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Hey bro,
I would like to say, that check with your doc and make sure that's 100% a ganglion but it looks like it is. I had one developing on the top side of my right hand. I did some research and found out one way they treat those instead of surgery is by poping it with a needle. I myself did it, and it's been 2 years and nothing so far. I took a 22gauge needle, stuck it in the cyst(it did not feel that great, didnt hurt but uncomfortable). Its fluid filled, in my case the fluid was jelly like, some people report more of a watery substance. Anyhow, I hit it with a 22gauge needle, sucked out some of the jelly substance(very little, wouldnt go through the needle). I ended up poking the area about 4-5times to make sure it had holes in it then I rubbed my wrist for a good 40minutes to get the remaining fluid out of the sac(aka the cyst), then I heated it up with a heating pad to hopefully get the fluid to reenter my system elsewhere or just leave it compeltely. This only has a 50% success rate as any doctor will tell you. That fluid can come back and knot up once again, but like I said, I didn't have $3000 for the surgery nor the down time so I did what some doctors do, asperate it with a needle. Hope this helps.