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  1. #1
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    New to Steroids - Need Help!

    Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is the right forum or anything -- I think it is, but I was wondering if anyone can give me some help by answering my questions. (experienced users only, please).

    I am about to buy stuff called Deca 250. I never heard of this and I tried doing research on it, but didn't find anything. He says it'll give me a decent amount of strength, but will mostly get me ripped looking. He said the cost is $120. This is the tablet btw. I don't really think I should inject for money purposes and I just can't see myself injecting.

    I was wondering, I want to do it for only 1 month. In 1 one month, do you think I will get massive gains? Is there anyway to keep them once i stop? What is the proper way to stop? Is Deca 250 real? And can you tell me about it if it is? In 1 month, Are my chances of getting a bad side effect good? What's the best process for stopping steroids (i read the one on the site and i took notes, i just want experienced users opinions). Is 1 month even worth it? I have a little acne on my face, the acne on my back and shoulders has been going away, will it return full blown bad? In 1 month, how should I cycle it or use it? Any other info would be great! thanks.

  2. #2
    gobig99 is offline Associate Member
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    go for test e for 10-12 weeks 500mg/week
    use some nolvadex during for 20mg/day
    then pct clomid after

  3. #3
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    Hmm.. I'm not too sure what that means lol, Sorry My "dealer" only gave me two steroids to choose from, deca 250 is the only name I remember, costs $120 and will get me strong and ripped, the other costs $80 and will gain me a little weight and get me strong as hell. Thanks for the links, kinda helped.

  4. #4
    Hoover is offline Junior Member
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    do some more research. just by reading your post i can tell you are not ready.

  5. #5
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
    wolfyEVH is offline Anabolic Member
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    first of all...welcome to AR....however i dont think you should be doing steroids without the proper education on them....

    a tablet form of deca ????

    an all oral cycle wont yield the results you are looking for

    a one month cycle is not enough

    i suggest you read the educational threads on this well as the stickies in the diet and PCT're a long way away from starting steroids IMO.....remember, steroids help but its the diet that gets you big and strong

  6. #6
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    Hmmm, do research on?

    and to gobig99 - take the anti-estrogen 2 weeks before i stop using steroids , right? then start using the pct clomid directly after i stop taking the anti-estrogens? (when is a good time to stop taking the anti-estrogens?) thanks.

  7. #7
    gobig99 is offline Associate Member
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    should always get some kind of test in there
    deca will ruin ya d*ck and everything
    test will help ya sex drive like crazy to
    test will get ya stronger and ya will gain mass

  8. #8
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
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    another important thing bro....give us some stats.......your age, weight, height, years training, etc....

  9. #9
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    Yeah wolfy, I am thinkin the same thing. My friend told me I can "up" my bench from 150 to 225 in 1 month using steroids . I guess I wouldn't mind injecting steroids as long as I knew how to do it properly and when I'm ready to stop, stop properly. Money is also a big issue with me as well.

    I've been working out at the gym for a solid year, I don't have too much body fat, a little bit on my lower abs is all. I weigh 165 lbs, i am 5 foot 10, and i'm almost 18 in 2 months. Anything else i forgot?

  10. #10
    gobig99 is offline Associate Member
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    take the nolvadex everyday for cycle 20mg/day
    and the clomid 100mg/day for pct...start about 2 weeks AFTER last shot and run it for 2 weeks

  11. #11
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gobig99
    take the nolvadex everyday for cycle 20mg/day
    and the clomid 100mg/day for pct...start about 2 weeks AFTER last shot and run it for 2 weeks

    we need more info from him before we start telling him what to take......

  12. #12
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    whats your stats? how old are you? how long have you been lifting? whats your diet like? You need to do a lot more research before doing anything. Its very obvious you have no clue about steroids , how they work, how to take them properly, and how to come off them. Deca does not come in a tablet. Youre "dealer" is full of crap. One month cycle isnt long enough and you need to do injectables. Test should be the base of every cycle. If you cant inject, youre not ready for AAS. Do lots more research before doing anything

  13. #13
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    Thank you, Gobig99. If i do that, My estrogen levels won't be abnormal and I will keep my gains (hopefully) ? I'm still doing a lot of research before I start doing them. I will have to ask the guy I'm getting them from the real name and if they are injectable, he didn't sound like he knew too much about them, i just asked him if he could get tablets, i know he can get them, he doesn't take them, he's just a reliable source.

  14. #14
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdOwNs
    Thank you, Gobig99. If i do that, My estrogen levels won't be abnormal and I will keep my gains (hopefully) ? I'm still doing a lot of research before I start doing them. I will have to ask the guy I'm getting them from the real name and if they are injectable, he didn't sound like he knew too much about them, i just asked him if he could get tablets, i know he can get them, he doesn't take them, he's just a reliable source.

    dont listen to gobig right now......listen to the ones who are telling you to hold off and research may not be ready for steroids physically

  15. #15
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdOwNs
    Yeah wolfy, I am thinkin the same thing. My friend told me I can "up" my bench from 150 to 225 in 1 month using steroids . I guess I wouldn't mind injecting steroids as long as I knew how to do it properly and when I'm ready to stop, stop properly. Money is also a big issue with me as well.

    I've been working out at the gym for a solid year, I don't have too much body fat, a little bit on my lower abs is all. I weigh 165 lbs, i am 5 foot 10, and i'm almost 18 in 2 months. Anything else i forgot?

    Youre way to young to be taking steroids. In fact you have to be at least 18 to be on this site. You'll make way better gains naturally at your age, than by taking steroids. You need a very solid base built up before taking steroids, which you dont have at 17 and 165 lbs. Take creatine and protein they'll work great for you at your age. Eat, eat, and eat and you'll get good gains in no time

  16. #16
    ACpower's Avatar
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    bro i dont think your ready yet at least lift to your full potential before u start using gear

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdOwNs
    Yeah wolfy, I am thinkin the same thing. My friend told me I can "up" my bench from 150 to 225 in 1 month using steroids . I guess I wouldn't mind injecting steroids as long as I knew how to do it properly and when I'm ready to stop, stop properly. Money is also a big issue with me as well.

    I've been working out at the gym for a solid year, I don't have too much body fat, a little bit on my lower abs is all. I weigh 165 lbs, i am 5 foot 10, and i'm almost 18 in 2 months. Anything else i forgot?
    1st. Steroids arent magic and wont shoot your bench up unless you work hard...
    2nd. 165 and lifting for a year is a good start...
    3rd. your gonna be banned because your not even 18 and shouldt think about touching juice for atlest 4-5 more years
    4th. check the diet forum...look around there for a good bulking diet...follow that work hard in the gym...and the gains will come...

    if you get banned you can talk to me on AIM ill be more that happy to help you out....but STAY AWAY FROM THE JUICE

  18. #18
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    Youre way to young to be taking steroids. In fact you have to be at least 18 to be on this site. You'll make way better gains naturally at your age, than by taking steroids. You need a very solid base built up before taking steroids, which you dont have at 17 and 165 lbs. Take creatine and protein they'll work great for you at your age. Eat, eat, and eat and you'll get good gains in no time

    ****'re gonna get banned from this site......but like longhorn said,

    1. too young....should be 21 IMO
    2. you're way too skinny at 165....i am your height and am at 225 lbs, and i feel small........keeping eat alot and training hard for a year or 2 before resorting to gear

  19. #19
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    Another thing -

    Weight: 165lbs
    Lifting since: 1 year ago (in 1 month will be a year, i have gone a few days a week every week since, except for wrestlign season, too tired to do it, and i stopped going for like 3 weeks at one point, other than that i go pretty often, now i'm up to 4 days a week, doing each body part a week atleast, and my workouts are pretty decent)

    Height: 5 foot 10

    Diet: I eat 150 grams of protein a day atleast, I'm taking No-Xplode right now (Creatine and N02 mix) and I eat pretty well I think. I have been 165lbs for a while now, like 6 months.

  20. #20
    dive_kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdOwNs
    Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is the right forum or anything -- I think it is, but I was wondering if anyone can give me some help by answering my questions. (experienced users only, please).

    I am about to buy stuff called Deca 250. I never heard of this and I tried doing research on it, but didn't find anything. He says it'll give me a decent amount of strength, but will mostly get me ripped looking. He said the cost is $120. This is the tablet btw. I don't really think I should inject for money purposes and I just can't see myself injecting.

    I was wondering, I want to do it for only 1 month. In 1 one month, do you think I will get massive gains? Is there anyway to keep them once i stop? What is the proper way to stop? Is Deca 250 real? And can you tell me about it if it is? In 1 month, Are my chances of getting a bad side effect good? What's the best process for stopping steroids (i read the one on the site and i took notes, i just want experienced users opinions). Is 1 month even worth it? I have a little acne on my face, the acne on my back and shoulders has been going away, will it return full blown bad? In 1 month, how should I cycle it or use it? Any other info would be great! thanks.
    hey bro. I would recomend more research but I will give you the lowdown.
    test is the best for a first time user. it is best to run 1 compound for a first time just to see how your body will react.
    deca is mostly used for bulking. it will put on a lot of water weight too, so you will have a bit of a bloated look untill you come off. deca is not a good thing to run by it self as it will shut down natural test production.
    no test = no happy. you will get all kinds of side effects
    ex...lethargy, limp dick maby depression and lack of agression.
    deca needs to be run with test to keep every thing smooth.
    most beginner cycles are 12 weeks test.
    to keep gains and start natural production of test again we do PCT (post cycle theropy) using clomid and nolvadex for around 4 weeks.
    hope this helps you out a bit. any questions let me know.

  21. #21
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    Yeah, I guess you're right. I wasn't aware you had to be 18 to use this site, hmm I always put I'm 18 when I sign up cause I am so close to turning 18. My bad, Yeah, I think I will put off doing steroids for a while if that's the best thing to do, I'm just trying to get the best heads up I can before making a decision, I didn't buy anything yet.

    Thank you Dive_Kid, that was helpful. I don't know full names of brands, Is it just called "test" and can buy that if I decide to do steroids? And 12 weeks, which is 3 months, Are the chances high for real serious side effects (not stuff that is irreversible after a short period of time after usage stop: mood swings, aggression, acne, etc).
    Last edited by EdOwNs; 04-30-2005 at 06:59 PM.

  22. #22
    gobig99 is offline Associate Member
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    i wasnt telling him to go do it but i was letting him know basics
    he is to young and should research way more before he even thinks to start AAS

  23. #23
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdOwNs
    Yeah, I guess you're right. I wasn't aware you had to be 18 to use this site, hmm I always put I'm 18 when I sign up cause I am so close to turning 18. My bad, Yeah, I think I will put off doing steroids for a while if that's the best thing to do, I'm just trying to get the best heads up I can before making a decision, I didn't buy anything yet.

    we're not tryin to put you down anyway.......every one of us was a newb to steroids .......its an excellent choice for you to hold off on them...preferably for a few years........keep working hard, and remember to EAT EAT EAT!! you'll start gettin towards 200 lbs soon.......just keep eating......

  24. #24
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    NOT EVEN 18!!!!! I takr back my last post. you dont need steroids .
    the best cycle for you is a good diet and trainning.
    do that untill atleast 21. take that time to reasearch and plan
    out a good cycle and pct

  25. #25
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Read this

    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...

    If you eat like this, you'll put on some size in no time at your age. BTW, test is testosterone .

  26. #26
    clhp20's Avatar
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    I entered text inbetween the lines..

    Quote Originally Posted by EdOwNs
    Thank you, Gobig99. If i do that, My estrogen levels won't be abnormal and I will keep my gains (hopefully) ?

    What are you thinking... You're Estrogen level will sore, and most likely you will lose some of your gains. There have been ppl that haven't lost and that lose. AAS is very independant chemical, Meaning it is person dependant. If you are at risk of losing your hair, Then some forms of AAS will make that happen sooner then later...

    I'm still doing a lot of research before I start doing them.

    I certainly hope you do just that. You only have 5 posts, and i am sure they are all on this thread. Seems like you haven't done any research on the. Secondly, Who and/or what turned you to AAS ?

    I will have to ask the guy I'm getting them from the real name and if they are injectable, he didn't sound like he knew too much about them,

    He doesn't know much about them. So why are you taking any kind of advice from him..

    i just asked him if he could get tablets, i know he can get them, he doesn't take them, he's just a reliable source.

    He may be reliable, but IMO he is stupid ass a gorilla with a computer...

    Research for atleast 6 months before taking or even planning a cycle. JMHO

  27. #27
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    Yeah, I know a few kids in my school who used them for Wrestling and other sports, One of my good friends who was ripped his whole life basically took them for a bit I heard rumored, he was benching like 450lbs. He's only 18 right now, I'm glad I came to these forums.

    Kind of Off Topic: If eating a lot (of healthy food) and working out a lot, will i gain fat? Or just mostly muscle? I eat like I said 150 grams of Whey Protein and that No-Xplode stuff (Creatine and N02) I'm not seeing many gains (I want to look ripped, but gain some strength) and am not receving that much over the time I've been working out (almost a year). It seems real slow which it is, and doesn't seem effective enough, any tips?

  28. #28
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    Oh, and the main reason I wanted to do steroids : I wanted to look ripped while gaining strength. I've been trying pretty hard to get abs, I only have 2 upper abs that show while I flex, the others are covered in a small layer of fat. I'm at a good body fat % the wrestling advisor told me when he tested me with the clippers, but I want to have a ripped 6 pack, and i thought steroids could help, while helping me with wrestling next season. I don't want to gain just bulk, I want strength and ripped muscles. Thanks for all the advice, thus far.

  29. #29
    clhp20's Avatar
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    read my post.. ****IT

  30. #30
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    Oh woops lol, I posted that and didn't see ur post, thanks a lot for that site. I am reading it now and it seems to be what i'm looking for.

  31. #31
    dive_kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdOwNs
    Oh, and the main reason I wanted to do steroids: I wanted to look ripped while gaining strength. I've been trying pretty hard to get abs, I only have 2 upper abs that show while I flex, the others are covered in a small layer of fat. I'm at a good body fat % the wrestling advisor told me when he tested me with the clippers, but I want to have a ripped 6 pack, and i thought steroids could help, while helping me with wrestling next season. I don't want to gain just bulk, I want strength and ripped muscles. Thanks for all the advice, thus far.
    it is very hard to cut and bulk at the same time.
    most people will do a bulker then a cutter to loose the unwanted fat.
    trying to do both at the same time does not always workout to well

  32. #32
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    diet and cardio are the keys to bringing out abs. You need to eat more protein. At least 1.5 grams per lb of body weight. So you should be taking in about 250 grams/day. Eat low glycemic index carbs, except after working out and dont forget the good fats too.

  33. #33
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    I'd say I'm of decent knowledge with working out, but I don't know what a low glycemic index carb is and what is an example of a "good fat" non-saturated? I am developing a plan right now, Yes this site has helped me make a decision, Steroids are a bad idea until I learn more about then, get a real reason to do them and learn more about them. Thanks a lot, This is probably the best forum I've been to (most experienced user feedback and polite/mature). Thanks for all your help thus far.

  34. #34
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    you need to check out the diet forum as it sounds like you have lots to learn about proper diet. Low glycemic carbs are carbs that are slowly released into the blood stream which causes your blood sugar not to rise as quickly. Whole wheat bread and oatmeal are an example. Good fats are things like flax seed oil (i.e. Omega 3,6,9 fatty acids) Do a search youll learn lots about them. Avoid saturated fats and trans fats, very bad.

  35. #35
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gobig99
    i wasnt telling him to go do it but i was letting him know basics
    he is to young and should research way more before he even thinks to start AAS
    After only being junior member you shouldnt be so quick to give advice, suggestions maybe but leave the advice to our seniors Jmo
    Last edited by BG; 04-30-2005 at 07:22 PM.

  36. #36
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdOwNs
    I'd say I'm of decent knowledge with working out, but I don't know what a low glycemic index carb is and what is an example of a "good fat" non-saturated? I am developing a plan right now, Yes this site has helped me make a decision, Steroids are a bad idea until I learn more about then, get a real reason to do them and learn more about them. Thanks a lot, This is probably the best forum I've been to (most experienced user feedback and polite/mature). Thanks for all your help thus far.
    now your on track, train like a mother until you get no more gains then think again, good luck

  37. #37
    EdOwNs is offline New Member
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    Yeah my diet is not the best, I wish I could have a good diet that is healthy and I maintain my weight but letting me burn off un-needed fat. I think the calculator that clhp120 posted will help. Thanks, guys.

    edit: thanks juststaringny

  38. #38
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdOwNs
    Yeah my diet is not the best, I wish I could have a good diet that is healthy and I maintain my weight but letting me burn off un-needed fat. I think the calculator that clhp120 posted will help. Thanks, guys.
    I posted a thread last night called 1st timers read this Ill send it back to the top read it , it will help

  39. #39
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    check out this website

    it'll allow to keep track of everything you eat and breaks it down into how much comes from protein, fat, and carbs. It'll help you a lot

  40. #40
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
    BlInDsIdE is offline "ARs Most Dangerous Member"
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    Edowns- i'm 18 but i started to juice at 17- trust me bro it is not a good idea, i already regret doing it. I'm telling u as a bro just a yr older then u that its not something that u want in ur life when ur as young as we r. Train hard, get ur diet in check and read up, that way iin a few yrs like when ur in ur 20's u can consider steroids and you'll already have the knowledge-training-diet that you need in order to do steroids effectvely and as safely as possible.

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