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  1. #1
    transform is offline Associate Member
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    Proscar & Propecia

    Quick question ; proscar and propecia are both finasteride, correct? and both work against mpb by blocking type2 enzyem 5 AR which prevents test converting to dht, right? So if theyre bith the same then why is preoscar a quarter of the price of propecia?Is one more effective than the other or something? Any info would be great

  2. #2
    flexin-rph's Avatar
    flexin-rph is offline Member
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    Because the manufacturer (Merck) can.

  3. #3
    transform is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005
    Thanks mate!

    General question: Im on a test/dbol cycle(dbol 20mg a day/Test E 250mg every 4th day)on a scale of 1-10 (1 being most prone to male pattern baldness/10 being least) id say im 7. How bad could balding potentially be typically for a person like me. I know it differs from person to person but could someone give me a rough estimate even? And,probably of more importance, if i noticed hairloss occuring then i would cease the cycle immediately, but how long would it take to cease shedding?

  4. #4
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    have you began using the finasteride yet? and dbol wouldnt be recommended for one prone to mpb, even at that low dose

  5. #5
    transform is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    have you began using the finasteride yet? and dbol wouldnt be recommended for one prone to mpb, even at that low dose

    Havnt started it yet but im getting it in a week or so. The thing is that i honestly dont know if im "prone to mpb" and TBH, i dont know what the hell "prone to mpb" means, because what man isnt gonna lose hair over their life?!? Iv been on 6 days and so far so good.My 2 mates did a 6 week dbol only cycle at 40mg a day and neither of them lost a hair!!!Lucky s.o.b.'s...... Any idea how long ill keep sheddin hair after i quit the cycle if it does happen?

  6. #6
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    Quote Originally Posted by transform
    Quick question ; proscar and propecia are both finasteride, correct? and both work against mpb by blocking type2 enzyem 5 AR which prevents test converting to dht, right? So if theyre bith the same then why is preoscar a quarter of the price of propecia?Is one more effective than the other or something? Any info would be great

    Proscar was originally marketed and approved for a real medical problem of the prostate. Propecia was marketed and approved purley for cosmetic purposes.

    Propecia will most likely never be covered by insurance where if your doctor doesn't explicitly say proscar is for hairloss on the script you might get insurance to pay for it, assuming you are in the right age range for prostate problems.

    Their hope I guess that no one would figure out the two were the same thing, or that doctors would not write "off label" perscriptions for proscar. Basically they are greedy and lookin out for their stockholders, which is good only if you own the stock.
    Last edited by sp9; 04-11-2005 at 05:35 PM.

  7. #7
    transform is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005
    Thanks. Thats good i suppose since i bought about 100 euros worth of the stuff the other day!

    Has anyone got any idea about how long id keep losin hair after i quit the cycle at the rater i was losin it while on gear? Heres a theory of mine, feel free to criticise

    Dbol has a short half life and testE is about 10 days.Thus, dht levels should start droppin after 4 or 5 days and by day 10, test levels in my body should be fairly low, so i should actually lose hair at a rate slower than i would normally(ie. a rate of which i lose it while not on gear). So i should be "back to normal" in a week or so.Does that sound credible?

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