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  1. #1
    jgg1221 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    2 cycles of 1 big one?

    ok, so i found a GREAT price on a 50ml bottle of test enanthate

    and i was thinking of either doing 1 long heavy cycle, or doing two different medium cycles

    the big one would be like this
    front loading first week @ 1g
    and then w2-24, id do 500mg/w

    this way id have a constant 1000mg of test in my blood each week... a lot of test

    or i could do two cycles, the first being a 13 weeker frontloaded with 1000mg of test and 500mg for the remaining 12 weeks

    and the next cycle being a 10 week, frontloaded with a gram the first week and 500mg/w for the rest

    debating on whether or not to keep them as test only cycles

    and just use clomid, nolva, ldex and around 80mcg of igf1 lr3 (maybe a lil more) for 5 weeks post cycle

    what do you guys think

  2. #2
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Feb 2004
    I ussually throw 2-4 cycles into one, but you have to remember that there are alot of extra factors to consider with long cycles. Do your research and make sure you're ready for a long one before you jump in.

    Also, you're still not going to get a constant 1g of test in your system. For example if you're injecting Test enan it has a halflife of like 10.5 days and you're hitting it every 3.5 days (2x per week), so it's going to keep building after you've frontloaded it. Unless you've done the actual calculations on what it builds to and that is 1g, in which case disregard what I said, but I think it should build to something higher.

  3. #3
    jgg1221 is offline Member
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    Sep 2004
    hmm... well im considering it but ive read that after a while the test gains tend to slow up and its harder to get stronger/bigger

    so maybe doing 2 cycles is better?


  4. #4
    swole101 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    i would go with one long if gains slow just up cals

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