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  1. #1
    Svensson Guest

    Off Steroids - Growth Naturally

    After taking steroids .. when your test levels are back to normal once again, can you grow naturally like you did pre-steroid use ? And by this i mean no further steroid use at all!!

    Or do steroids have a permanent effect on the ability to enduce muscle growth naturally?

    Something i heard a while back, would like classification.

  2. #2
    Aboot's Avatar
    Aboot is offline Banned
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    You can continue to grow naturally after using steroids , yes.

  3. #3
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    Well I think that if you use steroids to surpass -by a long shot- your natural potential then you won't make gains naturally. But I think that if you're close or below it then you will with no problem. Just my opinion, I'm sure others differ.

  4. #4
    Aboot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    But I think that if you're close or below it then you will with no problem. Just my opinion, I'm sure others differ.


  5. #5
    slopland's Avatar
    slopland is offline New Member
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    From a human physiologist's point of view you can increase your muscle growth/strength potential. Where you see some people, because of genetics and training background, can only max at a certain weight and any gain in strength is very hard, juice can help you increase that threshold. Once your off, you drop down some, but not completely if you keep training. For max at 270lbs, juice may get you to 310, post-juice you may drop to 290 depending on your program...all this depends on alot of factors. And of course stop training, detraining occurs and you will drop to the levels that you were pre-training. But, one bright note, the more you train and the better muscular strenght/endurance/tone you attain early in life, the easier it is for your body to adapt back to that stage to a degree, later in life if you resume training.....!!

  6. #6
    oc pitbull is offline Member
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    muscle memory?

  7. #7
    Svensson Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by slopland
    From a human physiologist's point of view you can increase your muscle growth/strength potential. Where you see some people, because of genetics and training background, can only max at a certain weight and any gain in strength is very hard, juice can help you increase that threshold. Once your off, you drop down some, but not completely if you keep training. For max at 270lbs, juice may get you to 310, post-juice you may drop to 290 depending on your program...all this depends on alot of factors. And of course stop training, detraining occurs and you will drop to the levels that you were pre-training. But, one bright note, the more you train and the better muscular strenght/endurance/tone you attain early in life, the easier it is for your body to adapt back to that stage to a degree, later in life if you resume training.....!!
    So in your opinion the body can readapt to natural growth after steroid use ..
    i heard the frightening rumour(from an anti-roid user) that your body will not accept natural growth after the chemical reduction form your blood stream. I think this rumour can be attributed to the fact that he is so anti-roids!!

    i hope there is no truth in this because since my last cycle.. approximately 7 months ago i have been trying to go natural and truly grow some with my won will.. but been finding little or no growth happening..which after using steroids is a real psychological problem motivation wise!! But i keep on tugging anyway.

  8. #8
    beast N°1 is offline Junior Member
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    i wanted to post the same thing here, a friend of mine did a cycle about a year ago and he hasn't stopped training and eating since then, he just won't grow, what could be the problem then, he was 175 lbs last year and now he is 173 lbs and his power also did not icrease, so i wonder i just did a cycle, can i really gain naturally after my cycle?


  9. #9
    wiz is offline Junior Member
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    Proper Pct will get you back to normal.. I usually just use either trib or tonkat ali until my next cycle will occur.. Im going to try the new alpha male supp this time because it has both. Just keep training and eat.... a ton.

  10. #10
    tillthemedtakes is offline Junior Member
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    i've posted this before, but my first cycle was around a year ago and the highest i weighed during it was 202 after pct, i dropped some water weight and fat and was around 194. About 4 months ago i had an injury which kept me from working out for a month, my weight dropped to 178. With a good diet and hevy workouts, i've gotten up to 201 naturally in 4 months. So, yes i've been able to make great gains strength wise and weight wise naturally after a cycle.

  11. #11
    SplinterCell's Avatar
    SplinterCell is offline Senior Member
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    Most definitly, thats a huge mistake I see people make all the time, once they run thier first cycle they believe that the only way to continue to grow is through cycling again...

  12. #12
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    yeah I am way better off now than I was before i ever used AAS. I recently wanted to get back in shape, quit drinking and smoking and dedicate my life to health and looking good... without AAS just from training naturally my body started to take on its old shape from my earlier AAS days, and naturally i looked pretty good... beter than before AAS for sure...

    of course now I am on juice and loving it... but if wanted to train natty I would still look ok...

  13. #13
    Svensson Guest
    l music to my ears really

    I liek to train natural for a while every ow and then as i dont want to be fully dependant on steroid muscle growth.. but will probbaly hit back on them soon. Does anyone know if there has been a study on this anywhere?

  14. #14
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    I went on to make natural gains after my first cycle. If you were at your absolute natural peak when you started juicing, (you probably were not) it will be tough to actually grow. However, you will be able to keep a lot of your gear-assisted gains with intense and disciplined training, eating, and living. The muscle memory thing is not just a myth. Keeping muscle, or re-gaining it, even, are much easier than getting it in the first place, and don't require the level of pharmaceutical assistance. If you were not near your potential when you started using AAS, and you are not above that, or at least not much above that, now, continued natural gains are a possibility IMHO. Anyway, you can make the effort and it won't hurt anything.

  15. #15
    slopland's Avatar
    slopland is offline New Member
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    What I'm saying is that with or without juice you basically have muscle memory. Once you've experienced detraining and are away from the training scene for a while you will of course, lose what you have gained. But, if you have trained and have advanced your body to gain muscle, or VO2 levels for that matter prior to detraining, it is easier for you body to regain that level later in life. With or without juice.

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