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  1. #1
    WILLinSPAIN is offline New Member
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    HERES MY CYCLE....tell me what yall think

    week 1 deca =300mg, d-bol=20mg ed
    week 2 deca=400mg, d-bol=25mg ed
    week 3 deca=300mg, d-bol=25mg ed, sust=250mg
    week 4 deca=300mg, sust=500mg
    week 5 deca=300mg, sust=500mg, winstrol =100mg
    week 6 sust=500mg, winstrol=100mg
    week 7 sust=250mg, winstrol=100mg

    I'm almost finished with my third week and haven't noticed much gain, but I think my protien intake is too low so i'm starting to take more ed.

    I have only done one other cycle in my life which was fina and I had big gains by week three, when will this cycle it kick in?

    When should I start a post cycle and what should i take??

    my nipples look a little more pointy than normal but have no soreness is this a sign of gyno??


  2. #2
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    where did you come up with's not even gonna waste my time telling you whats wrong with it. you obviously haven't researched anything.

  3. #3
    tonytone's Avatar
    tonytone is offline Anabolic Member
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    oh where to begin........TEST should be the base of all cycles, do not ramp up/down your dosages (you want to keep blood levels stable), deca should be ran for at least 10 weeks (i prefer 12), winny needs 6 weeks shooting ED, you need clomid and a lot of research for your PCT...dont forget to read up in the diet forums too

  4. #4
    WILLinSPAIN is offline New Member
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    ok well how should i change it up with what I have left?

  5. #5
    irish bulldog's Avatar
    irish bulldog is offline Senior Member
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    yes its all over the place for no reason the key is keep it simple

    wk 1-10 sus 500mg ew (shoting every 3 days )
    wk 1-10 deca 400mg ew

    clomid for pct
    nolva etc

    no need for winny

  6. #6
    tonytone's Avatar
    tonytone is offline Anabolic Member
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    don't think you can change it up w what you have left....scrap this cycle, head to the PCT forums and read up how to run your PCT (you need clomid and nolva)....

  7. #7
    WILLinSPAIN is offline New Member
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    if I quit now and do pct when could I start back up? I just joined this forum and have learned alot that didn't know.

    This cyle is what a trainer at the gym got me on should I just tell he doesn't know sh*t and quit?

  8. #8
    irish bulldog's Avatar
    irish bulldog is offline Senior Member
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    you might be ok to just stop now cause its only just over 2 weeks,yes best thing is to plan it and do it right you will be happier or else hold off and train natural for a while.

    ps time on =time off then another cycle can begin.good luck
    bump for the pct

  9. #9
    ArmyGuns's Avatar
    ArmyGuns is offline New Member
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    It's not too late, Will. You do, however, have two options.

    1-Quit now and start post cycle treatment (see below)
    2-Continue with all but the winny. (see below)

    (1) You should take AT LEAST an equal amount of time off as on. You have been on for 3 weeks, so you should take OFF for AT LEAST 3 weeks (preferably 4 or 5 since the 17 aa bond in the methandienone f@#!s up your liver pretty bad). Take clomid begining week 4 @50mg/day for 2 weeks. You should be good to go.

    (2) Cancle the winstrol and save it for a cutting cycle later.
    Week 4-200 deca -250 sust
    week 5- 200 deca-250 sust
    week 6- 200 deca-250 sust
    week 7- 500 sust
    week 8- 500 sust

    This will give you an extra week for a little added boost due to the mild doses. PCT should be 100mg Clomid/day for the first week and 50mg/day for the second and third week, however, due to the sustanon remaining active for a while after discontinuing, you shouldn't begin PCT untill week 10. One thing you might want to do on your future cycles will be to add tomoxaphen citrate (Nolvadex ) or Proviron to your cycle. This will cut down on estrogen side effects and make pct much smoother on your body. Just add 20 or so mg a day to any cycle begining about week 2.

    Hope this helps. Good luck.

  10. #10
    hemidog66's Avatar
    hemidog66 is offline Associate Member
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    god dam man wher is this board going, I have searched and resaerched the use of aas for over 6 months to make sure everything from the first day to the end of pct is perfect and all the sudden we have dbol only questions everywhere and deca /dbol o and I will throw in some test later threads. bro do some resaerch just go to the home page and look up the cycle info. what do you think the retards wrote it.

  11. #11
    WILLinSPAIN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyGuns
    It's not too late, Will. You do, however, have two options.

    1-Quit now and start post cycle treatment (see below)
    2-Continue with all but the winny. (see below)

    (1) You should take AT LEAST an equal amount of time off as on. You have been on for 3 weeks, so you should take OFF for AT LEAST 3 weeks (preferably 4 or 5 since the 17 aa bond in the methandienone f@#!s up your liver pretty bad). Take clomid begining week 4 @50mg/day for 2 weeks. You should be good to go.

    (2) Cancle the winstrol and save it for a cutting cycle later.
    Week 4-200 deca -250 sust
    week 5- 200 deca-250 sust
    week 6- 200 deca-250 sust
    week 7- 500 sust
    week 8- 500 sust

    This will give you an extra week for a little added boost due to the mild doses. PCT should be 100mg Clomid/day for the first week and 50mg/day for the second and third week, however, due to the sustanon remaining active for a while after discontinuing, you shouldn't begin PCT untill week 10. One thing you might want to do on your future cycles will be to add tomoxaphen citrate (Nolvadex ) or Proviron to your cycle. This will cut down on estrogen side effects and make pct much smoother on your body. Just add 20 or so mg a day to any cycle begining about week 2.

    Hope this helps. Good luck.

    OK option 2 sounds cool, but could I start the nolva now? If so how much ed and for the rest of the cycle?

    thanks for the help!!

  12. #12
    WILLinSPAIN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hemidog66
    god dam man wher is this board going, I have searched and resaerched the use of aas for over 6 months to make sure everything from the first day to the end of pct is perfect and all the sudden we have dbol only questions everywhere and deca/dbol o and I will throw in some test later threads. bro do some resaerch just go to the home page and look up the cycle info. what do you think the retards wrote it.
    sorry man I just used someone esle's judgement and wanted so opinions from you guys! like I said I just joined the other day.

  13. #13
    hemidog66's Avatar
    hemidog66 is offline Associate Member
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    man dont worry about it. my bad dog shouldnt of went there, better to ask then not.

  14. #14
    ArmyGuns's Avatar
    ArmyGuns is offline New Member
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    You can (and should) start the nolvadex as soon as possible, I just didn't know if you had some. Whenever I do a cycle, I use 20mg/day. I have never had any problems with gyno, and my water retention has always been relitively low. So, to answer your question, use 20mg/day, and yes, use it till the end of your cycle. If you have enough, use it all the way till you start your PCT, this way, you prevent the lingering sustanon from toying with your hormones too much.

    No problem, I am glad to help. I too am new here, and I see a lot of people trying to make someone feel stupid but not much in the way of real help. If you need any more advice, just let me know.

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