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  1. #1
    RedBaron38's Avatar
    RedBaron38 is offline Junior Member
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    Small injection problem.....need help

    Quick question you guy's, I'm on a Sus/deca /dbol /prop cycle, and I haven't had a problem with any of the injections except for the prop at 50mg. When I inject in my glutes some of it kind of leaks out and then it bleeds. Not worried about the blood part, but am worried about that prop just leaking out 'cause that's just money literally going to waste. I've tried searching on here to see what would help and so far people just seem to say that you have to slow your injections down and I've done that and also waited for a little bit before pulling the needle out. I use a 21g 1.5 inches and I put the whole 1.5inches in the glute and the injection time is about 1-2min for that 1ml. You guy's have any advice so that it won't leak out anymore?

  2. #2
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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  3. #3
    RedBaron38's Avatar
    RedBaron38 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2005
    Nope haven't heard nor seen that but I'll do that tomorrow seeing that is my next injection for prop.....thanks for the info though

  4. #4
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Mar 2002
    The z track method will help. You basically pull the skin slightly to one side and shoot, and when you release the skin, the holes through the skin and through the fat and through the muscle no longer line up. Also, try pressing your alcohol wipe kinda firmly onto the injection site and try to get a clot before the juice can run out. Oh, and use a smaller pin. For a .5cc shot, you can probably get along fine with a 25ga. Definitely at least go down to a 23ga. It is MUCH nicer than a 21!

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