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  1. #1
    duke911 is offline Junior Member
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    yet another cycle question

    hello everyone, first real post so please be patient with me. I am 34 y.o. and I am finally feeling the effects of aging so I am doing as much research as possible. I know for a fact that I will do a cycle but I am in no hurry to start. I want to make sure everything is in place, training, gear, etc. So here is my question....I have been reading a lot about var and tbol only cycles lately. But what about stacking them with test...maybe a low dosage. I like what i am hearing about both of these, however, lots of people on this board also recommend test with every cycle. Normally I would just refer back to hookers profiles but their not back yet. Any experiences/advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance to everyone.

    oh yeah, I am also 5'10 and 178lbs. I would be looking to add about 10 lbs of quality muscle without too much water, etc.

  2. #2
    tonytone's Avatar
    tonytone is offline Anabolic Member
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    i have never run var or tbol, but if and when i do, i would definitely stack with some test...for your first cycle and the gains you want, i would do
    test-e at 500 mg/week weeks 1-10
    anavar at 50mg ED weeks 4-10
    nolva and arimidex will help w the water retention, but whatever fat/water you are holding at the end will melt away easily w a good diet/cardio routine

  3. #3
    duke911 is offline Junior Member
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    hey thanks tony. Just wondering why the anavar over the tbol. the tbol is much less expensive, but... i'll spend it if its the right thing for the job. Or maybe they are more different than I thought? Thnks for the help

  4. #4
    duke911 is offline Junior Member
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  5. #5
    SprinterOne's Avatar
    SprinterOne is offline Senior Member
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    If your goal is to add muscle without too much water I wouldn't run var. It's expensive and not a mass builder. With that said, I don't see the reason for running tbol or var for your goals. Neither of them are used for gaining mass, especially when you could just use test.

    I would just run test and throw in some clen towards the end of your cycle to help with water/fat loss. Of course, I am a bit of a novice so someone may come up with a better combo.

  6. #6
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have never used var, but from what I hear it is a good hardener with small lean gains.
    in my opinion test should be run with every cycle. Var is not as harsh but it will shut down natural test production.
    500mg/week of test would be a great start. if diet and training are good you will be happy. If you dont mind everyday injections useing test prop will keep water bloat as low as it can get. a little nolva during cycle will help too.

  7. #7
    duke911 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for all the input. This site rocks as always. I will research further and let you know on what i decide, whenever that is.

  8. #8
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Try test only for your first cycle. You won't be disappointed. It will cost less and give you a basic understanding of how AAS work. Have the nolva on hand but for your first cycle, hold it in reserve so you can get an idea of whether or not you are specially prone to gyno. Don't worry too much about the water weight... it comes off by itself at the end of the cycle. The extra fluid can actually help protect your joints and give you the feeling of increased strength. Normally it is a good idea to run a low dose of nolva for its many benefits, but for your first cycle, just have it ready in case you need it.

    Test C or E 300 to 500mg/week, shooting twice a week, for 10 or 12 weeks followed by a proper pct will work great for you if your diet and training are up to snuff. This is nice and simple, and you are not poking yourself all the time or stressing your liver.

  9. #9
    duke911 is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah, a test only cycle is starting to sound better and better. Especially the prices! I could always do a var or winny cycle next year to do a little cutting if i needed too. I would take nolva ed throughout cause I am prone to gyno. I had it sucked out last year and dont want to pay for that crap again.

  10. #10
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    i would also suggest a test only cycle for a 1st,see how you react to it alone,then in future cycles you can add compounds and see how each in turn affect you!

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