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  1. #41
    DrugsrGood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Just remember the time at rec with the garden hose, the spoon and the cup o noodles container. I wont be anymore graphic than this.
    BDTR, Check your pm's
    Last edited by DrugsrGood; 03-10-2005 at 12:44 AM.

  2. #42
    BDTR's Avatar
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    I got nuthin from you.

  3. #43
    DrugsrGood's Avatar
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    Only playin bro.... read post more carefully...

  4. #44
    BDTR's Avatar
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    oops lol.

  5. #45
    Lozgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrugsrGood
    Only playin bro.... read post more carefully...
    Just edit the post bro.

    I think he was trying to say this:

    bdtr. Check your p.m.s. bro.

  6. #46
    seanw's Avatar
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    This is the bit that steroids fits into

    Unauthorized traffic in controlled drugs, other than those specified above, carries a minimum sentence of 2 years' imprisonment and 2 strokes of the cane, and a maximum sentence of 20 years' imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane. For unauthorized consumption, there is a maximum of 10 years' imprisonment or fine of S$20,000 or both.

    But thats trafficking. I know its illegal to use but not sure of the penalty. Now for the facination with caneing. Its because its a very effective punishement. Most people fear that more than the Death Penalty. Its a seven ft long piece of rattan cane that is delivered by a marshal arts expert. Not sure what he weares by the way. If you pass out, they take you away, get you better and then bring you back till the rest of the sentence is given.

  7. #47
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    Why would anyone want to live there? I would rather watch my back and not have to worry about getting a $1000 fine for spitting.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent

    whats with your governments obsession with caning its criminals! does the guy doing the caning dress up in a tight leather suit while this is taking place?

    the only one i agree with is the fine for not flushing a public toilet, people who do that should burn in hell

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Why would anyone want to live there? I would rather watch my back and not have to worry about getting a $1000 fine for spitting.
    I love living here. If you dont commit crime and behave yourself you dont have anything to worry about. My kids know the rukes, and they know its not worth the pain to fuk up.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanw
    There aint no constitution here bro, its what we Expats call a "Benevollent Dictatorship" here are the drug laws here in Singapore
    D*mn bro, you need to stop listening to your countrys propaganda lol benevolent dictatorships don't exist and have never existed in history. If the dictatorship was actually benevolent then you couldn't be imprisoned or caned everyone would willingly follow the laws (that can't have a punishment if not followed) and cooperate fully for the sole purpose of benifiting society, it has to be a utopia.

  10. #50
    DrugsrGood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanw
    maximum sentence of 20 years' imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane
    Stroking of the cane doesnt sound too bad

  11. #51
    Lozgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanw
    I love living here. If you dont commit crime and behave yourself you dont have anything to worry about. My kids know the rukes, and they know its not worth the pain to fuk up.
    Yeah, but you can't spit. I love spitting.

  12. #52
    BDTR's Avatar
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    I tell you what, id rather take 10000 cane strokes than 20 years in jail.

  13. #53
    seanw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    D*mn bro, you need to stop listening to your countrys propaganda lol benevolent dictatorships don't exist and have never existed in history. If the dictatorship was actually benevolent then you couldn't be imprisoned or caned everyone would willingly follow the laws (that can't have a punishment if not followed) and cooperate fully for the sole purpose of benifiting society, it has to be a utopia.
    First of all its not MY country. My country is Australia and its almost as fuked up as the US. Singapore is not really a Dictatorship, they actually have elections and a Parliament but the whole system is so one sided it may as well be a Dictatorship. Dont get me wrong, there are a lot of things that piss me off here, but when it comes to bringing up kids in a safe, relatively drug free environement then this is Utopia.

  14. #54
    CARNIVORE's Avatar
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    I have som friends that live in China, once they told me a guy was found out for selling herion by the police, the police just told the news and this guy was dead 2 weeks later - killed by the general public. They have also seen roadside executions.

  15. #55
    superchump is offline Junior Member
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    wow singapore sucks. bush should go after them next

  16. #56
    The Baron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanw
    You are going to love this. They piss test the locals randomly when the come across the boarder, and if they are found to have weed in there blood that is an automatic six months jail sentence.
    Whull... THAT'LL teach them thar dope-smokin' hippies!

    Serious though, Singapore is a rough place to run afoul of the law, and they have some real doozies. I was traveling from a certain island whose name is not important, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, back to the States, and used military transportation to Singapore, where I was to switch to a commercial airline. I didn't even think about the 50-60 CDs of porn in my gear... after all I was just switching planes, right? Wrong. I had to do the overnight there, clearing immigration and customs after claiming my bags from my incoming flight, and then check them with the commercial airline before my outgoing flight. Customs was making EVERYONE completely empty their bags! I heard the customs guy in my line ask a guy a few places ahead of me if he had any pornography, drugs, CDs, DVDs, military equipment including uniform items or gas masks, weapons, etc... wait... back up... porn? OH CRAP! That is a serious crime in S'pore! I went to the little boys' room and ditched the two CDs in my briefcase, but nothing I could do about the pics and flics in my checked bags. I got up to the table still undecided whether to fess up or simply deny deny deny and I guess the guy was tired... he took one look at my two overstuffed seabags and said move along. A half hour later I was in my hotel room scratching the silvery stuff off all my CDs. An hour and a half later I was downing shots like I was dying of thirst, relieved at not having to spend a few months in a singapore jail. They put you in jail for chewing gum, for petesakes!

    The up side is there isn't much crime there, and it is a very nice, clean city. Go figure!

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by CARNIVORE
    I have som friends that live in China, once they told me a guy was found out for selling herion by the police, the police just told the news and this guy was dead 2 weeks later - killed by the general public. They have also seen roadside executions.
    Singapore ain't bad. There are about 1.3 billion Chinese who would LOVE to live there! :-) The rules are strict but then the crime is not bad. It's supposed to be a really safe place to live. Don't you guys remember the fuss over an American guy in Singapore a few years back who was busted for spray painting a car or something of that sort? There was international outrage at him getting the cane but in the end that's exactly what he got...

    Crime is much worse where I live in China because the police are very lax about minor crimes. The justice system is very strict about more severe crimes though. There are like 58 crimes that will get you the death sentence and most are not violent crimes. Their system is very swift - you get the death sentence, you appeal, if you lose the appeal then you've got a bullet in the back of the head the next morning. There is NO waiting on "death row" after you lose your appeal...

  18. #58
    AnabolBoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanw
    take it in with you, everybody else does. Or buy your whole cycle in there I am sure they have AS stores in prisons these days.
    he is going to jail not prison.BIG difference.

  19. #59
    LoggedOut is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Whull... THAT'LL teach them thar dope-smokin' hippies!

    Serious though, Singapore is a rough place to run afoul of the law, and they have some real doozies. I was traveling from a certain island whose name is not important, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, back to the States, and used military transportation to Singapore, where I was to switch to a commercial airline. I didn't even think about the 50-60 CDs of porn in my gear... after all I was just switching planes, right? Wrong. I had to do the overnight there, clearing immigration and customs after claiming my bags from my incoming flight, and then check them with the commercial airline before my outgoing flight. Customs was making EVERYONE completely empty their bags! I heard the customs guy in my line ask a guy a few places ahead of me if he had any pornography, drugs, CDs, DVDs, military equipment including uniform items or gas masks, weapons, etc... wait... back up... porn? OH CRAP! That is a serious crime in S'pore! I went to the little boys' room and ditched the two CDs in my briefcase, but nothing I could do about the pics and flics in my checked bags. I got up to the table still undecided whether to fess up or simply deny deny deny and I guess the guy was tired... he took one look at my two overstuffed seabags and said move along. A half hour later I was in my hotel room scratching the silvery stuff off all my CDs. An hour and a half later I was downing shots like I was dying of thirst, relieved at not having to spend a few months in a singapore jail. They put you in jail for chewing gum, for petesakes!

    The up side is there isn't much crime there, and it is a very nice, clean city. Go figure!
    What in the **** are you travelling the world with 50-60 titles of porn in your bags. Who needs that much porn........ seriously.... what do you need all that for

  20. #60
    The Baron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoggedOut
    What in the **** are you travelling the world with 50-60 titles of porn in your bags. Who needs that much porn........ seriously.... what do you need all that for
    Hey, the same old movie over and over just doesn't cut it. I was away from home for a looooong time. Mostly I trade and copy... also had two external hard drives full of non-porn movies and vintage cartoons. Entertainment is a precious commodity in some situations.

  21. #61
    seanw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Whull... THAT'LL teach them thar dope-smokin' hippies!

    Serious though, Singapore is a rough place to run afoul of the law, and they have some real doozies. I was traveling from a certain island whose name is not important, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, back to the States, and used military transportation to Singapore, where I was to switch to a commercial airline. I didn't even think about the 50-60 CDs of porn in my gear... after all I was just switching planes, right? Wrong. I had to do the overnight there, clearing immigration and customs after claiming my bags from my incoming flight, and then check them with the commercial airline before my outgoing flight. Customs was making EVERYONE completely empty their bags! I heard the customs guy in my line ask a guy a few places ahead of me if he had any pornography, drugs, CDs, DVDs, military equipment including uniform items or gas masks, weapons, etc... wait... back up... porn? OH CRAP! That is a serious crime in S'pore! I went to the little boys' room and ditched the two CDs in my briefcase, but nothing I could do about the pics and flics in my checked bags. I got up to the table still undecided whether to fess up or simply deny deny deny and I guess the guy was tired... he took one look at my two overstuffed seabags and said move along. A half hour later I was in my hotel room scratching the silvery stuff off all my CDs. An hour and a half later I was downing shots like I was dying of thirst, relieved at not having to spend a few months in a singapore jail. They put you in jail for chewing gum, for petesakes!

    The up side is there isn't much crime there, and it is a very nice, clean city. Go figure!
    If they had found it you would have got a fine probably. And they dont put you in jail for chewing gum. It is illegal to sell here. It will also get you a $1000 fine if you throw it on the ground. It is legal to chew it though.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanw
    If they had found it you would have got a fine probably. And they dont put you in jail for chewing gum. It is illegal to sell here. It will also get you a $1000 fine if you throw it on the ground. It is legal to chew it though.
    Whew! That's a relief. Now I won't feel I have to hold my jaw rigid or open my mouth to prove I have no gum when a cop passes by!

    "What are you in for?" (one con to another)

    "I was dealing. Spearmint, Doublemint, Juicy Fruit, Dentine, the works. I was livin' large until one of my gum ho's was caught blowing a bubble right in front of an undercover narc. She snitched me out for a slap on the wrist. Now she's on the street, chewing another man's gum and sellin' that azz to pay for it, and I'm rotting here in the joint for the next 40 to 60 years."

    "I really feel for ya, bro. They were gonna hang me for pissing in the elevator when I was drunk. I had to plea out to indecent exposure and public intoxication. I'll be out in 10, I hope. That's my first parole board, anyway."

    "Wow... good luck, dude. When ya get out, I'll give you my girl's number. Give her a stick of Wrigley's and she's on you like white on rice!"

    "Me? mess with gum? No way, blood! I never touch the hard stuff!"

  23. #63
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  24. #64
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    I tell you what, id rather take 10000 cane strokes than 20 years in jail.

    I dont know - that stuff is baaaaaaaaad - lets put it this way -violent rapists get 20-25 with a cane - and they dont fvk around whn they hit you - its the biggest deterent there - because its not like a few love taps from me each hit is guaranteed to bring a new meaning to pain

  25. #65
    Lozgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    I dont know - that stuff is baaaaaaaaad - lets put it this way -violent rapists get 20-25 with a cane - and they dont fvk around whn they hit you - its the biggest deterent there - because its not like a few love taps from me each hit is guaranteed to bring a new meaning to pain
    Yeah, but wounds heal, but 20 years in jail is a longggggggggggggggg time. I would like to see one of these canings. We do need something like that in America for certain offenses.

  26. #66
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    I would agree that 20 years would be too long to be down - no matter how bad it was, at least it would be over - but I think I would be willing to do 6 months to avoid some of that! - pretty killa stuff - permanent marks too

    But I agree with you that I wish we would do that stuff here - would keep a lot of people out of trouble

  27. #67
    BDTR's Avatar
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    20 years is a lifetime, it will ruin your whole life.

    Pain is temporary.. sure it will scar, but its no jail time atleast.

    I'd take a lashing every day once a week to avoid that week in jail.

  28. #68
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    20 years is a lifetime, it will ruin your whole life.

    Pain is temporary.. sure it will scar, but its no jail time atleast.

    I'd take a lashing every day once a week to avoid that week in jail.
    I have a high tolerance for pain as well - but from what I understand those beatings wont let you walk for a few weeks - now a few hits is one thing - but those guys getting 15-20+ I dont envy

  29. #69
    Lozgod's Avatar
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    This is from that link Cycleon posted.:

    "Peter" recalled that after 10 strokes, he was unable to walk without help from the warder: "As I was being led out of the caning compound, I caught a glimpse of the used canes. They were split and bloody. They even had pieces of skin stuck on them. Some were probably mine".

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