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  1. #1
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Friend Needs Proof

    Hey guys my friend needs proof and I guess he won't take my word for it and I want to show him what the forum says so he can see this right now.

    He wants to do a d-bol only cycle for 4 weeks using arimidex to keep the bloat down and prevent gyno and also do the proper pct. He thinks by doing all the other correct things like arimidex and pct then he will be fine by just doing a d-bol only cycle. Can you guys help me out real quick, he is here right now and I want him to read the replies of why this should not be done. Please, I repeat, please at least provide an explanation so he can see why this is not right to do, thank you.

  2. #2
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    Dianabol gains are water, when it leaves your system, the water leaves with it. No water = no weight.

  3. #3
    Beefkake31's Avatar
    Beefkake31 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Dianabol gains are water, when it leaves your system, the water leaves with it. No water = no weight.
    I can always count on my fellow insomniac to reply within 5 minutes

  4. #4
    BDTR's Avatar
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    My response time is slowed, i'm usually there within 30 seconds but something blocked the bat signal that you shined in the air.

  5. #5
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Have you read the article on running dbol as a bridge during pct???

    it allows for 10mg of dbol, with an effective recovery to 85%.. but you must come off to get to the whole recovery..
    The answer to your every question


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  6. #6
    alluprbdy's Avatar
    alluprbdy is offline Associate Member
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    d-bol will shut you down hard as hell and you wont keep a pound from this cycle. Trust me I know people that have done it thinking they were going to be jacked when its all done and guess what most will end up even smaller than when they started b/c most that are dumb enough to run d-bol only are to stupid to know what else you need clomid for post and nolva b/c it can cause gyno. I hope for your sake you get a clue and buy 2 bttls of test e and run it for 10 weeks @ 500mg flowed by of course correct PCT, and if your stuck on using the d-bol use it as a jumpstart for the first 4 weeks of your cycle. After doing that maybe you realize how dumb d-bol only is youd put up with chipmunk cheeks, back pumps, maybe acne, ect and not get anything for it.

  7. #7
    Beefkake31's Avatar
    Beefkake31 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by alluprbdy
    d-bol will shut you down hard as hell and you wont keep a pound from this cycle. Trust me I know people that have done it thinking they were going to be jacked when its all done and guess what most will end up even smaller than when they started b/c most that are dumb enough to run d-bol only are to stupid to know what else you need clomid for post and nolva b/c it can cause gyno. I hope for your sake you get a clue and buy 2 bttls of test e and run it for 10 weeks @ 500mg flowed by of course correct PCT, and if your stuck on using the d-bol use it as a jumpstart for the first 4 weeks of your cycle. After doing that maybe you realize how dumb d-bol only is youd put up with chipmunk cheeks, back pumps, maybe acne, ect and not get anything for it.
    You do realize I am talking about my friend right? And you do realize I already adressed the part about pct. I just needed a good explanation on why not to use it this way.

  8. #8
    Beefkake31's Avatar
    Beefkake31 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    Have you read the article on running dbol as a bridge during pct???

    it allows for 10mg of dbol, with an effective recovery to 85%.. but you must come off to get to the whole recovery..
    No I have not read that Spy, sounds interesting, if you can provide the line that would be great, thanks.

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