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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    For those running test longer than 10 weeks, consider this maybe??

    Ok lets just be honest, test rocks. I mean test is the king daddy of cycles and a feel good drug as well. Wether its prop, e, cyp, or sus, test is the **** right?? But anybody who runs thier cycles straight arrow pattern(same dosage every week the entire duration of cycle) knows that after week 6 or 7 the gains from most tests slow up(especially prop) and the effects arent as strong as they were. So I've come up with a theory. I've been running 700 mg/prop wk for the past 7 weeks. I know the effects arent as strong as they were because my energy levels arent as high, my insane sex drive is not as bad as it was, and that increased sense of well being just isnt as strong. So that is why I upped my test dosage from 700 to 1500mg this week. I propose that doubling the dosage at week 7 will be just the thing I need to kickstart the system back into growth, then I'll drop back down to 700 the rest of the cycle. It seems to have worked well, strength is insane again(even though I'm on a cut) and everything is back to A OK. A little more acne, but nothing too noticable. So from now on wether I'm running a long ester like cyp or test e, or a short ester like prop, week 7 is "shock week" and if I'm hitting the long ester then prop is what will be thrown in on the 7th week to shock the system. Just thought I'd share, peacel

  2. #2
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
    BlInDsIdE is offline "ARs Most Dangerous Member"
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    hmm interesting, thanks 4 sharing I might have 2 try that.

  3. #3
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    That's too big a jump IMO. You would be better off upping it to 1000mg and staying with that until the end of your cycle. Also, gains for me don't slow until about week 10 or 12. Up your calories before upping your dose.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    That's too big a jump IMO. You would be better off upping it to 1000mg and staying with that until the end of your cycle. Also, gains for me don't slow until about week 10 or 12. Up your calories before upping your dose.
    I'd love to up the cals man, but I'm 5 weeks out from a show so cant do that now. I'm actually cutting the prop out in a few weeks altogether, but God how my appetite has sprung up!!!

  5. #5
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I'd love to up the cals man, but I'm 5 weeks out from a show so cant do that now. I'm actually cutting the prop out in a few weeks altogether, but God how my appetite has sprung up!!!
    Well, if you're cutting for a show you won't be gaining any muscle anyway, the key is to not lose muscle.

    Try sibutramine for appetite suppression, it works like none other.

  6. #6
    China Dawg's Avatar
    China Dawg is offline Junior Member
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    If your gains start to lag off after 7 weeks, then why not just do a 7 week cycle rather than trying to squeeze everything that you can out of a 10+ week cycle? My last cycle was 10 weeks of test e and yeah I saw my gains really slow after 6 weeks. So now on my second cycle I'm doing just 7 weeks of test prop.

    I saw some of my best gains actually AFTER my last cycle when I took a vacation and gave my body a week to rest. When I got back into the gym I was able to grow well and still maintain my strength and size gains from the cycle.

    I think for me, personally, that a long cycle just taxes my body too much with all of the hard training I do while "on". So I'm hoping that a shorter cycle will be enough to stimulate my body for some real growth and then give me a little break so that my body can then actually heal, grow, and supercompensate. Plus with a shorter cycle I'll run a shorter PCT and have less of a wait for the next cycle (I'm time limited while I'm living in China and the AAS is legal, so I'm trying a few short cycles rather than just a couple long cycles).

    Just my thoughts, I know everyone is different in how they respond to AAS.

  7. #7
    enigma79's Avatar
    enigma79 is offline New Member
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    Good advice China Dawg, adding this to my memory bank for pre-eduction for my first cycle. Thanks!

  8. #8
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
    100%NATURAL-theGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    That's too big a jump IMO. You would be better off upping it to 1000mg and staying with that until the end of your cycle. Also, gains for me don't slow until about week 10 or 12. Up your calories before upping your dose.
    I partially agree with ya on that one... maybe a jump from 700 to like 1050mg a week (which would be 1.5 CC of prop a day)... stay their for a while... then make the jump again to 1400 when your gains slow back down... I mean... that way you could get back into the nitch a few times before the end of your cycle.... cuz right now when you drop back to 700 isn't that really gonna sucK??

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    I partially agree with ya on that one... maybe a jump from 700 to like 1050mg a week (which would be 1.5 CC of prop a day)... stay their for a while... then make the jump again to 1400 when your gains slow back down... I mean... that way you could get back into the nitch a few times before the end of your cycle.... cuz right now when you drop back to 700 isn't that really gonna sucK??
    I suppose it will suck, but getting off my anabolics to cut the last of the water 10-14 days out from the show will suck anyways, but its aright, I'm ready for it.

  10. #10
    AG5678's Avatar
    AG5678 is offline Member
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    stayinstacked: Interesting theory

    China Dawg: Also very interesting. i might have to try that. It is a good way not to tear up your body as bad

  11. #11
    Moosepellet's Avatar
    Moosepellet is offline Member
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    It might work, but that doesn't mean that I would try it. I think that ChinaDawgs theory holds true, but you need to run the test a little longer than 6wks. That's just my 2cents, but who am I to say.

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