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  1. #1
    Justarting is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2003

    Burnt out androgen receptors?

    Alright guys, so here is my predicament. Stupid as it sounds, I have been cycling a bit of everything for the past 2 years... with some time off in between here and there and very little gains to show for it. Now, HOPEFULLY the reason for this is because my diet has been not up to par. I've been in such a mess of a cutting cycle for the past year (almost a sort of... too often cheating to lose weight type thing). It's difficult to phrase this question because im not really sure what it is I am asking. But basically, say I were to start a decent cycle right now, say test/tren /eq with frontloading prop, and I really switched up my diet to what I KNOW is a proper diet (yes I do know what a good diet for anabolic muscle gain is, I've just neglected it in an improper attempt at cutting) would my receptors still respond to this gear and give me the benefits it SHOULD have been giving me in the past year had I eaten properly? I guess I'm just basically really asking, will anabolics still work for me, considring as I haven't gained any weight in the past year from misuse of them?

  2. #2
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    man if I were you I'd just go without the drugs for now. Go awhile with just proper diet etc and see how far you can get. Then get back into aas later on. There are alot of guys who run much more gear than me who can give you better advice. I'm just suggesting that if you aren't progressing, then I'd say stop juicing.

  3. #3
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    i took a 1 year break, ill let ya know how its workin for me soon!

  4. #4
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Your receptors will respond to you all your life. Remeber, all males have testosterone throughout their life, although declining with age. They dont burn out unless you have a special genitic condition, which you would know by now if you did because you would basically be a female physologically.

  5. #5
    Justarting is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
    Your receptors will respond to you all your life. Remeber, all males have testosterone throughout their life, although declining with age. They dont burn out unless you have a special genitic condition, which you would know by now if you did because you would basically be a female physologically.

    Basically you're implying then that, pro bodybuilders, ie. those who cycle all year, and who no longer make muscle gains are not making gains because it is impossible for their body to synthesize new protein because of reasons other than burnt out androgen receptors?

  6. #6
    j martini is offline Member
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    Established pro bodybuilders dont make dramatic gains because there bodys have developed about as much muscle as they possibly can. There still might be growth although it might only be 1-2pound of muscle a year.

    Gains will slow down over time as you get closer to your genetic max, now im talking muscle not just weight any body can eat like a pig and gain 50 pound only to diet down and find the same amount of lean tissue that they had before.

  7. #7
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    yes, the body can only take so much..homeostasis, that is, the body likes to be in equillibrium

    there becomes a limit of how much you can intake to keep up with the anabolic reactions (reguardless of exengonous hormones)

    yes they can synthesis protiens, if they didnt they would shrink. however the key is that the rate of synthesis will eventually equal that of what is required to keep the body at the current it becomes nearly impossible to add even more..sure you can, but as you see before your eyes, not much. as new drugs and new methods come out, you do see a bit more and more over a longer span of time, as you can see the change from the 80s to current reflect this

    more or less, what martini has stated

  8. #8
    russia dog's Avatar
    russia dog is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justarting
    Basically you're implying then that, pro bodybuilders, ie. those who cycle all year, and who no longer make muscle gains are not making gains because it is impossible for their body to synthesize new protein because of reasons other than burnt out androgen receptors?

    i think..... it is impossible to gain more muscle due to the diet:: they already push their diet to the extreme:::: 10000 cal a day?? id on;t think dey can take anymore::: if they consume like 100,000 cal a day, i think dey'll still grow massively off as big as a gorrillas. just a thought..

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