, u dont need hcg
    12-16 clomid 100 mgs ed

  7. #7
    SwoleDave's Avatar
    SwoleDave is offline Associate Member
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    dbol 1-4 35mg/ed
    deca 1-10 400mg/wk
    test 1-11 500mg/wk

    i'm doing this cycle in a month, with maybe some eq or var at the end to firm up

  8. #8
    tupac1983's Avatar
    tupac1983 is offline Associate Member
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    united kingdom
    i would run it like this if you have enough test and deca ? if not knock 2 weeks off of the test and 2 weeks off of the deca.

    1-4 35mg ed d-bol
    1-11 400mg ew deca
    1-12 500mg ew test
    10mg nolva ed throughout cycle
    20mg nolva ed pct
    300mg day 1/100mg days 2-11/50mg days 12-21-clomid
    good luck bro.

  9. #9
    Iowa's Avatar
    Iowa is offline Banned
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    By a bunch of cornfields
    1-4 Dbol 40mg/day
    1-10 Test E 500mg/week
    Nolva at 10mg/day through out cycle and bump it up to 20mg/day during PCT
    Look up Pheedno's PCT sticky to get that all lined up.

    -I personally wouldnt even run the dbol, just the test e, but since you already have it you could go ahead.
    -Dont taper the dbol if you run it.
    -For your PCT, you dont run HCG , you run clomid(some run nolva)
    -Deca sucks IMO

    Feel free to PM me if you have any ?s

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    all looks good but id defo cycle d-bol or at least reduce the amount over the last 2 weeks,try both ways then you know what works best for you...
    go to home page and the steroid resources then how to come off steroids , some good advice

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