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  1. #1
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    New guy needing info on a cycle I want to do

    Ok guys, heres my stats
    Im 32 yrs old, 5'11, 265 lbs. Ive been working out hard and naturally since I was 15 yrs old. I have done 2 cycles before. I did one with deca alone(big mistake) and Ive done one with test alone with some good results. Ive also ****ed around with prohormones from time to time.
    I have about 30lbs of fat on me and altough I do alot of cardio and I watch my diet, Ive never been able to get the ripped look that Ive wanted, so I have decided to do my 1st real cycle.
    I keep hearing everybody rant and rave about how great tren and winny are for cutting and I really want to try a light 10 week cycle with 50mgs ed of anavar , hear is what I was thinking
    weeks 1 thru 10 tren 75mgs eod
    weeks 2 thru 8 winny 50 mgs eod
    weeks 2 thru 8 anavar 50 mgs ed
    I also will be taking 1% androgel daily because of hrt
    I also want to cycle on and off with clen /t3 and eca, 2 weeks clen/t3/
    2 weeks eca

    Now here is the big problem, I used to be bald and I have spent $8000.00 in the past 5 yrs on a kick ass plug dr and I dont want to lose any more hair!
    I know that tren and winny are rough on the hair and I know that proscar is ineffective against either of them. My big question is this, have any of you guys ever ran a cycle like I described and used topical antiandrogens like 5% spiro, fluridil, and xandrox? Right now my hair loss regimen consists of 5% minox, 1.25 mg ed of fin, 1% nizoral 3 times a week, and hair max laser comb 3 times a week.
    I know alot of you guys are thinking Im some kind of pansy for wanting to save my hair, but take it from me, I started going bald at age 15 and by the time I was 23, I lost over 65% of my hair and life SUCKED!! The only women that are attracted to you are the ones that are just as reputive looking as you are! Trust me guys, now that I have the illusion of having a full head of hair, life is much better in those regards.
    Anyways, now that it looks like I finally got the hair loss thing solved, I want the Baywatch Bod. I already got the size. I have 20 in bis and a 50 plus in chest, just hardy any definition.
    I know what you guys are going to say, diet and cardio. Been there and still doing it, I just want to super charge things for once while keeping my hair.
    One more thing, if not tren and winny, what about this
    test e or c weeks 1 thru 10 500mgs
    eq weeks 1 thru 10 500 mgs
    anavar weeks 2 thru 8 50 mgs ed
    Would proscar be effective against any hair loss caused by the eq? Nobody that Ive talked to could give me a straight answer.
    I really would like to do the 1st cycle that Ive described, but if you guys think that 5% spiro, fluridil, Xandrox, and 2% Nizoral wont stop it while on the tren/winny cycle, what about the 2nd one?
    Ive been lurking around here for about 3 weeks and I know that there is alot of knowledgable people here so I figured you guys would be the ones to ask.
    Thanks alot for what ever info you guys can give

  2. #2
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    bump anyone?

  3. #3
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    you need to throw in test with that course of gear otherwise u will lose your ability to get a boner!dont like it mate.

    1-13 500mg test e
    1-12 400mg tren
    10-15 50mg winny ed
    16 start pct

  4. #4
    j martini is offline Member
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    I wouldnt run the tren /winny cycle for 2 reasons.
    1/ very harsh on the hair line
    2/ No test base all cycles should at least include a replacement dose of test.

    PersonallY i think that if you are as prone to hair loss as you say you would be taking a big chance using AAS.
    If you have spent all that money trying to keep your hair and it is that important to you i wouldnt bother.

  5. #5
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply guys, and Booze, I will keep what you suggest in mind. My main question is will the topicals stop the hair loss while on the sauce? If not the 1st cycle, what about the 2nd one? Would that be more hair friendly? I also want to point out that I am not going to make cycling a habit. If I do, it will be only with drugs like Primo, Deca , a little test, and Anavar . And I would only do a cycle of those once a year. Its just that this upcoming Thanksgiving, I will be going home for the holidays and I am going to be running in to people, (including exgirlfriends) that I havent seen in years. It would be nice to not only be sporting a full rug, but also the Baywatch Bod! This is why I just want to do 1 cycle of tren , winny, and anavar!

  6. #6
    Hed is offline Senior Member
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    MrBigSh!t, im going to be perfectly honest with you here. My source, who i know very well (we are good friends) juices, and has done a lot. He calmed down with juicing, and doesnt want to get freaky huge anymore, but still cycles. ALL he said he will EVER use again is Tren and Winny together. Each time he cycles, his strength blows up, he get more and more cut, and more muscular, but only puts on like 8-10 lbs the whole cycle. Strength mostly stays with him, and he has no side effects at all.....NONE. His hairline is fine, and hes done three Tren/Winny cycles.

    Now, i dont know becasue you are genetically prone to hairloss if it will affect it more (id lean towards yes), but im just giving you some real world feedback from someone who has seen that cycle done before.

  7. #7
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your info Hed, but what I need to know is if those topicals that I mentioned are going to be effective while on the cycle. Also, how is it that tren does not convert to DHT but can still make your hair fall out. I thought that tren is a 19 nor derivative and acts similar to deca on the hair.
    Any info guys?

  8. #8
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    shave your head dude and dont worry about it.

  9. #9
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    too late for that. I got a plate in my head that left me with a horse shoe shaped scar plus now after 3 hair transplant surgeries, I have a scar that runs from one ear to the next in the back of my head. Also, before i had the surgeries, I shaved my head and I wound up looking like a muscular humpty dumpty!! Not for me.
    You guys in your late teens and 20s need to realize one thing. The tough skin head look may look alright when your younger, but as you get in to your late 20s and older, it doesnt fly.

  10. #10
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Winstrol is one of the worst drugs for hairloss, it's a DHT derivitive. You're best bet is a test only cycle along with the proper anti-e's and 1-2mg of Finesteride ed to keep your hair.

  11. #11
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrBigSh!T
    too late for that. I got a plate in my head that left me with a horse shoe shaped scar plus now after 3 hair transplant surgeries, I have a scar that runs from one ear to the next in the back of my head. Also, before i had the surgeries, I shaved my head and I wound up looking like a muscular humpty dumpty!! Not for me.
    You guys in your late teens and 20s need to realize one thing. The tough skin head look may look alright when your younger, but as you get in to your late 20s and older, it doesnt fly.
    wats wrong with a shaved head im 35 n the ladies luv it(wife also).

  12. #12
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    What about eq? I dont see any point in doing a test only cycle since I really dont need anymore size than I already have. Also, what about the topicals that I mentioned? Would they help on a tren /winny cycle?

  13. #13
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    i got a shaved head and im 29. i have a bald spot so i can either have a comb over, have surgery or shave. i opted for the latter. My bald spot got worse on my cycles. Now i want it all to fall out so i dont have to shave. My wife loves it also!!

  14. #14
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrBigSh!T
    What about eq? I dont see any point in doing a test only cycle since I really dont need anymore size than I already have. Also, what about the topicals that I mentioned? Would they help on a tren/winny cycle?
    Test is best whether you are cutting or bulking. The reason for using AAS while cutting is to maintain the muscle mass you have. So, you need strong AAS like Test and Tren . Since tren is hard on the hair in a way I'm not sure about, and you can use finesteride to keep your hair with test, I'd go with the test. IMO, EQ is only good for vascularity, and once you stop it the veins go too. Winny is really just a finishing drug that is good for hardening. It's not really going to help you maintain muscle mass, and if your bf% is very high at all then winstrol is going to be useless. Plus, it's a DHT derivitive and thus is the worst thing for your hair, not even finesteride will help.

  15. #15
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info, if I opt for test/eq and anavar , will the topicals and finas work? I think Im going to stay away from winny. I was told that anavar wont do anything as far as hairloss goes, plus I already have a small supply and I dont want it to go to waste. What if I ran tren / test and var?

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