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  1. #1
    doublewide is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2002

    Winny and Drinking Heavily

    Plan on going on vacation in about a month. I would really like to finish off my current cycle of 500 mgs Sust and 600 mgs EQ per week with two weeks of Winstrol .

    My question is, how long after taking my last shot of Winny will it be OK to start drinking. I am going on vacaction and plan on knocking a few back. Please do not go into how drinking is bad for you and is not good for your gains etc. I may not do the Winny if it is still working over my liver while I am on vacation.

  2. #2
    tanguy is offline Associate Member
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    if you stick to only beer you should be fine. when are you going on vacation? right after the winny? i think winny has a half life of 3 weeks , but not positve. i would say dont get drunk, but a few beers should be fine. beer is mostly water. if your like me you drink a beer and piss a beer. i lost the taste for alcohol though. i use to drink when i was younger and not even thinking about gear. anyways have fun on vacation.

  3. #3
    tanguy is offline Associate Member
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    also i know many guys on cycles who go to clubs and drink every weekend. you will be fine bro. you wont die or anything

  4. #4
    wrj is offline Junior Member
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    The answer you really don't wanna hear is the one I'm gonna give you. Everyone's liver regenerates at differnet rates. The rule of thumb is at least a few months after your levels were elevated that they will come down. The only way to truly know is by having blood tests done. Other than that I think you'd be fine to have some drinks on your vacation, however binge drinking isn't good for the liver wether you cycle or not. Hope you have a good time. Wish I could have a vacation soon

  5. #5
    alevok Guest
    winstrol leaves your body in 12 hours, few beers wont hurt you, drink responsibly

  6. #6
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you are going to drink, just be safe and take some ALA and milk thistle while on the winny and for a few weeks after.

  7. #7
    coaltrain is offline New Member
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    May 2005
    what is ALA?

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