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Thread: Caloric Intake

  1. #1
    fanatic's Avatar
    fanatic is offline Member
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    Caloric Intake

    Wt: 189.5 ( I just weighed myself)
    Bf%: 13-14
    Cycle: Starting prop for 12 weeks and var for the last 6-8.

    I would have put this in the diet forum, but it seems like there are more people in here and I know Ill get an answer. Anyway, I was wondering if 4000 calories are too many for me during a LBM in which I want to gain as close to "0" fat as possible.

    At 4000, I would do the 50/30/20 Carbs, prot and fat split, which would put me at 500g crabs/day, 300g prot/day and 88.8g fat/day.

    I can not stress enough that I do want this to be a very lean cycle. Any help would be really appreciated- tomorrow is the day I "cross over". lol Thanks fellas.

  2. #2
    JustaFreaK is offline Banned
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    4000 is not too much if they come from food and not fat

  3. #3
    fanatic's Avatar
    fanatic is offline Member
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    May 2005
    Would 3500-3800 be better I wonder?

  4. #4
    fanatic's Avatar
    fanatic is offline Member
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    May 2005
    Here is my meal plan as of now -it is far from being done, but its getting there.

    Meal 1:
    Whey Protein Shake/4 Egg Whites/1.5 cups of 100% Whole Grain Oats (82.2g carbs, 54g complete protein, 9g fat) 758 calories

    Meal 2:
    Whey Protein Shake/6oz. Chicken Breast/2 Tbsp Flaxseed Oil (8g carbs, 70g protein, 28.6g fat) 683.4 calories

    Meal 3:
    Red Peppers/Tomato/Lettuce Salad, 1 Can Tuna/1.5 cups of 100% Whole Grain Oats (86g carbs, 40g protein, 10g fat) 625 calories

    Meal 4:
    1 cup peanuts/6oz. Chicken Breast w/ Red Peppers/Tomato/Lettuce Salad (5g carbs, 35g protein, 9g fat) 300 calories

    Meal 5/PWO: Whey Protein Shake (8g carbs, 40g protein, 4g fat) 240 calories

    Meal 6:
    PPWO 1.5 cups of 100% Whole Grain Oats (81g carbs, 9g fat) 450 calories

    Calories: 3056 calories
    Carbs: 270.2
    Protein: 239
    Fat: 129.6

    I need to increase my carb and protein intake, while decreasing my fat. This will allow my calories to increase as well. I know meals 5 and 6 are f**ked up but but I wasnt sure on the PWO nutrition stuff. Also, I need to add casein but Im not sure where.

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