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  1. #1
    shortbusrydaz's Avatar
    shortbusrydaz is offline New Member
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    got my stuff, just need help on when to do what? any knowledge?

    i have dianabol 5mg pills -- got 100
    deca 300mg -- got 10 ml
    masteron 100mg -- got 10 ml
    sustonon 250 -- got 10 ml
    methyl 1 test 10mg pills -- got 160

    also can i use the GNC 6- oxo for anti estragen after the cycle? and do i need this during or before?
    what about tribitus?

    I'm just taking milk thistle and NAC 600 for the last 2 weeks.

    I weigh 155 n just wanna swell up, but i want to keep the most gains thats why i need help on creating a good cycle for myself.

    thanks fo da knowledge

  2. #2
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortbusrydaz
    i have dianabol 5mg pills -- got 100
    deca 300mg -- got 10 ml
    masteron 100mg -- got 10 ml
    sustonon 250 -- got 10 ml
    methyl 1 test 10mg pills -- got 160

    also can i use the GNC 6- oxo for anti estragen after the cycle? and do i need this during or before?
    what about tribitus?

    I'm just taking milk thistle and NAC 600 for the last 2 weeks.

    I weigh 155 n just wanna swell up, but i want to keep the most gains thats why i need help on creating a good cycle for myself.

    thanks fo da knowledge
    Here come the flames

  3. #3
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Just go with the sust only or some enthanate at 500 mg a week if you can get some. IMO the GNC stuff is crap. You should run 10 mg nolvadex for your anti e and maybe even l-dex. After cycle you need clomid and nolvadex.

    If I were you I would read all the stickies at the top and the sample cycles on the home page.

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    how old are you? how tall? 155 lbs is pretty small to start using gear. I'd really consider working on your diet before hitting the gear. I'll be you can make a lot of gains naturally just by eating 4-5k calories a day mixed with a solid workout routine. Food is the most anabolic substance you can put into your body. Besides without a solid diet in place, you wont get much from your gear in terms of gains. Spend some time on here doing some research before doing anything. A good first cycle is 500 mg/wk of test e followed by proper PCT. Take the 6oxo and flush it. Its crap IMO

  5. #5
    Lozgod's Avatar
    Lozgod is offline Anabolic Member
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    Not flaming. I was a newbie once. However.......

    I researched like crazy before kicking out any money. You should of did the same. You need way more Sustanon for starters. I would do some research on cycles and start over. You have cutting compounds, bulking compounds, no real anti-E's, no PCT.

  6. #6
    jordanfanatic23's Avatar
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    did you just buy the stuff without reading up on it or knowing what does what?

  7. #7
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    the sust. is good but not for a newbie. and masteron is more for cutting. u should bulk up first but i wouldnt suggest a d-bol and deca cycle. work out natural for a while with a good diet. how long have u been workin out?

  8. #8
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    What everyone above said. OK, you've now got a medicine chest of gear. I will assume we're talking first cycle here based on the information provided thus far. Not to worry, the pool of knowledge gets deep very quickly.

    I'm going to make this easy for you ... go for a deca /sustanon cycle. Everyone reacts a bit differently to roids, so YMMV (your mileage may vary). Deca will put on some weight for you, as will the sust. Be advised that every time that I used sust, I experienced fever-like symptoms for the first week.

    And stop! What's your PCT? Read Pheedno's sticky on the PCT forum. I have learned the hard way; don't repeat my mistakes.

  9. #9
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jordanfanatic23
    did you just buy the stuff without reading up on it or knowing what does what?
    Looks that way. Thankfully, he's posted a question here. Let's do our best to help out a bro.

  10. #10
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    the guy only weights 155 lbs, he shouldnt be using gear yet. Besides he doesnt have nearly enough sust b/c you have to shoot it eod. He needs to do more research first

  11. #11
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    the sust. is good but not for a newbie.
    Here's where we start splitting hairs (everyone has an opinion, hopefully I won't sound like an a-hole). Personally, I did sust on my first three cycles, and I'm happy that I did. The reason for this is that sust has longer lasting esthers, which means that I didn't need to stick a needle in my quads as often as I do now that I use Test Prop.
    What would you recommend for a test base; the methyl 1? I don't know; I'm not familiar with it. I understand that it's an oral. Personally, I'm not a big fan of orals; too much liver damage for the gains that you make. Besides, real men shove a needle in their quads (at least that's what I keep telling myself ).

  12. #12
    shortbusrydaz's Avatar
    shortbusrydaz is offline New Member
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    i do understand a lil and done alot of research here too, i have been working out for almost 8 years but i have such a high metabalism i never am able to gain weight. i eat my ass off and usually healthy food, but eatin a grip. i did a cycle of test about a year ago and gained a lil. i can't get novadex what else could i use? i never got anything from gnc but someone told me use 6-0o if i couldn't get novadex. so i ask you all.

    so do clomid and nolvadex after the cycle and also do novadex before?

    oh i am 25 and 5'8

    cause i was thinkin of usin the dbol , sust, and deca for the most part stacked and run mast toward the end with a lil methyl 1 test.


    i did alot of reading here just trying to get a lil more from ya

    thanks for the replies

  13. #13
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    the guy only weights 155 lbs, he shouldnt be using gear yet. Besides he doesnt have nearly enough sust b/c you have to shoot it eod. He needs to do more research first
    We don't know his height. Until we know how tall he is, we can't make a judgement on gear. And FWIW, I wish that I had used gear in my 20s ... my body just doesn't produce enough test to make me big. I'm 6' and lifted naturally on and off for a decade with no gains.
    Why do you have to shoot sust EOD? I used to shoot it every third day, but the effect lasts something like 14 days. I'd have to look at the profile for it, but I thought that my injections were driven by the primobolon depot that I used.
    Yikes! You're right, he doesn't have nearly enough sust. I think that I used 1500 in my first week, followed by 750/wk for an additional 11 weeks.

    Bottom line: shortbusrydaz, you've got to give us more details to work with. Age, height, how long you've lifted, etc.

  14. #14
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    do you actually keep tracking of the amount of calories you eat on a daily basis? Most people say theyre eating a lot, but when they start counting realize that they arent getting nearly as many as they think. Go to they have a calorie counter spreadsheet you can use to see how much youre eating. Im will to bet that you if eat 5000 calories a day you'll put on some size regardless of your metabolism

    I dont know where you are, but you can get nolva and clomid by clicking the flashing banner in the upper right hand corner of this page. Dont use dbol and M1t in the same cycle, youre just asking for a liver transplant. M1T is junk IMO, people get gains off it, but not worth the sides

  15. #15
    shortbusrydaz's Avatar
    shortbusrydaz is offline New Member
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    cool cool, i got ya I will go to

    you're right i just eat all the time but i probably still don't eat enough.

    i also understan about the m 1 test, i won't take it yet

    so how does this sound?

    1st 20 days take 25 mg dinabol per day

    sust 250 once a week for 1st 2 weeks, then twice a week 6 weeks, then 1 a week for 2 weeks ( is it good to start slow and end slow like this with the sust.?)

    deca 300 once a week for 10 weeks

    masteron 100 3 times a week for the LAST 3 weeks
    (or should i just save this for a cutting stack with something else later)

    th anks

  16. #16
    shortbusrydaz's Avatar
    shortbusrydaz is offline New Member
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    PCT for cycles 8-16wks:
    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva
    and bromo ----> how much of this though, the forums state this is good pct for using deca

    i can get all this legally here somewhere right

    this is my pct plan

  17. #17
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    First off, thats more than enough for a first or second cycle. Save the masteron for another time. I think you really need to get more sust. I would say as a minimum take 250 mg twice a week for ten weeks. A lot of people will tell you to shoot it eod and I tend to agree with them, but a lot of people only shoot it twice a week or so. Really I would see if you can swap the sust for some test e instead. Sust is over hyped IMO. It really just expensive test. Dont pyramid the dose, keep it constant, it reduces the sides and keeps blood levels for stable

  18. #18
    shortbusrydaz's Avatar
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    my dbol....what are the mg

    i was told these that i have are 5 mg each. is this correct? i got this pic from another post but mine are exactly the same

    thanks again

    here is da pic of ma dbols
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails got my stuff, just need help on when to do what? any knowledge?-dbol.jpg  

  19. #19
    shortbusrydaz's Avatar
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    got ya longhorn

    i will save or swap the mast n get more test

    so ya live in texas?
    i lived in beaumont, tx for a couple year back n the day.

    well thanks and its all much appreciated

  20. #20
    shortbusrydaz's Avatar
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    takin dbol

    you say don't pymarid doses but is better to take the dbol in the beginning only and knock it out right?

  21. #21
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    Well, I know he should probably get bigger first naturally, but if he's gonna roid he's gonna roid, so here is what I would do with the gear you have. I would aim for getting some bulk and mass, then come in with the masteron towards the end of the cycle to harden out the appearance. Ideally you'd probably want more Sustanon , but lets work with what you have I suppose. I'd start with 4 tabs of dbol /day until it runs out around the end of 3.5 -4 weeks. You also want to start your deca and sustanon right from the get go as well. If the sus is in ampules, crack it open and fill your syringe to a half cc, then fill another syringe to a half cc, then re-sheath the one full needle and put it in a safe place. Shoot the one shot on Mon. and the other on Thurs for a solid 10 weeks. If it's in a bottle and not amps, even better, just draw out a half cc and shoot it twice weekly. Also, keep the deca at around 200 mg for 9-10 weeks, dont go much higher because you dont have enough test to counter it. I would come in with the masteron around week 6 or 7 and do 100 mg every third day until you run out. You should be through with everything by week 10. As far as MIT goes, I personally wouldnt throw it in at all, it's not necessary with this cycle, and especially the lack of extra test. Research proper Clomid therapy, you can buy liquid clomid online, as well as noladex. Is this an ideal first cycle, absolutely not, but can you make it work? Sure you can

  22. #22
    gators123 is offline New Member
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    Hey guys, this is my first post so I don't know if this is the right dept for this question...I am interested in finding some product from aviator labs or some other good places..........

  23. #23
    HeAtMaN05's Avatar
    HeAtMaN05 is offline Junior Member
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    gators.....edit that post and read the rules!!!

  24. #24
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gators123
    Hey guys, this is my first post so I don't know if this is the right dept for this question...I am interested in finding some product from aviator labs or some other good places..........
    read the rules

  25. #25
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    You don't have enough gear for one, 10mL of sust will last you 5 weeks and you must shoot it every other day, not once or twice a week. 100*5mg Dbol will last you 16 days, which won't do anything, and neither will 10mL of masteron .

    Focus on the diet and forget gear for now, if you can't gain weight on your own then you won't gain anything more with gear besides water. Eat, eat, eat!! If its taken you 8 years to reach 155lbs at 5'8, theres alot more wrong than a fast metabolism because I'd put money on mine being faster than yours and I'm closing on 240lbs... its all in the diet!

  26. #26
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    155 using gear?

    That's like trying to build a house w/no foundation.

    A car w/no engine.

    I don't wanna preach to the choir, so I'll leave promptly.


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