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  1. #1
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    what happens when your growth becomes obvious to everyone you are doing roids?

    Lately all the bigger guys in the gym are saying the roid word to me, others saying stuff like welcome to the dark side, etc. Now I have a neighbor hollaring at me to day "look at the back acne, I know why you are getting so darn muscular"... and this coming from an ex-marine 250 lbs big guy with 18 inch biceps but also carrying a bit of a tummy lately.

    Its like weird to be at that place where you are growing and developing like an SOB, but part of you is happy as a pig in ship you are finally getting a good body, but then the other part isnt too happy your secret is out and you wonder if you should slow the growth down a bit??

    I donno, anyone else out there find themselves just obvious to everyone that you are just plain growing at a very unnatural pace, how did you react or deal with it??

  2. #2
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I dont pay attention to accusations. Thats all they are, not unless you have came out and told people.

  3. #3
    Aboot's Avatar
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    I'm big enough now that they know not to ask and piss me off.

  4. #4
    FinaGuy's Avatar
    FinaGuy is offline Associate Member
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    dont mind anyone... just think that all the research time and hardwork is paying off.

    people ask me if im on anything and make statements, there right but i dont let them know, tell em thats what diet and hardwork does...

  5. #5
    wolfyEVH's Avatar
    wolfyEVH is offline Anabolic Member
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    well they're right arent they?? you are in fact doing steroids ...... just dont say anything however.......

  6. #6
    chris2wire is offline Member
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    I did oral-t before being done growing naturally, so my gains were noticeable. I was accused all the time.

    I found the best way to get out of it is to respond rationally. Dont say 'omg thats stupid i dont do juice!!!!' or something like that.

    Act calm and say 'yeah its awesome how much muscle im gaining, ive read so much about how to eat and train right and its really paying off'.

    When you do that, and talk quiet and rationally, people figure theyre just being stupid and believe you.

  7. #7
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    I did oral-t before being done growing naturally, so my gains were noticeable. I was accused all the time.

    I found the best way to get out of it is to respond rationally. Dont say 'omg thats stupid i dont do juice!!!!' or something like that.

    Act calm and say 'yeah its awesome how much muscle im gaining, ive read so much about how to eat and train right and its really paying off'.

    When you do that, and talk quiet and rationally, people figure theyre just being stupid and believe you.
    Well the part I hate is the ex-marine is a good guy, all the time telling me how my shoulders, delts and traps are particularly exploding. He's also a coreman so he had lots of medical training... doesnt do this anymore since being out of marines but part of being a marines coreman was to become a full registered nurse (helps wounded guys on the battle field and was in the Desert Storm) but having medical background, he just knows too friggin much... I am all the time enduring lectures about guys going steroids and growing bitch tits, etc.. I sence he has the "steroids bad" type attitude but not sure... I just rather admit nothing. His outburst today put me in deep crap with my wife who doesnt want me doing steroids and confirmed her suspicions I am cycling again, this this is all funked up. Its like Frank, keep your mouth shut and dont mind my personal business for me, thank you.

  8. #8
    slob is offline Member
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    just tell him its ok to be jealous.

  9. #9
    Baba is offline Associate Member
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    pull him to the side and tell him to p/s stop saying stuff like that. You don't have to be rude with him, but let him know that its irritating you. Explain to him that he is getting your wifey mad at you for no reason.

  10. #10
    ManzNumero1's Avatar
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    Get Bigger !!!

  11. #11
    RA's Avatar
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    Hey sgt. Ahole, go f*ck yourself. Have you tried that?

  12. #12
    ElWrighty is offline New Member
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    it happens to all of us bro at some point just live with it but it is a pain in the ass when some kid you never talked to in your live walk up to you in the gym and says " hey ive just come off some Test E and Tren and it the best stuff ive ever tried"

  13. #13
    WildCh1ld's Avatar
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    ask them if they've ever seen roid rage !

    Last edited by WildCh1ld; 05-16-2005 at 08:23 AM.

  14. #14
    bigguy20 is offline Associate Member
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    just tell him to lick you shrivled balls lol.

  15. #15
    WildCh1ld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigguy20
    just tell him to lick you shrivled balls lol.

  16. #16
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Tell him AS is great!!

  17. #17
    G-Force's Avatar
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    normally i just tell them how strict my diet is and ive been training really hard, gettin 9hours sleep etc

    i first cycled when i was working overseas, i never told anyone, but within a few months i got cornered by 2 of my managers and said look its obvious what you are doing

    i thought i was gonna get sacked, luckily they were cool with it and just told me to be careful

  18. #18
    swoleup is offline Associate Member
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    I tell them I'm on the muscletech stack.
    CellTech and Nitro Tech all the way baby

  19. #19
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Well the part I hate is the ex-marine is a good guy, all the time telling me how my shoulders, delts and traps are particularly exploding. He's also a coreman so he had lots of medical training... doesnt do this anymore since being out of marines but part of being a marines coreman was to become a full registered nurse (helps wounded guys on the battle field and was in the Desert Storm) but having medical background, he just knows too friggin much... I am all the time enduring lectures about guys going steroids and growing bitch tits, etc.. I sence he has the "steroids bad" type attitude but not sure... I just rather admit nothing. His outburst today put me in deep crap with my wife who doesnt want me doing steroids and confirmed her suspicions I am cycling again, this this is all funked up. Its like Frank, keep your mouth shut and dont mind my personal business for me, thank you.
    If he was a corpsman, he was not a marine. Marine units use navy corpsmen.

    As for the accusations, three words: Deny, Deny, Deny. Works for me. They get the message, even if they don't believe you, to STFU.

  20. #20
    chris2wire is offline Member
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    yup, as the saying goes - Until you see a video of it, deny everything.

  21. #21
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Smile and go lift some more.


  22. #22
    needle's Avatar
    needle is offline Senior Member
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    Ya the people that arent close to you, its possible to lie to. But parents good freinds etc. it gets tough! Especially when you gain 35 pounds in less then year !

  23. #23
    Scooby1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by needle
    Ya the people that arent close to you, its possible to lie to. But parents good freinds etc. it gets tough! Especially when you gain 35 pounds in less then year !

    Yeah try 25lbs. in 9 wks. If someone asks what i am doing, I just tell them exactly what i eat everyday. After that, most are simply astonished that I can eat that much. In fact, my grandma told me to stop eating so much, otherwise I will eventually get fat (BTW is one of the worst things you can say to an ex-anaeroxia person) FYI

  24. #24
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    They frigin keep asking me to get them some.LOL

  25. #25
    boywonder10101 is offline Associate Member
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    I definitely get that a lot. People always asking me to hook them up. I told myself when I got into this I would never deal it. I will never sell it to other people. I have a few people who know I do them, but then again, most of my friends do it also. As said before deny, deny, deny!

  26. #26
    1-Cent's Avatar
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    The secret is to get so big that everyone is too afraid to ask

  27. #27
    oc pitbull is offline Member
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  28. #28
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    The secret is to get so big that everyone is too afraid to ask
    Oh this Mother-Funker is really pissing me off... used to be a nice guy but last night we have a neighborhood get together now he is calling me a junkie in front of all the other neighbors... and running list of steroids off trying to get me to admit to one of them. Its like OK what IF I am on steroids, what the FUNK is it to you??? Why are you so worried about it and just going on and on and on for 3 weeks now calling me a dope shooting junky because you think my upper body is exploding with growth at an unnatural pace. Damn you know his other neighbor smokes crack and shoots heroin... does he call HIM a junkie?? I dont get it but I am somewhat high on estrogen... and this stuff is just trying to get roid rage or PMS, whatever causes it to soar... I am trying to just grin and bear it but I just feel in the worst way to go over there and start punching and punching, damn I am mad now.

  29. #29
    Thegr8One's Avatar
    Thegr8One is offline Senior Member
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    tell em to work harder and not critique you

  30. #30
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    if you waited to the right time to use them at your PEAK you shouldnt just EXPLODE it should be slow and gradual but still much greater than norm.

  31. #31
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Tell'em ya gotta lift those weights not just look at 'em!

  32. #32
    Thegr8One's Avatar
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    you dwarf them and threaten physical violence
    no really don't do that

  33. #33
    JayUzer is offline Junior Member
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    i get that crap all the time when i see people for the 1st time in a long time. just tell them i work, go to the gym, supplement correctly and diet correctly. bring them into the gym and see if they can match your intensity. people at my gym see the way I train and see how focused i am so they never question my gains. even my girl know how strict i am and never says anything about juice. you got to know going into this that there is going to be alot of haters out there. don't handle them with anger, just ignore them. you are still working hard and making sacarfies that they can not. stay focused on your goals and laugh at the haters.
    in your case pull this guy aside nicely and tell him how you are getting him in trouble with your wife. say it is ok to bust on you when you 2 are alone but not in front of people. tell him how hard you are working. maybe even tell him that you are on a little juice if you are comfortable with him and can trust him.

    and remember
    dont hate


  34. #34
    lilguy43 is offline New Member
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    its all true these people who say you are on juice are just jealous they use it as a way to make you seem like less of a person as them. I used to hate guys who I knew were on cycle because I wanted to look like that. So I worked harder in the gym got my sh*t together and started my own cycle. now the guys I hated hang out and have all the bitches to ourselves while the haters stay mad.

  35. #35
    boywonder10101 is offline Associate Member
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    The neighbor must have done the secret sauce before, to be naming off the names of them.

  36. #36
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
    juicy_brucy is offline Ripped, not bulky
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    You tell them that what they said about you juicing was the best compliment that you have ever recieved yet.

  37. #37
    Reptile is offline Associate Member
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    i enjoyed reading this thread there were some good responses.

    and it sounds to me like your neighbor is acting very immature and childish by saying those things in front of other people, thats just wrong. its one thing to kid around in private about stuff, but to bring something like that up around other people is downright hateful man. this guy isnt your friend, hes an asshole, stay away from him, dont even talk to people like that.

    also, why would he say your a dope addict if he suspects steroid use ? doesnt this guy know the difference between dope and steroids ? id say theres a pretty big difference.

  38. #38
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    sounds like your neighbor is definetly jealous bro... that's the only reason he wld call u out like that in front of other people. throw him a towel and tell him to stop sweatin u...

  39. #39
    insanepump621 is offline Member
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    if it becomes obvious to them i tell him yes i am and everything they know about steriods is true and i know nothing and since you believe in roid rage you better not say anything at all lol

  40. #40
    IronAdam's Avatar
    IronAdam is offline Member
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    Man, I would tell that neighbor to go F himself. No reason why you should take that sh*t from him. Just get a safe for your gear and tell him to piss off.

    Good luck dealing with the guy.

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