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  1. #1
    Adonis's Avatar
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    First cycle, need guidance

    Hello guys,
    I just want to know if this is ok for a first cycle:

    week 1-10 >>>>>> T200 400mg week
    week 1-4 >>>>>>> D-bol 40mg ed
    I will do Clomid post cycle and will have some anti-e just in case.

    I'm 25years old, 205lbs & 18%bf
    I can increase weight very easy and my strenght too.

    I was 135lbs last January 2001 so I think I've made good gains naturally... If tribulus, 1-AD and all the other stuff I've bought in hope to get bigger does not count.

    I'm ready to go to the dark side and want to be at least 250-260lbs with not much bf.

    Any good?

  2. #2
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    sounds like youve done some research bro.........good for you. youve got the clomid and the anti'es, how bout some liver protection? ala, or milk thistle will do fine. ive never done 1-ad, but as far as the trib goes, i would save your $. some people like it, but im not one of em. im sure there are things ive missed,and other bros will pick up the slack, but imho, i think youre good to go.........
    peace bb79

  3. #3
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    dude, you have done awsome naturally. way to go. i think you should consider doing the dbol at week 6-10. that way the test will be going strong and you will get a better stack. just a thought. otherwise it looks good. do like bb79 said and get you some ala.

  4. #4
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    hey dizzy,
    what about the first 3-4 weeks when he dosent see jack? i know that most peeps use the dbol in the 1st 4 weeks to get that kickstart. im interested in your thoughts on this one bro., and why you think it would be better to go later rather than earlier. seems like i read where the d dosent do that much for ya once the test has kicked in. no flame bro...........just curious as hell man.

    peace bb79

  5. #5
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    well...since he is only using two drugs i think to get the full benefit of stacking he should wait until the test kicks in. i've done it both ways. and even test alone and dbol alone cycles. i got the best gains from adding the dbol in at the end. that goes for deca as well. you do have that first couple of weeks without many results...but you get the full effect of stacking. also most don't like to do this because of the bloat from the dbol torward the end of a cycle, but if your bulking and have arimidex ...i would try it. but it is totally up to the user. i don't know about test and dbol not complementing each other well. never heard that personally. you could be right. but it worked great for me...i used durateston 250 and paperbol on the dbol, test cycle by the way.

    sus 500mg week 1-8
    dbol 20mg week 6-10
    clomid as a anti-e 50mg ed

    2nd cycle...gained 25lbs (but got seriously ill and lost it all)

  6. #6
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    this is interesting bro, ive got this cycle all planned already, but i think next time i run the 'd im gonna run it that way, and see how it goes..........paperbol huh? you liked it? still cant make up my mind on that one bro................hehe.

    peace bb79

  7. #7
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    damn bro...i didn't mean to get your mind racing about that again. your worse than i am lol. stick to the pinkies. IMHO i liked the paperbol, but i don't think i would buy them again. unless i had the extra dough.

  8. #8
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    maybe we should let this guy get some more opinions on his cycle..... we kinda took over his thread........sorry adonis, i owe you an apology for startin this here.

    btw dizzy-my mind is always racin bro.............

    peace bb79

  9. #9
    Adonis's Avatar
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    Originally posted by barbells79
    maybe we should let this guy get some more opinions on his cycle..... we kinda took over his thread........sorry adonis, i owe you an apology for startin this here.
    I was also interested to see why it would be better to take the d-bol later in the cycle.

    I'm doing it in the begining to give me some relief of the money I will spend, if I see some results early on, I won't become catabolic due to me stressing about the money.
    Canadian dollar is taking a plunge vs US dollar and it's hitting home big time!

    I guess people who have spent lots of cash on tribulus and the likes know where I'm coming from.
    You keep telling yourself that it will kick in anytime now but at the end it never does... at least not like you think it will.

    Seriously though, I will take mt and cranberry juice for precautions, I only have one liver, might as well take care of it.

  10. #10
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    stressing and becoming catabolic...........lmfao!

    well dizzy seems to have a good idea there, but if your gonna go catabolic on us, keep it at the beginning........

    seriously bro, i think youve got a great 1st cycle there, and it looks like youve done some homework too........good luck.

    peace bb79

  11. #11
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Adonis
    I'm doing it in the begining to give me some relief of the money I will spend, if I see some results early on, I won't become catabolic due to me stressing about the money.
    that's funny.

    good luck bro

  12. #12
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think dbol should be at the start since the test is still low in your body. if you add it when the test is full blown that the dbol will only add to water retention.


    jump start this cycle with the dbol I say!

    Dizzy, I could understand you view, but still would start with dbol

  13. #13
    Adonis's Avatar
    Adonis is offline Associate Member
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    Quick question:
    For the D-bol, should I go with ttokkyo or denkall?
    For the t200, should I go with brovel or tornell?

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