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  1. #1
    littlemac is offline New Member
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    rock in my glute

    I've been running sust 300 every 4 days, I've only been injecting in my glutes because the pain is less there, my 8th shot left me crippled with a swollen glute and hard as a rock! The next injection I did 1/2 ml in my right quad and 1/2 in my left, but I basically could not walk for a week. The rock eventually went away, it was not an infection, but does anyone have some advice on where the hell I should be shooting and when to rotate sites? My 10th shot went back to my glute, it seems OK and its been a day.
    Last edited by littlemac; 05-31-2005 at 10:19 AM.

  2. #2
    littlemac is offline New Member
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    I hate replying to myself, anyone out there?

  3. #3
    Tags's Avatar
    Tags is offline Associate Member
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    golds gym, locker #123
    What length and gauge pin are you using???

  4. #4
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    rotate bro..i do 6 shots a week..1 in each delt,1 in each glute and 1 in each quad..just keep rotateing and you wont have any time you get a knot..rub it out and apply a heating pad for 30 min and you'll be ok

  5. #5
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    Are you injecting in the right spot, in the "upper/outer" quadrant of your glute? I've always injected here, alternating right and then left glute, and never had a problem as you've described.

    You might be:

    pushing the injection in too fast, not giving it a chance to dissipate.

    twisting the needle. Do you have a friend who can help out.

    using a drug that, of it's nature, "hurts".

    Good luck.


  6. #6
    littlemac is offline New Member
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    I'm probably pushing it in too fast, I'll work with the heating pad, why the hell didn't I think of that? The pin I'm using is 25 guage, so that isn't the problem, and I'm def. hitting the right spot in my glute, and quads, its the delt that worries me, I've used winny there but the sust is going to freekin kill in my delt.

  7. #7
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    if your using a 25g pin then your definately not pushing too fast cause no matter how hard you push it takes forever to get through such a small pin..this is what i do
    fill your syringes,fill the sink with hot water,let the pins sit in there for a few minutes(make sure they are tight)this will lower the viscosity of the oil and make it easier to enter your muscle,get a hot shower(this will losen the muscle) and shot it in the shower,rub area after shot and let hot water run over the area..i never have any problems.

    seems like a project,but you have to shower anyway so may as well make the most of it

  8. #8
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    Warming up the oil sounds like a good idea, with caveats.

    When I used to keep my gear refrigerated (don't laugh) shots were as slow as diesel fuel on a winter morning. I can see how warming up the oil would help in the opposite direction.

    However, I'd be pretty good about not letting the actual needle touch anything. This would have to include a sink full of warm water. That sink's still got your tooth-paste, mouthwash, contact-lens solution, etc. all over it. Even if you 'clean' it first with water, I wouldn't soak anything in it that I was about to put 1 1/2" into my muscle. I mean, no matter how many times you flush, would you still drink water out of your toilet?


  9. #9
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    if you put the plastic cap on tight over the pin,no water will get in

  10. #10
    justin2305's Avatar
    justin2305 is offline Senior Member
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    thats a good idea devldog but i would take the pin off the syringe bf putting it in the water due to sanitary reasons

  11. #11
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by justin2305
    thats a good idea devldog but i would take the pin off the syringe bf putting it in the water due to sanitary reasons
    you still have to put the plastic cap back on so the water dont get into the syringe..dont worry bro,if you put it on tight ,nothing will get in.besides i always wipe the pin with an alcohol swab after inserting through the rubber stopper before i insert into a muscle...cant be to careful.

  12. #12
    AAS@HH is offline Junior Member
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    I've read a thread where someone else were complaining about pain with the 300. May have been pain while injecting though.
    Good Luck bro!

  13. #13
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    I hope you are using 1-1/2" pins...

  14. #14
    lavaman's Avatar
    lavaman is offline Associate Member
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    Here's a simple trick that someone told me.. for injections..
    if you put your finger on your waist directly under the left chest.. and go straight accross to your left glut above the glut and below the waist their is a great spot for injection! that's where my nurse at the HRT clinic injects me.. it's sort of hard to aspirate but you can do it.. or have someone help you..but it's painless and easy.. and you hardly feel any pain even the next day.

  15. #15
    dukastargate's Avatar
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    this link will help ya mate

  16. #16
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    you still have to put the plastic cap back on so the water dont get into the syringe..dont worry bro,if you put it on tight ,nothing will get in.besides i always wipe the pin with an alcohol swab after inserting through the rubber stopper before i insert into a muscle...cant be to careful.
    Insights into IM injections from my old buddy the Registered Nurse:

    Wash your hands first! This is probably the singular most important medical advance in the last five-hundred years. Even doctors and nurses forget to wash their hands. Use warm water and soap and a fresh towel, let hands air dry.

    Wipe the area to be injected in a circular motion, using a fresh alcohol swab, from center to edges, being careful not to touch the area with your fingers.

    Wait until the alcohol has dried, and then inject immediately.

    DO NOT touch or wipe the needle with alcohol to "sterilize it more" before injecting. The virgin pin, in its original package, is already sterile. By passing the pin through a rubber stopper wiped with alcohol which has been allowed to dry; or using one needle to draw from the vial and another to inject, you guarantee that the needle is uncontaminated. A needle that has been " extra sterilized" by wiping it with an alcohol swab is now considered "contaminated" by hospital standards.

    Maintain a "sterile field", always. A sterile field is the area on the table, right in front of you, above the waist. Your washed hands and sterile syringes/pins, must always remain in this field. If you turn your back on the sterile field, it is no longer considered sterile (your "back" may have touched it, and your back is not part of the sterile field.) If your hands stray from the sterile field, they must be considered un-sterile, and everything must be thrown away and the proceedure restarted. (I know this is excessive, but it's what the Quality Control Office implements as standard hospital policy)

    No jewelry, rings, watchbands, cologne, handcream, or fake nails (this may only be a problem for female bodybuilders right before a competition.) Back in the day, nurses had to wear their hair up and under a snood, and were not even allowed to wear a wedding ring while working, as bacteria thrives in the warm, moist places against the skin which jewelry provides. Nurses used to have "nursing watches" which hung upside down and were pinned to their smock for checking pulses and such.

    Do not ever keep anything that must be kept sterile under a sink!! This is one of the worst, and easiest, mistakes to make. My friend used to spend half his time, it seems, making the rounds of all the examination and operating rooms and throwing out thousands of dollars of medical supplies that could no longer be guaranteed sterile. If the sink drips, the sterile package gets wet and becomes a conduit for bacteria. the package then dries and no-one is the wiser. By the by... we got some of our best resources from these "clean sweeps".

    I know this is all a bit excessive, but my old buddy was a great shooter, and I never had a painful injection or infection from his skillful ministrations.

    Any actual nurses or doctors out there might want to share their own experiences at how to prevent injection infections.



  17. #17
    mark956101957's Avatar
    mark956101957 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Even if you shoot just glutes you have like 4 choices each cheek from maximus to medial to all around.

  18. #18
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    The maximus, at least the shootable area, can be subdivided into two or three zones for rotation purposes. The quads can also be divided into three or four zones.

  19. #19
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Cabron lo que tienes que hacer es rotar el sitio de injeccion,a ver si entiendes en espanol...!

  20. #20
    nickm748 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    I hope you are using 1-1/2" pins...


  21. #21
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickm748
    Because with the long pin, you are assured of getting deep into the muscle. With 1" pins, it is easy to dump all the oil into fatty tissue or for the oil to migrate back out the injection hole into sub-q fat. There, it does not dissapate very well. There is a lot more blood and fluid flowing through muscle tissue than fatty tissue. You have to be pretty darn lean to be sure that a 1" pin is going deep enough into the glutes. BTW I have it from my GF that it is bad practice to sink the pin in "balls deep" so that the ferrule part touches the injection site. It is not because the pin can break off... that chance is astronomically small with today's pins. But the ferrule can press skin flakes, hair, or other microscopic debris into the hole. So the old practice of leaving 1/4" of pin exposed is still a good one. I don't know about you, but I would guess that sticking a pin only 3/4" into my ass would only barely have it in muscle at all, and I am tolerably lean. So always go withthe 1-1/2" pin for glutes. It doesn't cost any more than a shorter pin. No reason to buy the shorter pins at all. For site injections, you can still use the long pin.... just don't stick in more than the site can take. Buying ONE type and size of syringe with drawing pin, and ONE type and size of shooting pin, makes good sense. You can buy in boxes of 100.You don't have to worry about what you are out of and what you are stocked up on. You don't have to ask yourself "I wonder if I can get by using this pin for this site..." I no longer buy anything but 1-1/2" pins, in 25ga, and my syringes I buy with 21ga pins for drawing. Nice, easy, convenient, economical, and practical. I NEVER have to worry about if I am getting the juice in deep enough.

  22. #22
    brady is offline New Member
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    try useing a hair dryer or something like that to heat up your 300 it works great for me

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