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  1. #1
    ElDiAbLo19 is offline Junior Member
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    I dont know what to title this!!! but look.

    I injected on sunday for my third week of my second cycle. My ass hurts like i got hit with a bat. The area is sore and not hard but def inflamed and harder then usual. I have never had this effect before in either cycle. Is it bad or just something that happens time to time???

  2. #2
    Dave321 is offline AR's Salad Tossing Connoisseur
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    what did you inject? If it was test, don't worry it's probably normal.... test prop will put your ass out of commission for days! Hope you don't swing both ways!j/k.

  3. #3
    Habanero's Avatar
    Habanero is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ElDiAbLo19
    I injected on sunday for my third week of my second cycle. My ass hurts like i got hit with a bat. The area is sore and not hard but def inflamed and harder then usual. I have never had this effect before in either cycle. Is it bad or just something that happens time to time???
    What did you inject?

  4. #4
    sasquatch's Avatar
    sasquatch is offline Associate Member
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    Couple questions:
    what are you injecting?
    what's the concentration, and how many ml's did you inject?
    Did you inject deep enough?
    Did you move at all while injecting or aspirating?

    I use some very highly concentrated test right now, Test E at 600mg/ml. I knew it would hurt, and I was right. Hurts like a mother F-ing charlie horse for a few days after I inject. But I rotate injection sites, all planned out so it doesnt interfere with my workouts.

  5. #5
    ElDiAbLo19 is offline Junior Member
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    I inject 1ml or 250mg super test and 1ml of 200mg depot test

    its getting better, it just sucks when i roll over at night and land on that side.

  6. #6
    sasquatch's Avatar
    sasquatch is offline Associate Member
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    Ah, that's not too bad. My injections hurt almost contantly for 4 days. But I'm injecting 600mg at once.

  7. #7
    dragon69 is offline Member
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    Listen to me very carefully, I am a (in a field to know this info)...
    you may have injected in the wrong spot and hit the Sciatic nerve (or an extension of). You need to inject VERY high in the glute and outwards towards the hip. I have known people who have cut a pece of their sciatic nerve and it took months for relief. Note; Inflammation is a BAD BAD sign.
    Nerve pain is characteristically a burning sensation, so if you have that, chances are that's what you've done. I recommend ice to the site to slow the nerve conduction and lessen pain and control the inflammation. I think also you should use the outer quads for the rest of your cycle and allow it to heal.

  8. #8
    ElDiAbLo19 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks but it dont feel like a burning feeling, it feel like a bad bruise. But I did shoot futher down and back on my glute then ususal, so u do got me thinking.

  9. #9
    dragon69 is offline Member
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    1 more thing, the hardness you experience IS due to an injury, it's a protective mechanism......allow it to heal and use the ice I mentioned for about 20 minutes. 15 won't be enough to properly control the inflammation, yet 30 will be too much and at that long could delay your gear absorption from the injured site. 20 will be fine though.
    Good luck

  10. #10
    dragon69 is offline Member
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    your description of the inject site sounds like like you either 1. hit the nerve or a blood vessel (arteries and veins run along side the nerves) or 2. got close enough for the acetate to irritate the nerve/blood vessel.
    Some have their sciatic nerves (or a portion of) a little higher than normal, so it's important to shoot high and almost over the hip.
    Again, switch to somewhere else to shoot and allow the area to heal for several months. Ice till the inflammation is gone and as needed for pain relief. If it continues to bother you beyond a few months go to your doctor or seek some kind of therapy from someone who knows how to treat nerve issues.

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