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  1. #1
    timw is offline New Member
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    Mar 2005

    Aspiration part and confusion from articles HELP!!!

    I've read several articles on IM injection techniques. The aspiration part varies and I would like to clarify with a couple questions.

    1. How often is it that you draw blood when aspirating?

    2. If you don't draw blood when you aspirate what do you draw?

    3. If you draw blood do you unquestionably withdraw? What happens if you go ahead and inject?

    4. Once you withdraw if getting blood do you push the blood outa the syringe before trying again?

    5. Do you or do you not throw the needle away if you draw blood and get a fresh one?

    Thanks for your responses!

  2. #2
    BodyMechanic's Avatar
    BodyMechanic is offline Senior Member
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    I have never drawn blood after thousands of injections. If you draw blood then you would get another needle and try again.

  3. #3
    Aboot's Avatar
    Aboot is offline Banned
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    1. Whenever you hit a vein. It varies.

    2. Air bubbles should come up.

    3. Yes, if you inject you may inject into a vein and then the oil and/or water will cause problems like getting into your lungs, etc.

    4.No, just aspirate again and you can inject the blood into the site.

    5. You can get a fresh needle for maximum sharpness or just use the same one, it is up to you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    san diego
    if you draw blood throw it away

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