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Thread: after my cycle

  1. #1
    cjcsbabyblu250 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2005

    after my cycle

    after my cycle of super test 250 when should i start taking my clomid or novadex?
    when is a good time to begin my next cycle of super test and deca ?

    help me

  2. #2
    cut260's Avatar
    cut260 is offline Associate Member
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    2 weeks after your last injection is normally recommended, however I start clomid a week after my last injection. How long you wait depends on how long you were on and what you were using (half life of the ester) Dont listen to anyone who says anything like if you are on for 8 take 8 off 12 and 12 etc. that will only get you into trouble. You need to look when the half life of the ester gets to the level that you are effectively off cycle. Then on top of that time take a MINIMUM of 8 weeks I would recommend 12 so you clear your receptors and you will get max benefit from your next cycle. So in effect off cycles should be something like 12 to 16 weeks to allow the gear to clear the system and then for you to rebound and get natural production going and to clear the receptors. Anything less and you wont gain as much as you could otherwise or you could in effect bridge a cycle which is very dangerous

  3. #3
    cjcsbabyblu250 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2005
    thanks dude ur a life saver

  4. #4
    GetinBig's Avatar
    GetinBig is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cjcsbabyblu250
    after my cycle of super test 250 when should i start taking my clomid or novadex?
    when is a good time to begin my next cycle of super test and deca ?

    help me

    Time on equals time off.

    So if you ran a 12 week cycle you should take 12 weeks off before your next run..

    Or just get your blood work done and if it is good then your good to get on another cycle.


  5. #5
    cut260's Avatar
    cut260 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2005
    GetinBig sorry bro but that is totally incorrect in every way. the time off only depends on the half life of the esters used. If someone is using a high amount of test e for 12 weeks and only takes 12 weeks off before the next cycle then they will in effect bridge the cycle and that is not only dangerous but you wont make any gains on the next go round. I suggest that you read up on half lives and then you will clearly see that you will have a customized off cycle plan for each cycle you have depening on type of gear, strength and half life.

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