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Thread: Mod Help ?

  1. #1
    55CID is offline Junior Member
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    Unhappy Mod Help ?

    I am in my 6th weak of deca 400 mg /test 450 per weak and seem to have no sides like acne oiley skin agression my fellas have puled tight but dont stay up all the time I would think thay should. For my first cycle I thought I would blow up like prety quickley. My gear is legit from a co. in fl. I have ben told that it was by a few all redy on this sight. If somthing doesent happen soon Im guna call scamer on these muther F'ers. On the scamers section can You just post ther name or does a mod have to. This is a very big co. and thay have a licence in fl. and every thing. so I dont know why im not seeing results. I will call my sales rep and talk with him about some new gear but if he tells me that im out of luck can i tell him Im going to list his co. on our scammer page if he doesent help me in some way ? I payed way too much for my gear to let this happen This sucks I am in a situation wheir I need to gain lean mass and get lean quick so my new prosetic leg will fit for a long time.

  2. #2
    scotttiger54's Avatar
    scotttiger54 is offline Senior Member
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    bro just shoot any mod a pm for a source check. most will be more than happy to take a look into it

  3. #3
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada Ehh...
    well, Im not a mod but I can give you a few ideas.
    1. test and deca take around 4 weeks to kick in. so it will be around now you will start to get the effects of the gear your on.
    2. This is the most important, DIET, DIET, DIET. if that is not good you will get nothing from your cycle.
    3. Trainning and rest. are you getting lots of sleep and are you working out hard?

  4. #4
    Tazwell's Avatar
    Tazwell is offline Senior Member
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    you said in your first post.. it's a trusted company.. mabey it's you
    dive kid gave some great advice, especially about the diet..
    if this company is selective scamming, you'll have to get you gear tested first before you can put them on any scammer list anyway.. if your dead set it's bunk shit, send it to get tested.

  5. #5
    Charged_UP is offline Associate Member
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    Well i would say u are doing something wrong. Maybe ur right and its crap and basically u can list them if that makes u feel better. Or ur thinking that juice is just something u take and just wait to get big off without effort. It has taken me 5 years to get to 260 from about 160, and im in my 20s, I dont mind test but with me it just reacts now with side effects very easily. If i just look at a bottle i gain weight. Where in Florida is it from. If its South Fla thats shitty luck, cus there are a lot of good people there willing to make their clients happy. But then makes me wonder, if it was from South Fla who is it ur talking about also the brand they gave, and the price. Not that i plan on doing anything myself for a while cus im satisfied. Just want to see who is pulling this crap off and maybe can guess who it is just in interest. The brand normally helps tell one a lot. Most stick with thier same, brands even if they are bullshit or not, cus thats all they can get. But some people have a nice buffet to pick away at and always serve a good meal. If u have ever visited the beach here you can see right away that there is more oil in the people than on the suntan oil on the outside of them.

  6. #6
    55CID is offline Junior Member
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    hay TASWELL thanks for the info do you know wheir to send it off hand ? CHARGED UP thanks for your info as well the co. is in Deerfield beach fl. and there are to words in ther name and the first leter in each of them is p and m and ther writen all in one word not two. dont know if its south or north. their gear is not of a brand but it is a compound pharmacey and it is their own brand. if you wana know more pm me please. But I can promis you all I am not one that thinks just taking the juce will make me big when I lift I lift like my life depended on it. My diet may need inprovement but I ceartenley eat alot of complex carbs with chicken, beef,fish lots of proteen. Proteen suplements and so on. May be more sleep is in order but I dont think so. Thank you all ! and more info is allways welcome.

  7. #7
    Charged_UP is offline Associate Member
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    Have u taken juice before. That is located in Deerfield and I am wondering y u dont just say the name. Mostly it is interesting that people can actually get chicago clients, as i see ur from, and manage to sell what probably serves more use cooking with. I dont know the scene up there dude, so i cant help u. I also know the rules here so thats about my extent to that issue. As for my input, if i stumbled onto almost just about all products since i was a little 18 yr old entering the gym without a clue of what machine to use, u can too. I have seen a lot of fakes from various sources, but one can only step back and just see if somebody with less care decides to give it a wirl and just check on him from time to time. Hey u didnt tell him to use it. My first usage was a beautiful sterris enanthate given to me by some kid trying to make a buck. After being ripped off pretty bad, i luckily just used it, having not a clue what i was in for, and just grew like a weed. I then of course started to read just about whatever i could on the subject. Stick with the main companies, and learn to allow other eager people jab themselves while u train and observe thier progress.

  8. #8
    55CID is offline Junior Member
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    CHARGED UP no I have never done a cycle before. I dont think im alowed to print the name but ill do it like this first name power and the last name medica all speled in one word. As if all this shi# wasent enuf I have goten sick in the last couple hours I thought i was earleyer but wasent shure now the back of my throght is soar and my nose is runing this is bullshi# your imune system is supposed to be kick ass when on cycle I think I fuc%ing got riped off. When I shoot one day later the muscle that I shot in hurts so F ing bad for two days I can barley move the thing. And beleave me when I say it hurts real bad I PROMICE YOU I am no stranger to pain. I am so pised off right now I cant sleep.

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