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  1. #41
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    PCT weeks 9-13 was consisted of 5grams of trib ed and 10g of creatine ed.
    You can only hope newbies here don't take this advice.


  2. #42
    Nicky B's Avatar
    Nicky B is offline Senior Member
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    I would not recommend that PCT to anyone but it was what i had to work with.

  3. #43
    DogmaDog is offline New Member
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    I know if your epiphyseal plates haven't matured and you take HGH you'll grow alot, they've used it to treat dwarfism. I only took about 50mg of test e my first injection and I'm questioning wether I should go ahead and start taking it for real, like 300mg/w. As far as my growth plates are conserned I'm almost 21 and very well could have messed up any height potential I had earlier on with andro poppers, NO2, other powerful supplements, or all the party drugs I did. I'm still gaining naturally with good dieting and my intense workouts but its not fast enough to get me where I want to be by summer. I can get to 155lbs naturally but I want to get to 170 instead, i know i'll probably only keep half of that but i'd pull some badass bitches at the beach being 170. If I take an anti-e will it lower the risk of the epiphyseal plates hardening?

  4. #44
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    Nicky B is offline Senior Member
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    Yes anti-e use will lower the risk but there still is a risk

  5. #45
    DogmaDog is offline New Member
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    It doesn't make sense to me that steroids would make you grow 1/2"-1" because testosterone increases the rate at which you synthesis protien. Bone growth would not be stimulated by that kind physiology since the growth of bone depends on the rate at which the hyline cartlige cells in the epiphyseal plates under go mitosis and the hardening of those cells by osteoblasts secreting calcium salts all over them which hardens them. The major contributors to bone growth are vitamin C which is required for collagen synthesis, Vitamin A which is necessary for osteoblast activity, and growth hormone to stimulate the division of the cartlige in the epiphyseal plates.

    here's the link to my Human anatomy and physiology teachers web site w/ tutorials if you want to know more about any of this.

  6. #46
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    First i would like to thank everyone for the lovely comments. But don't tell me about research i studied up for 2months on differnent steroids and cycles before cycling at 17. Anyone here that has used AS at a young age will atest to have grown taller somewhat on a cycle, I was just giving my personal experiance. And where i said about estrogen closeing your growth plates is very true, thats why i figured i needed a strong anti-e. So i started reading up about them and I learned that nolvadex and clomid could possibly close your growth plates so they were a no no. So I chose armidex and used it at .75mg ed which is a pretty high dose considering I didn't use alot of juice. My cycle was.

    test e at 400mg a week 200mg injected every 4 days. weeks 1-8
    anavar 30mg ed weeks 1-6.
    armidex .75mg ed weeks 1-9
    PCT weeks 9-13 was consisted of 5grams of trib ed and 10g of creatine ed. I walked away gaining 18LBS and keeping 12LBS.
    I wouldn't be bragging about 2 months of research!! Hopefully people research a lot longer than that before starting.

  7. #47
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    Nicky B is offline Senior Member
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    Im not bragging but if someone says something that you think is wrong somebody always says maybe you should use the research button. Letting you know i did my research.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    First i would like to thank everyone for the lovely comments. But don't tell me about research i studied up for 2months on differnent steroids and cycles before cycling at 17. Anyone here that has used AS at a young age will atest to have grown taller somewhat on a cycle, I was just giving my personal experiance. And where i said about estrogen closeing your growth plates is very true, thats why i figured i needed a strong anti-e. So i started reading up about them and I learned that nolvadex and clomid could possibly close your growth plates so they were a no no. So I chose armidex and used it at .75mg ed which is a pretty high dose considering I didn't use alot of juice. My cycle was.
    I started at a young age. I was about 5'9" when I started and guess what... I'm still 5'9". No growth at all. Why? Because that's not how things work bro. You may have researched your cycle bro, but that doesn't give you the right to still give advice on **** you don't know about. Geez. I have never seen so much bad advice on one thread.

  9. #49
    RUballs0514's Avatar
    RUballs0514 is offline Associate Member
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    nicky B, you should just stop talkin now. you are just digging yourself into a deeper hole. i know its hard to admit that you're wrong (you are in this case). its not just someone who thinks you're wrong, it everyone. or at least all the educated people. cycle at 17 = dumbest idea ever. who has ever heard of usin creatine as a pct. most people like usin the nolva cause it decreases the bloat among other things, and you're tryin to blow up like a blimp. i'd just unplug the keyboard next time and just use the mouse if i were you. balls out

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