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  1. #1
    SprinterOne's Avatar
    SprinterOne is offline Senior Member
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    "No Test, No Cycle"

    I see a lot of threads were someone is running a cycle without test and invariably a response like "no test, no cycle" will pop up. Everyone seems to think test needs to be run in every cycle. Why is this? From what I know about test it causes weight gain and water retention. So what if someone was cutting, is test good for that? What if they are an athlete who competes in a weight class and can't afford to gain much weight, is test good for that? Or waht if all they are looking for is a boost in strength with minimal weight gain and water retention, is test good for that?

    So why should test be run in every cycle? What is it about test that seems to make it ideal no matter what the goal of the cycles are? Or do most people just assume everyone on here is trying to get huge from their cycles?

  2. #2
    szav's Avatar
    szav is offline Junior Member
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    Most gear will shut you down(natural testosterone levels ). Some harder than others. That's why you want to add test to your cycle. You can use Test Prop if your concerned with water retention.

    What kind of cycle do you plan on using? What are your stats?

  3. #3
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    Test is what makes the body grow. when steroids are taken, natural test production
    will get shut down. with no test in the body you will suffer from side effects like lethargy LIMP DICK, lack of agression and just general well being.
    if you run test in your cycles you will not encounter these problems. Infact you will feel great.
    yes test can retain water but there is ways around that. Use of anti-e's will keep the bloat down. or you can use test prop. is is a fast acting ester that does not make you hold as much water as test-e or cyp

  4. #4
    SprinterOne's Avatar
    SprinterOne is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by szav
    Most gear will shut you down(natural testosterone levels ). Some harder than others. That's why you want to add test to your cycle. You can use Test Prop if your concerned with water retention.

    What kind of cycle do you plan on using? What are your stats?
    Well, I really was just asking because I couldn't understand how this compound could be ideal for every situation.

    I'm an athlete and I can't afford to gain much more weight. It's not that I compete in a weight class or anything, but for my sport I am at a good weight. If anything, I may be a little heavy. Anyways, I am currently running just var at 40mg/ed for 5 weeks (I am on week 3). I have seen some very nice results with this in terms of muscle hardness, vascularity and strength. I also have Clomid for PCT.

    I was thinking of running a test/var cycle next time, but I am concerned about water retention and weight gain. I thought about running prop but I am concerned about the pains. I can't afford to miss training because my quad is to sore or whatever. I would rather not use then miss training, my off-season is too short to be wasting it. Any thoughts?

    Oh ya, for my stats I am very lean and muscular. I am 5' 10", 175lbs., ~8% bf. I have been lifting weights for 10 years off and on. In the last three years I have been lifting pretty seriously to improve in athletics.
    Last edited by SprinterOne; 07-15-2005 at 09:38 PM.

  5. #5
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    prop and var would be great for lean hard gains. prop will keep the bloat down.
    prop does not need to be painfull. buy from a good ugl and you should have no problem. or brew your own. mine does not hurt a bit. if it is a little sore, you can cut it with b-12 or sterial oil.

  6. #6
    szav's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SprinterOne
    Well, I really was just asking because I couldn't understand how this compound could be ideal for every situation.

    I'm an athlete and I can't afford to gain much more weight. It's not that I compete in a weight class or anything, but for my sport I am at a good weight. If anything, I may be a little heavy. Anyways, I am currently running just var at 40mg/ed for 5 weeks (I am on week 3). I have seen some very nice results with this in terms of muscle hardness, vascularity and strength. I also have Clomid for PCT.

    I was thinking of running a test/var cycle next time, but I am concerned about water retention and weight gain. I thought about running prop but I am concerned about the pains. I can't afford to miss training because my quad is to sore or whatever. I would rather not use then miss training, my off-season is too short to be wasting it. Any thoughts?
    Test/Var cycle is a good lean cycle. Everyone is different when it comes to Test Prop and pain. I've used Test Prop(viromones). They were smooth injects with no pain. Try to cut it with some B12 if Prop is to painfull.

  7. #7
    SprinterOne's Avatar
    SprinterOne is offline Senior Member
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    Should I still run Nolva during the cycle to help with water retention? Or will the var take care of that?

  8. #8
    DrugsrGood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SprinterOne
    Well, I really was just asking because I couldn't understand how this compound could be ideal for every situation.
    Ita not that it is ideal for every situation, but rather, necessary. Steroids are hormones similiar to testosterone . When you take them, your recognizes it as a dramatic increase in testosterone, and shuts its own production down. Some more than others. Testosterone is necessary for things divekid mentioned....sexual function and in general, well being. When you are pumping yourself full of synthetic test, and your body stops producing true testosterone, you need to replace it. Otherwise you will notice many of steroids more unwanted sideffects. Believe it or not, its up to you. As far as water retention goes, try propionate ester with ante-e, increased water consumption, and decreased sodium intake. You should notice very little retention.

  9. #9
    chris2wire is offline Member
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    Im very skeptical of the claims that test helps with things other than muscle gain...

    Remember, this is synthetic test, not real test. Its as foreign to your body as eq or tren would be. I believe test giving a sense of well being and helping with libido is completely placebo effect and not true at all. This is a foreign substance not at all like your own natural test.

    I have NO libido on test, nor do I have much energy, and its probably because I know better than to believe that stuff and fall victim to the placebo effect.

    (For safety reasons Ill point out this is strictly opinion, but it makes complete sense)

  10. #10
    dive_kid's Avatar
    dive_kid is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Im very skeptical of the claims that test helps with things other than muscle gain...

    Remember, this is synthetic test, not real test. Its as foreign to your body as eq or tren would be. I believe test giving a sense of well being and helping with libido is completely placebo effect and not true at all. This is a foreign substance not at all like your own natural test.

    I have NO libido on test, nor do I have much energy, and its probably because I know better than to believe that stuff and fall victim to the placebo effect.

    (For safety reasons Ill point out this is strictly opinion, but it makes complete sense)
    have you ever run a cycle with out test?
    I have, and will never do it again. I felt like a bag of shit.
    I dont understand how you can have no libido on test. most bros are a walking boner. you are the first person I have ever heard that does not feel better on test. yes it is synthetic, but with out useing it, with out a doubt you wont be as well off.

  11. #11
    DrugsrGood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    Im very skeptical of the claims that test helps with things other than muscle gain...

    Remember, this is synthetic test, not real test. Its as foreign to your body as eq or tren would be. I believe test giving a sense of well being and helping with libido is completely placebo effect and not true at all. This is a foreign substance not at all like your own natural test.

    I have NO libido on test, nor do I have much energy, and its probably because I know better than to believe that stuff and fall victim to the placebo effect.

    (For safety reasons Ill point out this is strictly opinion, but it makes complete sense)
    Ok, first ill start by saying it IS real test.... it(suspension) is the exact same hormone your body produces. others are simply attached to different esters for time release effect. Secondly, Ectstacy tends to give me a sense of well being. Is it "placebo effect"? Furthermore, go to a doctor and ask the professional what some signs of low testosterone levels are. Whats that you say...they are exactly the ones mentioned in this thread?! If you have no libido on test, I would sooner expect it to be a secondary sideffect like say...elevated shgb levels(just an example). not necessarily the test itself. Everybody is different. I am somewhat experienced with different hormones, and promise you, placebo effect doesnt affect me. I no longer sit around looking for signs that my gear might be kicking in after day 2. I have done many cycles with and without test, and have found by the end of cycles without, I get every last symptom mentioned above...lethargy, depression, loss of libido to name a few...and this was long before I ever jumped on the test is best bandwagon....or even heard of it for that matter.

  12. #12
    Irishguy22 is offline Junior Member
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    I amno where close to a experienced guy but my frist cycle i ran no test just tren this is a bad example cause tren shuts you down hardcore but take it from me you need test you don't wanna deal with the side effects of it. you will still have gains but just throw in some test. test prop you will not put on water weight. Unless you wanna disappoint the ladies you need test.

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