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  1. #1
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    blood pressure question.

    so last week I go for a check up. every thing was good except for blood pressure. it came up as 190 over 95. the doctor told me that is high and checked again. same result. now a week later I go and get checked again, same results. I asked a few questions but got no answers from the doc, or maby I just could not understand him ( aisian fellow).
    so here are my questions:
    1. what should a healthy 28 yr olds bp be around
    2. any tips to bring it down
    3. is it a safe idea to finish my cycle
    4. how worried about this should I be
    thanks all

  2. #2
    STB is offline Junior Member
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    190/95 is high. What are you cycling with? A-drol?

    Your BP should be 120/80 optimally, but it will rise when you are on due to an increase in RBC and water retention. With that, I will tell you that I never registered higher than 155/90, and that was while on cycle AND I foolishly took sudafed to fight a sinus infection. (sudafed skyrockets your BP.)

    As far as what will bring it down, I am thinking your DR will probably presrcibe you something, but hawthorne berry extract has been shown to help BP.


  3. #3
    Mealticket's Avatar
    Mealticket is offline Senior Member
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    i can't imagine that he didnt write you a script right there. Thats dangerously high. Id get a new doc

  4. #4
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dive_kid
    so last week I go for a check up. every thing was good except for blood pressure. it came up as 190 over 95. the doctor told me that is high and checked again. same result. now a week later I go and get checked again, same results. I asked a few questions but got no answers from the doc, or maby I just could not understand him ( aisian fellow).
    so here are my questions:
    1. what should a healthy 28 yr olds bp be around
    2. any tips to bring it down
    3. is it a safe idea to finish my cycle
    4. how worried about this should I be
    thanks all
    1. 120/80
    2. & 4. What does your current cycle look like?
    4. Elevated bp is not something to take lightly

  5. #5
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    even 140/80 it would be fine, the top number doesnt matter so much it is the bottom number(the diastolic) that really counts. right now you have boderline hypertension, it could be much worse, tips to decrese it,
    stop the cycle. and that will solve the problem, increased blood pressure is almost expected when doing a cycle, how much longer do you have left to finish?

  6. #6
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    1st thing i would do is get a doc you can understand. how in the world do you leave the doc not knowing what he said?

  7. #7
    Magnum II's Avatar
    Magnum II is offline Associate Member
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    As others have said, elevated BP is not too surprising during a cycle. I am on a small amount of meds year round these days to keep things in order. Under normal conditions, I now read in the 130/80 area. When on cycle, I expect to see 150/90--with BP meds. Not great, but tolerable for the short duration of a cycle.

    In your case, you can do the obvious things (low sodium diet, steady amount of cardio in your routine, drink ample amounts of water, reduce BF% to as low as possible). However, if you're like most, you won't see significant reductions to your numbers while on gear. My opinion: get the Doc to put you on some BP meds. With your readings and at your age, a Doc will generally start you out at a low dose of an ACE Inhibitor which has very little if any sides to it. Once off cycle, you can reassess and come off the meds if not needed.

    You could, of course, simply choose to end your cycle and reassess your situation. Either way, I would take some action. High BP shouldn't be ignored whether the cause is a temporary one or not.

    Good Luck Bro

  8. #8
    simm's Avatar
    simm is offline Senior Member
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    How is my b/p lookin guys? Had it checked 2day as havin op next week! Came in as 131/88 Age 28 Thanx

  9. #9
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by simm
    How is my b/p lookin guys? Had it checked 2day as havin op next week! Came in as 131/88 Age 28 Thanx
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