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  1. #1
    BigTime14 is offline New Member
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    Question Diabetes Effects goes. I have worked out for several years now, probably about 5. I am now 21, and considering hitting the juice. The only problem with this is that I have been DIABETIC for 16 years. Should this mean that I shoud be ESPECIALLY concerned about liver and kidney problems from juice? Thanks for any help

  2. #2
    Methuselah's Avatar
    Methuselah is offline Member
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    I would stick to testosterone until you find some better information.
    Last edited by TNT; 04-05-2002 at 11:37 AM.

  3. #3
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Re: Diabetes Effects

    Originally posted by BigTime14 goes. I have worked out for several years now, probably about 5. I am now 21, and considering hitting the juice. The only problem with this is that I have been DIABETIC for 16 years. Should this mean that I shoud be ESPECIALLY concerned about liver and kidney problems from juice? Thanks for any help
    Welcome, o newbie, to the board. You will find that we have several members who are diabetic, and hopefully a few of them will contribute some feedback if they catch this thread.

    I'll assume that since you have been diabetic since you were approximately age 5, you have Type 1 diabetes. I'll also assume, based on this, that you are on insulin as opposed to oral glycemics.

    (Note for our general readers: Type 1 diabetes is usually acquired in childhood. Type 2 diabetes is usually acquired later, hence it is also called adult onset diabetes or, technically, NIDDM. Type 1 diabetes is almost always controlled by insulin injections, whereas Type 2 diabetes may be controlled by insulin or by oral medications.)

    Some questions become key at the start: First, what specific meds or insulin types and dosages are you on, and is your diabetes well controlled or uncontrolled? Also, do you monitor your glucose on a regular basis by glucometer (such as Accucheck, One Touch, etc.)? Also important: Are you under care of an endocrinologist, or simply a family physician or general practitioner? And are you hip enough to adjust your own insulin or oral dosages as needed based on your current glucose status?

    All that said, I agree with Methusaleh - If you are going to do any AS, testosterone would likely be a safe bet with regular glucose monitoring. In fact, if you have never done so, it might be an idea to have your total testosterone level checked anyway, since TT levels can be impacted by diabetes. (In fact, if yours is low enough, you may be able to use test legally, something that a lot of guys would love to be able to do.)

    As you read the posts here on A.R., one of the things you will often see me say is that I recommend being open with your physician about AS use. Two reasons: First, if you have any underlying medical conditions, you can make informed decisions about a cycle's impact on those conditions. Second, even if a physician doesn't agree with your decisions, you can have your labs monitored to make sure that a cycle is not having a negative impact on your kidneys, liver, etc.

    Can you, as a diabetic, do AS? Absolutely. But obviously, you do have an underlying medical condition, so I would start by getting a baseline set of labs to make sure your body is in good condition to start. Specifically, I recommend a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Lipid Panel, Complete Blood Count, Total Testosterone, and Prostate Specific Antigen.

    Why? I'm glad you asked. The CMP will show how your kidneys and liver are doing. The Lipid will indicate your cholesterol, the CBC will show your various blood counts, including things that are sometimes impacted by AS use, like creatine. The TT gives you a baseline of your status before using test in a cycle, and the PSA will provide a baseline on your prostate condition, since prostate size can be impacted by AS use.

    As always, don't expect your doctor to prescribe AS (unless clinically indicated, such as in the case of testosterone supplementation). But if your doctor is open, he or she will be able to monitor your labs and provide helpful feedback that will aid you in making your own decisions. Remember that the doctor-patient relationship is confidential, although I usually recommend asking your doctor not to note any AS use in your medical chart.

    Finally, remember that you are special. That's not just motivational bullshit, but a note to take everything you read here into account in light of your diabetes. Some bodybuilders and weightlifters, for example, use insulin as part of a cycle even though they are not diabetic. Others integrate drugs like Glucophage into a cycle. I never recommend using diabetic meds if one is not diabetic, but if you are diabetic and use these things for medical reasons, be especially careful in developing a cycle that will have any significant impact on your glucose levels.

    Again, BigTime14, welcome to the board. Hope we can be of help to you, and we look forward to your participation in our merry band of marauders.

  4. #4
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    TNT you're a fu(king genious bro, you got answer to every question. Amazing...

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    bro pm me im a diebetic also. i've done a few cycles and ill help you anyway i can
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    androplex is offline Donating Member
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    Thanks for being on this board.


    Good luck with your decision. Remember we are a family on this board and can help each other. Welcome.

  7. #7
    Ranger is offline New Member
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    I am diabetic as well, and have helped quite a few fellow diabetics with cycles...feel free to e-mail me anytime with questions...I shall do all I can to help you achieve your goals, and be safe at the same time...


  8. #8
    BigTime14 is offline New Member
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    Atlanta GA
    Thanks to all who gave me a reply. I would REALLY appreciate any help that you guys can give. I am really excited about this, but at the same time I am very concerned. So thank you so much and I appreciate any more help you can give

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