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  1. #1
    Mutant's Avatar
    Mutant is offline Banned
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    Pumped to do a competition!

    I live in CA, and some of my friends will be competing in a few months either in a September show or the Tournament of Champions in December. I went to that December show in 2004 in which my buddy took 4th in Heavyweights.
    At 5'10 220lb, I am not as big as some of them, but I feel that I could blow a good portion of them out of the water if I put the effort in. So, I think I might compete in Tournament of Champions in Pasadena, CA which is only a few miles from my house. I would go on a bulking cycle for a few months to throw on 10-12 pounds of solid muscle muscle, the go staright to a cuttling cycle to diet and get in competition shape while hardening up and keeping as much solid muscle as I can. I will see where I look a month before the competition and decide what I want to do from there. I've been thinking of competing for a while now, but just want to be a beast for my first competition. Looking at my weight and decent bf at 12%, I dont know if 5'10 230 would amount to much if I leaned out. There are a bunch of short dudes out there that are over 200lb, and standing next to some of them I will look tiny! We shall see.

  2. #2
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    First i would say post some pics for us (if you havent already), your bodyweight dosent say us much if you want to compete.

    If you dont have enough size either go on a full year cycle and aim for next years show (this will cost alot of money), or if you want to try then go for hardness since you cant mach the others size. Hardness makes you look bigger! If they are holding water size wont save them.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    alevok Guest
    good luck bro, it is a good experience after all....

  4. #4
    Mutant's Avatar
    Mutant is offline Banned
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    Oct 2004
    Yea, I should learn how to post some pictures. Also I dont know if I want to do a year-round cycle.

  5. #5
    bmg's Avatar
    bmg is offline Member
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    Dec 2003
    if the show has a super heavy weight class you probably want to cut down to heavyweight. but anyways... 5'8" about 225 is definately good as long as your conditioning is on.

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