Age: 22
Weight: 188.1 lbs. (today)
Height: 5'10"
BF%: 15
Cycle: Test prop 75-80mg/day for 12 weeks (I know... alot of shots for a first cycle but I am cool with needles. I like props up sides.)
Oxondrolone 40-45mg/ed for the last 6-8 weeks of cycle
Nolva 20mg/day week 1-end of clomid
Clomid Therapy

Monday is the big day- my first cycle. Im fu**ing stoked too. Anyway, the next few days will be spent fine-tuning my diet and supplement plan. I have a few basic questions that I have already researched, but I thought I'd run them by the board too.

Does your body absorb protein more quickly while on cycle? I never take more than 50g at once because I want to make sure it is all absorbed.

Which is better while on cycle: 2.5g of protein/lb or 2g/lb?

Right now I'm taking Ce2 creatine (pill form). Is this a good creatine while on cycle?

Should I continue to take creatine while on cycle, even if I'm trying to keep water retention down and cut-up?
If so, what is the best type of creatine to keep water retention down and cut-up?

Should I increase my multi-vitamin intake while on cycle?

Would taking No2 and/or NoXplode have any positive effects while on cycle or would the gear just cancle them out?

Like I said, I have already researched this... ALOT. I am just curious about your opinions/input. Thanks.