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  1. #1
    RudeBwoy's Avatar
    RudeBwoy is offline Junior Member
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    Flu like symptoms 0n test

    I started t400/ deca /dbol last week My first shot was 200mg. deca w/ 200 mg. T400. I had no pain at all. My second shot was the same , but the pain was intense! Now I have body aches and feel like shit at times. How long will this last? Can I take ibuprofen or nyquil to help? I also have a bigger left glute from the inj. swelling , Its been 3 days, I read it being somewhat common but how long? ANY HELP!

  2. #2
    heyherc's Avatar
    heyherc is offline Junior Member
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    The swelling can last up to a week and so can the flu symptoms. I personally don't think the test is related to the flu symptoms but rather the high BA content, any high mg per ml gear is bound to have a higher concentration of BA in it to help keep the ingrediants dissolved which in turn causes a reaction from your body to try and fight off the foreign substance it is getting injected in.

  3. #3
    G-S Guest
    I'm in week 4, and still get flu symptons. Usually, I'll get them for half a day...then a coupla days later, I'll get them again.

    I know, it sucks. Ruins your eating...but should be worth it in the end.

  4. #4
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    There is no place like ho
    Getting, your flu symptoms are almost postively coming from the Test bud. that is what we call the Test flu. You can take nyquil and OTC drugs. I will and should go away eventually. Yes, it will hurt like a biotch. I have never heard of an inject hurting with T 400 but I have never done it. I am doing Sustanon right now and let me tell ya, I have a lump the next day and I can't walk, and I am sore for about a week, hobblin around, telling everyone I pulled a muscle. Problem is, I pull a different muscle every week according to them. LOL.. this week I "pulled my left leg muscle", this week it will be a left glute.. LOL.
    Hang in there and stick with it, remember you have to sacrifice some pain to get big, otherwise everyone would be doing it?? Everytime I hobble around, I wonder why I choose to do a sus cycle this time, but I also immediately think of how big I am gonna be by my 10th week!!!!! BTW going on my 2nd week now.. so I got alot more pain to go.. wohoooo fun fun..

  5. #5
    RudeBwoy's Avatar
    RudeBwoy is offline Junior Member
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    How do you do leg routines with so much pain? I can barely walk. Do I skip the legs for now? I had to ask about nyquil cuz it has alcohol. I figured it wouldn't be good with the dbol . Thanks for the help guys!

  6. #6
    PADDLER's Avatar
    PADDLER is offline Associate Member
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    So what is the LEAST painful injections for you guys? Mine was winny and Deca .

  7. #7
    heyherc's Avatar
    heyherc is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by Sicilian30
    I have a lump the next day and I can't walk, and I am sore for about a week, hobblin around, telling everyone I pulled a muscle. Problem is, I pull a different muscle every week according to them. LOL.. this week I "pulled my left leg muscle", this week it will be a left glute.. LOL.
    LOL, I am the same way at work and with family, I used the "I fell on my icy front stairs" when I had a severe glute lump once and have used the "My buddy gave me a charlie horse in the leg last night at the gym". Here was my last one "I was doing deads and jerked my knee on my last set when I started and now it hurts like crazy". I don't know if they believe me or just pretend to believe me but every once in a while I will gain 20lbs and they usually ask how, I tell them its the protien shakes and the 6 meals a day.

  8. #8
    RAMPAGE is offline Junior Member
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