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Thread: deca300?help

  1. #1
    yung-priest is offline Associate Member
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    im goin 2start deca @400mg a wk, i hav 2 300mg/10ml vials so how much cc wise would i use per shot @2 shots per wk 2complete 400mg?

  2. #2
    Dave321 is offline AR's Salad Tossing Connoisseur
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    Quote Originally Posted by yung-priest
    im goin 2start deca @400mg a wk, i hav 2 300mg/10ml vials so how much cc wise would i use per shot @2 shots per wk 2complete 400mg?
    what are you running with the deca ?

  3. #3
    yung-priest is offline Associate Member
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    500mg/ml of test ent per wk n 75mg of prop ed

  4. #4
    CrispyHaole is offline Associate Member
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    1.33cc = 400mg in this case.

    If you REALLY wanna shoot deca 2x per week then your shooting 0.665 cc each time.

    Or make your life easier and just shoot 1.33cc 1/wk, deca's long active life allows this without f-ing up your blood lvls
    Last edited by CrispyHaole; 04-24-2005 at 03:12 PM.

  5. #5
    yung-priest is offline Associate Member
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    so shoot deca @1.33 cc once a wk n the test enth would that be ok doin 1cc twice a wk 2get the 500mg a wk? n .75mg of prop ed is ok?

  6. #6
    cut260's Avatar
    cut260 is offline Associate Member
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    First of all speak English. This is not a text message board, so if you want professional advice - act like a professional not a 10 year old. Secondly you shoot Deca at one time not in multiple injections through a week. If you are shooting only Deca then you are wasting your time even bothering with it. Your level of knowledge regarding gear is obviously extremely low, you could not even come up with hom many cc to shoot and you even knew the concentration of the Deca you have. You are one of those people that is going to do something stupid and get yourself hurt and then there will be more heat for the rest of us who have a purpose using gear.

    Educate yourself then come back later when you are prepared.

  7. #7
    yung-priest is offline Associate Member
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    hey hard a$$ chill out, seems like the roid rages are true effects of juicing! and if you would have read carefully you would see that im takin test enth and prop with the deca . i wasnt sure about it cuz not all of us have been doin this forever so bare with us who are new to this

  8. #8
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    He said he is running test ent 500mg pw.

    Quote Originally Posted by cut260
    First of all speak English. This is not a text message board, so if you want professional advice - act like a professional not a 10 year old. Secondly you shoot Deca at one time not in multiple injections through a week. If you are shooting only Deca then you are wasting your time even bothering with it. Your level of knowledge regarding gear is obviously extremely low, you could not even come up with hom many cc to shoot and you even knew the concentration of the Deca you have. You are one of those people that is going to do something stupid and get yourself hurt and then there will be more heat for the rest of us who have a purpose using gear.

    Educate yourself then come back later when you are prepared.

  9. #9
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    i think that was a legitimate question... i am getting ready to run a test/deca cycle and had the same problem 400 mg of deca but my gear is bd deca 250 mg a ml. i m taking my test enth twice a week so i m splitting the deca also.....

  10. #10
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Yung, if you can't calculate your own dosages, you MUST NOT attempt to use any AAS! Would you let a doctor or a nurse give you a shot if they couldn't figure out how much stuff to inject? Hell, no!

  11. #11
    Large&Incharge is offline New Member
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    one shot a week of deca all you need also 300mg a week is fine to run with everything else bro

  12. #12
    yung-priest is offline Associate Member
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    ANYWAYS! i dont think any of us here asked people 2b d!*k heads! wel 1of the guys said 2do the deca all n 1shot nstead of splittin it so im goin to give that a try wit the split of the test ent cuz frm my understandings thats the best way with that dose but anymore info always welcomed

  13. #13
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    You do know, don't you, that your posts are quite painful to read? The practice on this forum is to spell words out in their entirety, and to use proper punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. You will get more replies that way. Generally, I add guys who don't use proper English in their posts to my ignore list. I dropped out of high school, and even I don't find it such a terrible burden to write intelligibly. I might misspell a word now and then, uneducated as I am, but I do make the attempt. Clarity is essential in discussion forums. If I can do the right thing, then you can, too.

  14. #14
    CrispyHaole is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    You do know, don't you, that your posts are quite painful to read? The practice on this forum is to spell words out in their entirety, and to use proper punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. You will get more replies that way. Generally, I add guys who don't use proper English in their posts to my ignore list. I dropped out of high school, and even I don't find it such a terrible burden to write intelligibly. I might misspell a word now and then, uneducated as I am, but I do make the attempt. Clarity is essential in discussion forums. If I can do the right thing, then you can, too.
    These guys aren't trying to be d!ckheads bro. I have to agree not only with their comments about your poorly written posts, but about your laziness in calculating dose. And I'm the guy who did it for you so don't get all mad, just take it with a grain of salt and try to improve your writing if you plan on continuing posting here. BTW it took me 3 secs with the windows calc to come up with that long did it take you to post that msg and wait for a response? Get my drift? I mostly did it to whore anyway.....


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