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Thread: Androstein

  1. #1
    Pipes78 is offline New Member
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    does anybody know if androstein works and have you ever used it? know it's not a steroid but need something asap till i can find something!

  2. #2
    dumbells101's Avatar
    dumbells101 is offline Senior Member
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    Yes they can work if you use a high enough dose. Unfortunately, when your test level rises too high then you're gonna have aromitization. dihydrotestosterone, as well as estrogen and neither of themare any good to us men. I used muscle techs anotestan (I think that's what it was) and did ok, but not enough gains to justify the cost. The 19 nor's wont aromitize but will test you positive for nandrolone if your drug tested in a contest.

  3. #3
    Pipes78 is offline New Member
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    well i am 6'2" 250 lbs. pretty big guy what is to high of a dose or what would be a good dose to help me get bigger.

  4. #4
    dumbells101's Avatar
    dumbells101 is offline Senior Member
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    Well if you've never used it before I'd try 100mg 3x day, and see what kind of response you get. Better yet get a mix of andro and the 19 nor andro.

  5. #5
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    I think its crap. Spend your money on quality supplements, not "get big" OTC pills.

  6. #6
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    well everyone here flames Ando, I too had some good and bad gains from it. I think excess made a statement one time, "the side effects are greater than the gains you get from it". Personally I have done and tried this new 1AD which so said does not convert to estrogen. I find that it works cause I am off the sause right now, (givin my body a break). Even though I don't believe in Andro's that much, I find that 1 Ad is probally the best one I have found. Course then you have to realize too that taking alot of Andro will do the same things the real stuff does, especially to the liver. Course I just learned something, about what I thought gives Gyno. I learned just Friday that testosterone turning to Estrigen is not the only cause of Gyno. It is actually a hormone spike that will trigger it. You body doesn't know how to deal with the extra and fast hormone spike. Course I am sure alot of that is not true, but if you do any research on gyno, you will find that alot of men have it, just from puberty. Cause by a homrone inbalance and a hormone spike. I have a light case of it, but I noticed that the Andro just accellerated it faster. Just watch out while takin Ando's, like I said, I have lost my faith in them, but if you want gains and having as hard enough time as I am geting the stuff I really want, then "it is a quick fix" if you will. But understand, there are other OTC suppliments that can almost do the same thing as Andro now.
    By the way, this thread should have been under "Suppliments" instead of STeriods . just my opinion is all..

  7. #7
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by EXCESS
    I think its crap. Spend your money on quality supplements, not "get big" OTC pills.

    Exactly my thought Excess, I have an aquaintance who just told me "I just started another cycle of Andro, by Muscle Tech". I told him i would translate what he just said into english...So, i said.
    "I just took a lighter and burned a hole in my wallet, there's no use for it anymore since I'm throwing my money away with products such as Andro"


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