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  1. #1
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D

    Var only cycle Test Q!

    On a var only cycle what would be Opt Dosage for someone of 160lbs
    2nd what if they didnt want to take test, what would be a secondary supplment to help regulate any supressed test.
    Tribulus? or will the LH no longer be around for it to activate or what not?
    ZMA? or will that not even make a difference
    any other Suggestions plz

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    PS wat kinda pct would they need for a 7 week cycle

  3. #3
    apexed37's Avatar
    apexed37 is offline Junior Member
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  4. #4
    Thegr8One's Avatar
    Thegr8One is offline Senior Member
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    they'd need to be slapped and add some test

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Thegr8One
    they'd need to be slapped and add some test
    lol but test will stunt their growth

  6. #6
    Thegr8One's Avatar
    Thegr8One is offline Senior Member
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    if they are that young their body is still a natural test powerhouse
    why ruin that with any aas

  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Thegr8One
    if they are that young their body is still a natural test powerhouse
    why ruin that with any aas
    because var would be the wisest choice for someone who is going to do it anyway...

  8. #8
    Thegr8One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    because var would be the wisest choice for someone who is going to do it anyway...
    there i totaly agree

  9. #9
    Thegr8One's Avatar
    Thegr8One is offline Senior Member
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    as far as pct i'd do a 2wk clomid maybe even 3
    better safe than sorry

  10. #10
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    THat's a good women's cycle.

  11. #11
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Going to ask about anavar alone? READ THIS FIRST


    I have seen about three threads a day in the past month on anavar alone, and they all turn into arguments involving the same let this just be a "guide" for an individual planning/considering using oxandrolone as a standalone compound.

    First, id like to get a few things straight about var.


    Myth #1 - Anavar will not suppress the HPTA.
    False. Anavar, used in adequate dosages, will shut you down. To what degree you experience side effects of suppression (loss of libido, lethargy) is entirely dependent upon the individual and the dosages used.

    Myth #2 - Var is a weak anabolic , and is not effective unless stacked with a more androgenic compound.
    This could not be further from the truth. At dosages of 40mg a day and higher, anavar is incredibly effective at adding water free LBM. At around day 6-7, increased vascularity should become apparent (assuming your oxandrolone is legitimate in its dosing), and strength gains should start appearing around day 14.
    If used during a clean bulk, gains of 10-20 pounds are possible. If cutting, you will maintain weight, or even put on 5-10 pounds (depending on the rate of fat loss/severity of diet). You will keep all of your gains with proper PCT.

    Myth #3 - Anavar will not require any type of PCT.
    This is one ive never understood. It's a pretty commonly known fact now that var is a suppressive compound. So why is it that some individuals still refuse to make a small investment in some clomid/nolva....this is your testicular function we're talking about. That said, PCT required for var is not as "heavy" as PCT for, say, a test/eq cycle. 15-20 days @ 50mg clomid should be sufficient.


    The only real issue of concern that i have found when running anavar alone is slight libido suppression. Anavar is suppressive enough to where you WILL feel a difference in your sex drive (and not for the better ) when using 40+mg a day. There are three options to counteract this.

    #1 - Tribulus + Avena Sativa - Trib at 4-7g a day and Avena Sativa at 3-4g a day tend to help prevent any loss in performance or ability to get it up. However, using effective dosages is going to end up being as or more expensive than options 2 or 3...but its your call.

    #2 - Proviron - If hairloss is an issue in your choice to use anavar, then you may want to avoid this one. But 25mg ED proviron, starting after week 2, will keep you rock hard. And it will help to harden up your muscles too .

    #3 - Maintenance Test Dosage - Finally, you could choose to use testosterone to keep your willy in shape. At a dosage of around 200mg, split bi weekly, everything should keep running smoothly. Also, this will contribute to your gains much moreso than than options 1 or 2. I would keep nolva onhand on the off chance that you are severely gyno prone. Bloating should not be an issue at this dosage.


    Anavar is a badass drug. This is why.

    #1 - Vascularity
    Oxandrolone will make you veiny as all hell. And quickly. Look out for brand new bulging forearms veins by around day 6. If you are following a cutting regimen, expect new spider webs in your chest, shoulders and quads by around day 21.

    #2 - Pumps
    When on var, the pumps are constant. Bored sitting in class/at work? Do some unweighted calf raises. After about three minutes, your calves will be ready to pop. Youll be doing something like drinking a cup of water, and after a minute of holding it, your bi will be completely full and pumped. You may have to cut some sets short in the gym due to the painful pumpage.

    #3 - Strength
    Even when cutting, you can expect new strength gains every workout after about day 14-21.

    #4 - Fat Loss
    Anavar has been shown to contribute to accelerated fat loss in both subcutaneous and visceral fat, concentrated effects in the abdomen and thigh area. And if youve used the drug, you can attest to this...if you cant sport the 6-8 pack look on var, its not gonna happen .


    Anavar should be run @ at least 40mg a day to see all of the benefits it offers. Dosages upwards of 80mg have been shown to exhibit diminishing returns. Also, i cant imagine the intensity of the pumps at that kind of dosage.

    Cycle #1
    Anavar 40-50mg ED Weeks 1-8
    Tribulus 5-8g ED Weeks 1-12
    Avena Sativa 2-4g ED Weeks 1-12
    Clomid 50mg ED Weeks 9-11

    Cycle #2
    Anavar 40-50mg ED Weeks 1-8
    Proviron 25mg ED Weeks 3-8
    Clomid 50mg ED Weeks 9-11

    Cycle #3
    Anavar 40-50mg ED Weeks 1-8
    Test Prop 50mg EOD Weeks 1-8
    Clomid 50mg ED Weeks 9-11

    If bulking, Test Enanthate could be substituted for prop, and 100mg could be injected every 3-4 days...however, this could cause more bloating, and complicate PCT timing.


    Anavar is a 17 Alpha Alkylated steroid , and is toxic. It has been shown to be less toxic than other orals, and is even used as liver treatment for recovering alcoholics. Still, i would limit my time using it to 8 weeks, 10 at the most.

    It would be beneficial to you liver to use several different OTC supplements during, and perhaps after your cycle. A few preventive measures never hurt anyone .

    1 - Milk Thistle
    The classic liver protectant herb.supposedly works by blocking the entrance of harmful substances to liver cells, and hastening their expulsion. Make sure there is a high standardization of Silymarin

    2 - R ALA
    A powerful antioxidant

    3 - NAC
    Supports liver function and production of l-glutathione

    4 - Vitamin C and E

    5 - LOADS of water
    Helps to flush out your entire system


    Anavar isnt going to kill your cholesterol levels like some drugs (winny being one of the worst), but it may put your LDL/HDL profiles outside of the normal range. There are a few things that help, but as long as your not using 60+mg daily or running it for more than 10 weeks, i would just use flax...

    1 - Flax Oil
    Consuming lots of omega fatty acids promotes overall health, as well as helping to keep your lipid profile from becoming too bad.

    2 - Policosanol
    Used at 20mg daily to keep your HDL (good cholesterol) levels from crashing, and your LDL from becoming too high.

    3 - Niacin
    Preferably the flush free variety. If you wish, niacin can be used at 1-2g ED for a short period post-cycle to normalize HDL levels. Do not use for more than 7-14 days, as liver toxicity can be an issue when using those dosages of niacin for long periods of time.

    I hope that people read this, and that it helps those doing their research to make the correct decision. If anyone sees any glaring errors, or has something important to add, hit me with a PM and ill do some editing.


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