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  1. #1
    JuicyJim is offline Junior Member
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    How to fight Post Cycle Blues

    Some or Many people may experience some form of depression, anxiety, paronoia, or just a general down feeling when coming off steroids , i know i have felt some of these systems, Here's my 2 cents on how to overcome the post cycle blues.

    1) PCT- Almost everybody here knows the importance of Post Cycle Therepy, Clomid, Armidiex, Nolvadex, etc. These items will help you maintain gains, and more importantly help your natural test levels get back to where they should be quicker and healthier then going cold turkey.

    2) KEEP HITTING THE GYM- Many people have a feeling of not wanting to go to the gym after a cycle, you have to push through that wall and keep hitting the gym hard, 4-5 times a week. If you want to maintain most of those gains you got while on the cycle then you MUST continue to train, and train hard, as well as eating right.

    3) IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD....RELAX- After my second cycle i had these parnoid feelings i had gotten so much smaller, i would ask everybody "hey man do i look smaller" and 98% of the people said no. Even though i did pct and kept hitting the gym i had this overall feeling that i was so much smaller and it made me depressed. Over a couple of weeks of feeling like total shit i realized most of it was in my head, i was still big, just not as big as i was during the cycle...WHICH IS NORMAL, so relax calm down and fight through the wall.

    4) FEELING REALLY DEPRESSED?- If you are having extreme feelings of depression or anxiety then you might wanna try (under doctor supervision)going on some form of anti-depressent, like Zanex or zoloft. I went on Zanex for 2 months becuase of feelings of anxiety, this helped me out alot and it may help others who are feeling similiar systems. Remember your goal should not to permently use these drugs, and only use them under doctor supervision, and with support from your family, spouse, etc.

  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    also take your clomid just before bed this help's

  3. #3
    Dally's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    also take your clomid just before bed this help's

    why just before bed? specifically?

  4. #4
    co2boi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    why just before bed? specifically?
    Good question.
    Great post though. It is indeed hard times...clomid really fuks with my mind.

  5. #5
    Dally's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    Good question.
    Great post though. It is indeed hard times...clomid really fuks with my mind.

    Im on the fukin piss right now, and for christ sakes I gotta say, Im a borderline fukin lunatic right now...

    very VERY up and down....

    one minute I wanna FLIP OUT and the next I wanna have a nappie.

  6. #6
    co2boi's Avatar
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    No kidding bro. When I'm on that shit I start crying at car commercials and junk...I swear my wife is having at least one affair and I'm just not stable. There's gotta be a better way...think I will try some ULTRA H.O.T this time around.

  7. #7
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    Im on the fukin piss right now, and for christ sakes I gotta say, Im a borderline fukin lunatic right now...

    very VERY up and down....

    one minute I wanna FLIP OUT and the next I wanna have a nappie.

    I havent tried taking it at night myself yet but I was going to next pct. I heard Phreezer say it helps with the sides. I get the same way on clomid.

  8. #8
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    why just before bed? specifically?
    Even though the halflife is long the sides seemingly come on strong after it gets into the system. I also use this method as the sides are not as prevelant when taking before sleep. I have not documentation but from experience from both using split, AM, or PM and found PM to be the easiest protocol.

    To be fair I even stopped clomid before and sides stopped as well. The reason I did this was because others said the sides were from hormones dropping only... While some of this is true when stopping clomid sides stopped. Just as taking clomid before retiring the sides were less prevelant and not as frequent.

  9. #9
    Dally's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=co2boi]I swear my wife is having at least one affair and I'm just not stable. [QUOTE]


    sorry mang, I can't believe she told you about me... and that midget.

  10. #10
    Dally's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Even though the halflife is long the sides seemingly come on strong after it gets into the system. I also use this method as the sides are not as prevelant when taking before sleep. I have not documentation but from experience from both using split, AM, or PM and found PM to be the easiest protocol.

    To be fair I even stopped clomid before and sides stopped as well. The reason I did this was because others said the sides were from hormones dropping only... While some of this is true when stopping clomid sides stopped. Just as taking clomid before retiring the sides were less prevelant and not as frequent.

    hmmm, thats what I figured.

    Im going to take it about 2 hours before I retire for the evening gentlemen.

  11. #11
    co2boi's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Dally][QUOTE=co2boi]I swear my wife is having at least one affair and I'm just not stable.


    sorry mang, I can't believe she told you about me... and that midget.

    Well, she wouldn't tell me who, but I guess I know now. Damnit, now I gotta go somewhere and cry...

  12. #12
    JdFlex's Avatar
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    I never really get any clomid sides. I used to use the 300/100/50 split and the 300 would give my visual blurring, which was really cool. But now I just do 100mg for 30 days. I do feel a little more emotionally sensitive while watching tv, but that's about it. Oh and the clomid loads. Dam those are crazy.

  13. #13
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    i fight post cycle by not....i mean dont come off lol

  14. #14
    JdFlex's Avatar
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    Also, cialis is nice to have on hand during PCT for us older guys. Gotta keep the little misses happy!

  15. #15
    Josey Wales's Avatar
    Josey Wales is offline Associate Member
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    As was said above take Clomid before bed so the sides peak while you are sleeping. This way if you want to kill or cry, you'll only do so in dreamland.

    For depression, anti-depressants like Zoloft, Paxil, etc . . . ., are good, but they have their own sides. They make a lot of people fat and impotent. Welbutrin is probably better. It does not cause sexual side effects and its weight neutral. Personally, I use St. Johns Wort, SAMe and DHEA. There is medical evidence to support the efficacy of these compounds in treating depression. Also, DHEA is not HPTA suppressive in low doses, such as the ones used to treat depression. A lot of people use DHEA along with Clomid and Nolva during PCT.

  16. #16
    punchrf's Avatar
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    i seem to always extend cycle when it gets around the time to come off. i know what pct does for me mentally and also physically. i have been known to make 10 week cycles become 22 weeks. the only problem is it just makes it harder to get back to normal. clomid wierds me out. i'll get up in the middle of the night and walk around the house because i had a nightmare and i'm thinking someones in my house.

  17. #17
    SprinterOne's Avatar
    SprinterOne is offline Senior Member
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    Damn, this post is going to make newbies like me not want to do any PCT, lol. In all seriousness though, I am glad I came across this thread. I will definitely take my Clomid before bed now.

  18. #18
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good post juicy!

  19. #19
    Deezuhl is offline Anabolic Member
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    # 2 is the one that gets me.. I am so much more motivated when i am sticking myself. I have to push myself to go when i am off cycle.. Also the clomid fvcks with my head too. Makes me hallucinate and have weird dreams at night..

  20. #20
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    yeah - taking clomid before bed saved me during my last PCT - makes it waaay more bearable
    also I agree with Meso - I believe that although the post cycle drop in test prolly makes you feel bad (depressed) clomid itself directly causes some of the emotional probs - my evidence is that I've taken clomid during some of my ( test ) cycles & have experienced these same emotional probs even with loads of test in my body.

  21. #21
    Recklace's Avatar
    Recklace is offline Associate Member
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    Weed is a another way to make it through your PCT

  22. #22
    Dally's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Recklace
    Weed is a another way to make it through your PCT

    yah so is crack.....

  23. #23
    Heracles74's Avatar
    Heracles74 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    yah so is crack.....
    Well hell... if we are going to go this route, I suggest grabbing a high caliber handgun, such as a .44 magnum, inserting the barrel end into your mouth and pulling the trigger.
    Make sure you get your whole mouth around the barell. Don't miss. That should take care of it. That should take care of ALL your blues.

    No - this was not a suggestion for JuicyJim at all...just adding to recklace and Dally's thoughts...

  24. #24
    taquipariu's Avatar
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    Great Stuff. Better if you have someone that gives you a reson for living...

    Quote Originally Posted by JuicyJim
    Some or Many people may experience some form of depression, anxiety, paronoia, or just a general down feeling when coming off steroids , i know i have felt some of these systems, Here's my 2 cents on how to overcome the post cycle blues.

    1) PCT- Almost everybody here knows the importance of Post Cycle Therepy, Clomid, Armidiex, Nolvadex, etc. These items will help you maintain gains, and more importantly help your natural test levels get back to where they should be quicker and healthier then going cold turkey.

    2) KEEP HITTING THE GYM- Many people have a feeling of not wanting to go to the gym after a cycle, you have to push through that wall and keep hitting the gym hard, 4-5 times a week. If you want to maintain most of those gains you got while on the cycle then you MUST continue to train, and train hard, as well as eating right.

    3) IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD....RELAX- After my second cycle i had these parnoid feelings i had gotten so much smaller, i would ask everybody "hey man do i look smaller" and 98% of the people said no. Even though i did pct and kept hitting the gym i had this overall feeling that i was so much smaller and it made me depressed. Over a couple of weeks of feeling like total shit i realized most of it was in my head, i was still big, just not as big as i was during the cycle...WHICH IS NORMAL, so relax calm down and fight through the wall.

    4) FEELING REALLY DEPRESSED?- If you are having extreme feelings of depression or anxiety then you might wanna try (under doctor supervision)going on some form of anti-depressent, like Zanex or zoloft. I went on Zanex for 2 months becuase of feelings of anxiety, this helped me out alot and it may help others who are feeling similiar systems. Remember your goal should not to permently use these drugs, and only use them under doctor supervision, and with support from your family, spouse, etc.

  25. #25
    co2boi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heracles74
    Well hell... if we are going to go this route, I suggest grabbing a high caliber handgun, such as a .44 magnum, inserting the barrel end into your mouth and pulling the trigger.
    Make sure you get your whole mouth around the barell. Don't miss. That should take care of it. That should take care of ALL your blues.

    No - this was not a suggestion for JuicyJim at all...just adding to recklace and Dally's thoughts...
    Be my luck I'd fuking live through it...

  26. #26
    ryan9101's Avatar
    ryan9101 is offline Associate Member
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    Very good post man. Im sure many of us including myself, have been there.

  27. #27
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    No kidding bro. When I'm on that shit I start crying at car commercials and junk...I swear my wife is having at least one affair and I'm just not stable. There's gotta be a better way...think I will try some ULTRA H.O.T this time around.
    At least once during a PCT I explode in a rage... but then I remember... its the friggin clomid, keep your cool... go smoke a big ole doobie, get happy again. I have tried PCTs with and without tongkat Ali... the PCT's are WAY harder without the tongkat... at least tongkat ali, if started 1 week before you start the clomid... your depression period in PCT, or at least in my case, lasts only about a total of 3 days before a noticable recovery. Grant it tongkat will significantly lower your SHBG's so that you can get free testosterone out of very small testosterone production so this helps at least get you out of the depressive period, although I am not going to tell you your sex drive is fully restored... it may take until clomid has completed its end and then you of course stay on the tongkat for at least 30 days after clomid has completed.

    My only problem was when I got off the tongkat ali, the sex drive takes a second drop although you still are not back to depressed... tongkat increases your natural testosterone production HCG style but without HTPA shutdown or suppression, but when you end the tongkat, you sort of loose that artificial boost to your natural production. For me I found I never lost more then 5 lbs of water weight in PCT but when I ended the tongkat approximately 2 months after the last injection, thats when a second tumble in weight occurs and loose off another 5 lbs.

  28. #28
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.

    What dosage do you recommend for the Tongkat ?

  29. #29
    Unoid is offline Member
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    CLomid is some crazy stuff.
    This is my first pct (first cycle also) and after the first 3 -4 days of clmoid its really hitting me good. I'll get all sensitive and teary eyed watching tv, or reading something sad lol!
    even broke down crying to my ex-gf (alcohol does not mix well with clomid) I'm already on trib and tongkat at least, hopefully these sides won't last too long!

  30. #30
    lifter05 is offline Junior Member
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    wow nice thread, gonna get my clomid from that banner on this site top right, anyone get it from there, also is there any difference in the liquid form which they sell compared to the pill form?

  31. #31
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
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    i get distrustful. wife is cheating, friends are lying... and verrryyy emotional. i rarely come off and if i do its with hcg now although still working on that one

  32. #32
    Taurus is offline Member
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    when u say take clomid before bed, i understand taking the clomid before bed on the last 10 days cuz ur only popping 1 pill. but what about the first day of clomid when ur popping 6 pills and the subsequent 10 days when ur popping 2 pills a day? can u take those before bed all in one go too?

  33. #33
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deezuhl
    # 2 is the one that gets me.. I am so much more motivated when i am sticking myself. I have to push myself to go when i am off cycle.. Also the clomid fvcks with my head too. Makes me hallucinate and have weird dreams at night..
    I couldnt agree more, clomid at night=fuc'd up dreams!

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