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Thread: Help!

  1. #1
    Blackster1975's Avatar
    Blackster1975 is offline Associate Member
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    Hi guys i need some advice, i was gonna do a cycle which consisted of 500mg of sust for 12 week, and 400mg of deca for 10 week but ive recently read some things about deca that have put me off and i'm now wondering is they any other injectable that would stack okay with the sust or could i just knock the sust up to 750mg per week. Also has anyone read about the 3 week cycle in bottomline bodybuilding book by nelson montana ?

  2. #2
    Dave321 is offline AR's Salad Tossing Connoisseur
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    what is your cycle history?

  3. #3
    hckykrt91 is offline Associate Member
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    EQ IMO is basically the same as deca , but wont give you the deca dick etc. they are both slow acting and will give you the same results. use it at 400mg for 12 weeks and bump the sustanon up to 13 weeks.

  4. #4
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    If this is your first cycle, I would urge you to do test-only. Otherwise, your cycle as written will work fine. If you have a few cycles behind you already, you could maybe extend by two weeks. Or if you are noid about deca you could go 14 weeks test and 12 or 13 weeks eq for similar effect, same doses as your proposed cycle.

  5. #5
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    yes if this is your 1st do test only 500mg weekly will do fine,sus should be taken eod for best results.

  6. #6
    Jantzen4k's Avatar
    Jantzen4k is offline Anabolic Nittany Lion
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    If this is your first cycle, I would urge you to do test-only. Otherwise, your cycle as written will work fine. If you have a few cycles behind you already, you could maybe extend by two weeks. Or if you are noid about deca you could go 14 weeks test and 12 or 13 weeks eq for similar effect, same doses as your proposed cycle.

    i agree!

  7. #7
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Are you shooting the SUST EOD????

  8. #8
    Blackster1975's Avatar
    Blackster1975 is offline Associate Member
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    ive had one course of deca and sust b4 which i ran for 10 week and crashed and burned after it as i knew nothing of pct or running the sust longer thn the deca. Is EQ easy to get hold of, and is there any othere which i could use just incase my supplier cant get EQ.

  9. #9
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    OOPS I see you said "sust" and somehow my eyes saw "test" meaning cyp or E. Yeah, if you do sust, shoot EOD, definitely. But better yet, get cyp or enanthate . They are cheaper and you can shoot 2x/week to good effect.

    Deca and Eq are used, usually, in similar fashion with similar results. Both are generally used with a long ester test, as a bulking cycle. Both rely on large caloric surplus for best gains. Both give fairly well-kept gains, when stacked with test. The differences are well known but minor and not important for your purposes at this time. The deca/test stack is probably the most popular stack of all. Eq/test is gaining in popularity. Test prop and fina and/or winny is also popular. That stack can be a mild bulker that gives you fairly high quality gains, or a cutter that hardens you up without sacrificing hard-won muscle, depending on your diet. If you are unsure, and you simply will not buy a straight testosterone , you should give serious thought to just shooting your sust EOD or even ED, and forget about stacking anything with it.

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