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  1. #1
    Bamboo is offline New Member
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    Apr 2002

    Question need help with this cycle...

    hey guys, I'm a newbie and I need some help getting my cycle together...I'm 6ft 192ish 32yrs...I did my first cycle 2 yrs ago to put on some muscle...sust and d-bol...I put on 28 lbs and kept I need to put on 10-15lbs and get cut like I've never body can tolerate stuff pretty good...I can get most test(sust,cyp,prop), deca , equi, winny, d-bol and maybe fina...and I'd like to do about a 10 week cycle...
    I was thinking of starting with deca, sust(or other test), and maybe d-bol and finishing with equi and winny...but I need help on how much and which weeks, etc.(and instead of deca is it best to run equi on the full cycle?)

    And I need advise on what other stuff to take with this cycle too(clomid, novladex, proviron , arimidex , etc.)
    Also, where can I get good diet info?
    Any other helpful info is greatly appreciated...

    I'm probably gonna start in 2 weeks...


  2. #2
    DrStacks is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002
    bro, If you can get most things and at your age with one stack under your belt you have sooooo many possiblities to get huge gains. If you want to gain 10-15 pounds and it be rock hard and cut you can do one of the most simple cycles...fina/trenbol 75 by ttokkyo. I have done a stack of that stuff and it gave me a cut hard heavy striated 12 pounds which I only lost 3 pounds of. Amazing stuff but expensive, I get it straight from the factory with barely any mark-up and I payed over 140 for one bottle. Or you can also go with a stack which I made for a buddy of mine:
    test prop weeks 1-5
    equipoise weeks 1-8
    d-bol weeks 1+2
    winny weeks 4-8

    The D-Bol will give you a boost with that test prop which has low water retention for a testosterone . the water retention from the D-Bol will be at a minimum and be gone by the end of the 4th week. the test props water retention will be gone by week 9 and the equi is a good slow quality gainer which will guide you throughout while the winny in the last 4 or 5 weeks will get you hard and help with the water retention as well. take one nolvadex and one proviron tab during test and d-bol and then after the test prop you start HCG 3,000 IU every 5 days. clomid three weeks after, for a term of 10 days or so. the reason why you dont want to take any test stimulants right after the D-Bol is because it is a short period/BOOST and a decent estrogen level by itself will help put on the weight. high estrogen is actually a key part in weight gaining, that is why nolva and proviron is concidered to take away slightly from gains ( I dont believe it is that bad). I have about 40 or 45 really really well designed stacks which are both anabolicaly, genetically, and biologically sound designs (spent alot of time talking to doctors and trainers and buddies who have years of experience) .

  3. #3
    hulk101's Avatar
    hulk101 is offline Junior Member
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    sounds like the good DR knows what he is talking about.... heed his advice bamboo....

  4. #4
    Bamboo is offline New Member
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    Apr 2002

    What if I add sus?

    Hey Doc, thank's for the cycle and the rest of the info! I'm looking forward to getting started. I was just wondering what would be the difference if I did the following, which I found on this forum:

    sust weeks 1-11
    equipoise weeks 1-10
    test prop weeks 1-4(for a kickstart, instead of d-bol)
    winny 7-12

    Would I gain too much weight? Or would I not get as cut as I want?

    Thanks for the help!

  5. #5
    murph's Avatar
    murph is offline Member
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    welcome to A.R. bro that is just a taste of what you'll learn if you hang around a while, fairly new myself and i'm hooked I cant get off this damn PC anymore....knowledge is ..

  6. #6
    Bamboo is offline New Member
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    Apr 2002
    I see what you much info, and so many's great to have some guidance in using AS from people who have real first-hand knowledge...I do need some input on the last cycle I found, though...

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails need help with this cycle...-camouflage.gif  

  7. #7
    DrStacks is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002
    yeah bro, (Bamboo), that should be a good stack, very similar in that the Sos will mimic the properties of the D-Bol. I would reduce the amount of time you are that Sos though. All these anabolic steroids are very receptor oriented. You have to remember your receptor cites will be going hay wire?
    This is what they see...#@$%^!&*^...and that is week one! For only your second stack keep it slightly more simple. Only one "stretch" should be used which the equi is what you want. Don't take the Sos as your stretch. Sos hits cites hard and quickly(timed release). I would take the Sos for only weeks 1-6, 11 is three months practically! After week 8 or 9 your RC's will be saying I'm in hell! The rest is perfect. About the cut portion, you will never get as cut as you want off a bulking cycle, which this has some ingredients of. The Sos and Test prop are more bulking cycle related. The Sos will have water retention but not as bad as cypionate or enanthate . The reason why I use D-Bol in that stack is it is almost immediately active, causing power rages during your workout within a day or two which will help you rip rip rip away. Sos is good also so shouldnt matter too much. In this cycle you will need tons of protein throughout. I would say keep it to 200grams a day or more if possible, lots of carbs for the first 6 weeks. Lots of calories for the first 6-7 weeks. Caloric intake at 3500 if your a big eater shouldn't be too hard. The equi and test prop will be your key factors. the equi is going to shovel protein like crazy and the prop will add good mass with little water retention. the last three weeks cut your diet and go into a cutting phase. Less calories and high protein. Change excercise up. for the first 6 weeks no cardio! low reps high weight! then after 6 weeks high reps (exmpl. -15) low weight! and more cardio. As long as you hate the next 10 weeks because you hate the protein shakes and the 2 hours at the gym and eating more than you want you will be fine. remember the bulking then the cutting afterwards. TWO TOTALLY SEPERATE.

  8. #8
    Bamboo is offline New Member
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    Apr 2002
    Hey doc, thanks again for all the good if I could just find some clomid,nolvadex ,proviron and HCG ...nothing's ever easy...I guess that's the way I like it...I'll update you when I get started...

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