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  1. #1
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    Need advice for t3/Clen cycle

    Hello guys, i was wonderind if any of you guys could give me advice on doing the t3/clen cycle.
    1) How long should I take these compounds and is it alright to run them together or seperatley?
    2) Will the t3 be very catabolic to muscle tissue even if the protein intake is high? I should also add that I am currently on androgel and it keeps my test levels at the upper end of the normal range. I am also going to start taking m1t and I also taking finigenix (tren precursor, Ive used it before with some ok gains)
    3) Will taking Cellmass be counter productive if you are trying to lose bodyfat?
    4) I am trying my best to lose as much bodyfat as I can without losing muscle for 4th of july weekend and I am already doing an hour of cardio a day on top of weights 4 days on, 1 day off. I am thinking about bumping up the cardio to 2 hours a day. Once when I wake up, once after I am done with wieghts. Would this be too much?
    Thanks alot for whatever info you guys could give me.

  2. #2
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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  3. #3
    luvs_roids is offline New Member
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    I just asked a diet related question here myself, but I will try and answer your questions. The T3 and Clen can be stacked together for 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, ECA can be used in the off weeks. Start the Clen off at around 20 mcg and increase daily until about 140 or so. Its also important to taper the T3 otherwise the shock to your system could permanently **** up your thyroid. Start off with 12.5 on the first day, then every 3 days double it but don't go above 100. I'm not sure if a high protein diet will spare your muscle, T3 is pretty harsh and doesn't discriminate between fat and LBM ...... it just eats tissue. I'm not sure about the Cellmass, I have never used any supps like that ....... by the way what is your bf sitting at right now ?

  4. #4
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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    I dont know exactly what my bf is right now. I weigh about 260 and I would guestimate that I have about 35 lbs of fat on me.
    From what Ive read, you can take both clen and t3 for 4 weeks, but its during the 2nd week that you would need to start taking benadryl. Am I right? Also, have you ever heard of or tried finigenix before? Its supposed to be a tren precursor. I have used it before and I saw some ok results with it. I have an extra bottle lying around before the ban so i figured id use it.

  5. #5
    MrBigSh!T is offline New Member
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  6. #6
    tempbrit's Avatar
    tempbrit is offline Member
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    The 2 weeks on 2 weeks off is not recommended as much these days. Look for hookers post on Clen and the use of Benadryl.

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