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  1. #1
    STAYHUNGRY is offline Associate Member
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    Latest Tijuana scene

    I am a 10 year veteran of Tijuana and from time to time just update on the scene for this board, what's going on,etc. There are a couple of new scams going right now, just watch out for. First, some cheap bars have a scam where you go in, order a couple of beers and the bartender will give you a bar tab for $40-$50 bucks. You say "What? I just had three beers?" He'll call his corrupt police buddies and say you refused to pay you bar tab and the cops will shake you down for a couple hundred bucks and split it with the bartender. This is a new one, but just started noticing it. I have been down so long, I was able to call some people and talk out of it, but if you do have a beer, go to a tourist, gringo type place and you'll be fine. Go to a real Mexican bar in Tijuana and you might have some problems, particulartly in the first few blocks of Revolution...calle Primera to Calle Tercera. It really has gotten nasty. Other than that, just noting that drug scene is VERY heavy in Tijuana right now. The drug of choice is called ICE, and it is taking over the TJ scene. I don't do illicit drugs, but maybe some of you know about this drug more. The only thing I know is that people in Tijuana smoke it in lightbulbs. They break a lightbulb and put the drug in the bottom of the lightbulb, kind of like a cheap TJ crack pipe. So if you go into a bathroom or somewhere and lights are missing from the sockets, its a drug! Anyway, be VERY careful lately about people asking to "help" you. They'll tell you they have a great Granero with great prices or they'll FEDEX you all you gear,cross the border with your stuff,etc. You'll get in a cab with them and they'll demand money from you, go buy their ICE and you'll never see them again. Finally, the cop scene is really bad right now. There are a lot of corrupt cops that shake down gringos. As I said, I am a LONG time vet of Tijuana. I don't want to scare anyone, just kind of letting you know a few new dangers about the scene right now for newbies thinking of going. Most of the time you'll be fine though, just be careful and go before 3 p.m. when all the dumb tourists are buying crap off the street hustlers. You'll blend in, get your gear and be just fine. Just be careful as its a little treacherous right now.

  2. #2
    EatRite's Avatar
    EatRite is offline Senior Member
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    usa... and proud
    great info man...

    not planning on going there anytime soon, but great info anyway...

  3. #3
    mmuniz247 is offline New Member
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    When you are in Tijuana go to Los Alazanes to get your stack, its all legit, Denkall, Loeffler, Quality Vet. Its across from Plaza de los Artesanos, also there is a pharmacy where you can get Clenbuterol , Clomid, Proviron , Cytomel , etc. Remember, when you cross over to Tijuana, the camera shoots a picture of your liscense plate, and when you cross back, it takes another picture, so they know how long you've been there. So, if you don't want them to check your vehicle, don't make the mistake of going in and coming out. Get your ****, and hang for a few hours in Tijuana before heading back.

  4. #4
    limelight's Avatar
    limelight is offline Junior Member
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    My friend lives in Cali, hes drive and hour past TJ to rosarito, he says its alot safer.
    Last edited by limelight; 03-13-2005 at 01:52 PM.

  5. #5
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by limelight
    My friend lives in Cali, hes drive and hour past TJ to Rosewood, he says its alot safer.
    You mean rosarito?

  6. #6
    limelight's Avatar
    limelight is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002
    LOL ya thats it bro! I'm on the eastcoast

  7. #7
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    yeah Matamoros is famous for the 30 dollar cab ride... the taxi stand guy will say 5 dollars, but when you arrive it will be 15 dollars from the driver... oh yeah and your door handles are convienently missing.... so no pay = no leave the cab until policia arrives...

    i call it the 30 dollar cab ride because my 10 dollar round trip to the vet and back cost 30$.... I am now rude to every street hustling pile of **** in that country... my few trusted friends and sellers however I treat like gold... I just took a pharmacist out to lunch a few hours ago...

    he says he will store my HGH there at the pharmacia free of charge for 30 days and then charge 20$ a month after that.

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