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  1. #1
    AnabolicAnimal is offline New Member
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    will i test positive for amphetamines?

    i've been taking the diet drug merida as to aid in keeping my hunger down while on EQ, but i recently read off another message board that because merida contains a modified methamphetamine molecule that you will fail a drug test if taking it. i plan on taking the most important drug test of my life in the next 2 months (it's going to be an extended hair sample test going back 6 months) i'm stressing this out big time if anyone could shine some light on the subject i'd greatly appericate it. all the research i've done on merida hasn't said it will test posative for a drug test, but i also have not come accross anything that says it will not. i need to know 100% because if i want i can choose to apply for this position next year again. but if i apply now and fail i have no chance of ever getting this position again.

  2. #2
    MILPOLDAN1's Avatar
    MILPOLDAN1 is offline Member
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    well you might want to get a professional opinion on this

  3. #3
    MILPOLDAN1's Avatar
    MILPOLDAN1 is offline Member
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    a hair sample is pretty extensive.

  4. #4
    Georgie's Avatar
    Georgie is offline Member
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    I was in a similar kind of situtaion, and things like that always make me paranoid anyways. So I bought a very popular and respected at home hair test. You cut the sample at home following the directions then send it in to be tested at their lab. It only cost like a 100$, but worth the piece of mind. The test is called the PDT-90, there are many sites you can buy it from. I got it here:

    Hope this helps. Btw, if you cut your hair short, no drug is going to show up in your hair provided you stopped taking that drug and it is no longer circulating in your blood stream

  5. #5
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Georgie
    I was in a similar kind of situtaion, and things like that always make me paranoid anyways. So I bought a very popular and respected at home hair test. You cut the sample at home following the directions then send it in to be tested at their lab. It only cost like a 100$, but worth the piece of mind. The test is called the PDT-90, there are many sites you can buy it from. I got it here:

    Hope this helps. Btw, if you cut your hair short, no drug is going to show up in your hair provided you stopped taking that drug and it is no longer circulating in your blood stream
    lol ya cutting your hair would work but make sure you get everything... because if they can;t get it from your head they will go to alernative palces.....

  6. #6
    mule1983 is offline Associate Member
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    Are you sure it is a methamphetimine molecule? the prescription drug Aderall containes 4 amphetimine salts but these wont show up in a drug test. Check out for all your drug questions if you have a question about anything drug or drug test realtes you can find it there. Methamphetimines are a much different thing thatnn amphetimines

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